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RE:3 RE3 Directors Cut

I honestly don't think the game is any smaller than RE:2. This is all due to the difference in design: if RE:2 is designed around exploration and backtracking, RE:3 uses linear episodes with a fast pace. Because of this difference, you complete both games in a very different amount of time.

I think if developers prioritized traditional design more often and would not abandon the clock tower, they would receive much less criticism.

But maybe Capcom really intends to add something, since the game does not stop receiving new branches in Steam.

To be fair, other RE Engine titles also receive branches, but RE:3 still receives more.
Re2 2019 is seen bigger to many mainly cause it has 4 scenarios. It cut plenty of stuff and made quite amount of changes storywise too. It's bloated imo, ı only need 2 more focused scenarios rather than 4.

With re3 2020, they seem to have more of a focus between a remake and reimagining when compared to previous game and that makes it more focused imo.

The way re3 2020 is designed when compared to re2 2019 reminds me of re7's not a hero and end of zoe episodes. It even has a special knife unlockable just like end of zoe has for joe. The shop system is also nice, ı like how infinite rocket launcher can be unlocked without having to beat the game in special conditions. Re2 2019's method of unlocking infinite rocket launcher is unnecessarily difficult. I never did it and ı still didnt buy the unlock stuff dlc either.

I've seen a lot of people saying the game is like re6 but ı still dont understand. Just cause it has a lot of action, setpieces and qtes or less exploration doesnt mean the game is like re6. There are great amount of differences between both games. I already explained this with more detail in previous post.

A lot of people put their focus unnecessarily on horror and adventure elements and think all re games should have extreme focus on this while disliking action for the sake of it. I think they should let capcom experiment rather than making all entries the same. Not to mention re3 back in the day seems to be criticised for having a lot of action. According to true fan article anyway.

Steam updates are probably just small patch additions to the game. I wouldnt put much thought on them. It's a finished product just like past recreations.

I'm not against people criticising the game. But ı'm getting the feeling that just like re6, the criticisms can feel too much. It makes more sense to criticise other recreations as well. None criticises remake on the internet for example. Recv and re0 are criticised but not remake.
Remake also cuts stuff anyway. Sure it's very faithful to re1 while reimaginings make more drastic changes when compared to it but ı still dislike remake more than re3 2020 personally. And the game doesnt improve from re1 enough imo.
Sadly, I don't think this dreamy director's cut is even happening. :(

Capcom should have just kept in the gas station, clock tower and dead factory in the first place.
It's no wonder some fans were saying it could have been DLC for RE2.

To me, I think they rushed it out as a cash grab, and they claimed that the success rate of RE2 was meant to be high, so that 3 would be getting made. Yet they were working on 3 at the same time anyway...
I hope after RE3 Remake they just find another model for Jill, they really drop the ball with that one, I feel this franchise has no future redemption, 7 and Village were off rails, I don't have hope for any future game.
Man, has it really been almost 2 years since this garbage was released? :p

God, it's so bad. I don't even think I'll be touching it again. Even if I feel incredibly bored, as I do currently, I'd rather just act like there is no real remake for RE3. The remake is atrocious. It's so bland.

What was Capcom thinking about when they left out Barry? Any RE lover knows Barry saving Jill and Carlos is the REAL ending, duh! :(
The RE:3 ending leaving Barry out perhaps is the biggest offender to the game besides garbage bag Nemmy. They can cut out, remix, and move around locations all they want. However, once they start removing characters it starts to cause ripple effects across the timeline.

Jill was still in contact with Barry through emails in Rev2 files. Having it so their last survival situation together was RE1 sours their friendship. He proved to her that he messed up and followed up a couple months later saving her from a nuke of all things.

That moment solidified their friendship once again, leaving that out was worse than the clock tower, dead factory, or anything else really in the game to me. The ending is just abrupt like RE:2’s like the developers rushed it and didn’t care at all.
I dont think it's that bad, it's mediocre at best. Imo the previous re engine games are much worse, especially re2 2019.

I've been lurking on twitter and ı found out that re3 2020 has good amount of fans there. They even go against its critics. I'm glad they enjoy the game though.

Regarding the game, taking it as an alternative take for og game would be the best solution. But ı agree regarding barry, him missing at the end is a big mistake. Still better than re7's " I'm redfield. " and re2 2019's weird 2nd run ending as well as that game's entire story.

While not annoying as re2 2019's case, the game still changes characters. The only one that doesnt feel changed that much is jill but even her acting dont feel as strong compared to her previous apperances like re3 and re5.

Changing carlos to the point of removing his accent as well as making him act and look more like chris, cutting the monitor plot point regarding nikolai, removing mikhail's best moments, making tyrell a good guy rather than expanding him properly as a monitor and making brad a nice person even though he was a coward who left stars alpha team in arklay mountains as well as him not being killed by nemesis who doesnt even appear in rpd are some examples which really decrease the value of the game storywise, especially when compared to og game.
I wouldn't mind seeing Carlos again for a side story. But I think the new actor is pretty average.

After all these years, I really do feel like Capcom has forgotten about these characters forever. Being major survivors, you would think they would have continued to oppose the remnants of Umbrella in other regions. It just doesn't make sense to exclude them from the series, as if they were only intended to be used for one story.
I dont remember if this was said before but does anyone else get underwhelmed by the way jill's ptsd is handled? They try to give her character development in the game but ı dont think it works well at all. They put 2 nightmare sequences ( One at the start and one after hospital siege sequence where jill sees carlos as infected who turns into a zombie to attack her. ) and call it a day despite important stuff being cut.

I saw some stating that it was handled well and even saw more stating that it was handled better than chris' ptsd and amnesia plot in re6 but ı cant really agree with that at all. I never understood why some people call chris' character arc in re6 ( as well as other story / character arcs in re6 ) trash but praise this.
RE6 is way better than the RE3 remake. But a lot of fans will never appreciate RE6 for some reason. The same to a degree, occurred with Code: Veronica.

Out of the first four RE games, I think CV is bashed by some, but admired by most. Yet I feel it's undervalued nonetheless.

I know CV was incredibly strange and that divided some people, but the game was a cluster fuck of creepiness.
I dont remember if this was said before but does anyone else get underwhelmed by the way jill's ptsd is handled? They try to give her character development in the game but ı dont think it works well at all. They put 2 nightmare sequences ( One at the start and one after hospital siege sequence where jill sees carlos as infected who turns into a zombie to attack her. ) and call it a day despite important stuff being cut.

I saw some stating that it was handled well and even saw more stating that it was handled better than chris' ptsd and amnesia plot in re6 but ı cant really agree with that at all. I never understood why some people call chris' character arc in re6 ( as well as other story / character arcs in re6 ) trash but praise this.
I was actually thinking about this when playing the original a bit back. In the reimagining, she seems more worried about Carlos turning than herself. Granted there was the scene at the beginning, however when she becomes infected, it makes more sense to me that she would have a nightmare of herself attacking Carlos, rather than the other way around. We don't really see her suffering from it later down the timeline, so it seems out of place to just introduce it for just the one game. On a semi-related matter, does anyone else hate what they did to her personality in the game? She comes off as extremely over-aggresive and rude, while in the original she is relatively calm and seems more like a member of an organized task force. Granted she does slap Carlos in one scene, but I'm more than willing to let that slide given her attitude in that game than I am for Jill's attitude in the reimagining.
I was actually thinking about this when playing the original a bit back. In the reimagining, she seems more worried about Carlos turning than herself. Granted there was the scene at the beginning, however when she becomes infected, it makes more sense to me that she would have a nightmare of herself attacking Carlos, rather than the other way around. We don't really see her suffering from it later down the timeline, so it seems out of place to just introduce it for just the one game. On a semi-related matter, does anyone else hate what they did to her personality in the game? She comes off as extremely over-aggresive and rude, while in the original she is relatively calm and seems more like a member of an organized task force. Granted she does slap Carlos in one scene, but I'm more than willing to let that slide given her attitude in that game than I am for Jill's attitude in the reimagining.
Yeah ı agree. I think jill attacking carlos would have made more sense since the intro shows her zombified 1st. I dont mind showing her trauma from the events of mansion incident but then the game cuts important plot points like her not going to rpd, nemesis not appearing there as well as barry not saving her at the end. It just doesnt leave an impact for me due to this even though ı kinda understood what they were going for. It's just not executed well.

I dont mind her personality that much. I think claire in re2 2019 was worse tbh. And ı'm glad they dont change any of her backstory like they did for leon and ada in previous reimagining. The other characters in the game feel much more changed than her imo.

I think they should have kept the slap scene. I dont like how they cut it. Same thing with ada slapping annette to sewers in og re2 which is another scene that's cut in re2 2019.
RE6 is way better than the RE3 remake. But a lot of fans will never appreciate RE6 for some reason. The same to a degree, occurred with Code: Veronica.

Out of the first four RE games, I think CV is bashed by some, but admired by most. Yet I feel it's undervalued nonetheless.

I know CV was incredibly strange and that divided some people, but the game was a cluster fuck of creepiness.
I noticed that a lot of fans who think chris is overused also include his appearance in re6 along with re7 and revillage.

While ı understand for re7 and revillage not to mention, his utilization in those games is simply not as interesting as in re6, ı dont really understand the criticisms for re6 at all. Not to mention he wasnt the only returning character in that game there were multiple, more than any previous entry that featured returning characters.

They also think his storylines in those 3 games are simply the same even though they arent.

This is where re3 2020 comes into play. Probably cause jill wasnt utilized for a long while before 2020 where her last appearance was rerev in 2012, ( Her last appearance in timeline is still re5. ) they simply think jill was utilized well in that game just cause she returns after a long time. While for re6, chris doesnt seem to be liked cause he returns again after re5?

Personally ı dont feel like they've done jill justice since re3 really. Remake ruins the relationship between her and barry and while umbrella chronicles is a bit better, its re3 retelling is still awkward. And she was done a major disservice in re5. Though ı still like patricia ja lee as va a lot, it bothers me that she doesnt voice jill again. She should have returned in rerev to voice her.

I still dont mind her appearance in re3 2020 that much, it doesnt bother me as much as re5 and rerev but then again ı simply dont see jill that great except re3 unlike many people. My like for her kinda decreased after ı thought more about her appearances and characterization.

As for recv, yeah ı noticed a lot of criticisms for it too. I kinda relate to those criticisms. In terms of design, ı find the game step back from re3 and even re2 somewhat. Though ı dont agree with exaggerations for them and ı still prefer it over re1 and remake. I think it also has the best story from pre-re4 entries.

I dont think it's underrated. It received enough praises and its important plot points were followed with darkside chronicles and re6 which improve from the game. I think those 2 games are definitely underrated.

I would say from pre-re4 entries; re0 and outbreak games are the most underrated. The former also seem to get plenty of criticisms and the latter are forgotten most of the time.
I prefer the Chronicles games for their faithful attempt at retelling the plot, even if they did make some parts too comical or contradictory in other ways. The 2019 remake of RE2 only had shades of the original story, because they didn't do it in the correct order, or with much accuracy. It was as if they did it to suit their own constraints. But it's not what we asked for. I'm sure most people wanted the RE1 type makeover.

I actually like Chris in RE6. They made him like Sly as Rambo. Somebody who had experienced hell and survived it multiple times. He definitely had one of the best parts in the game. But I didn't like him in RE7, because he really did feel like he was just there as fan service, and his redesign was God awful.


I prefer the Chronicles games for their faithful attempt at retelling the plot, even if they did make some parts too comical or contradictory in other ways. The 2019 remake of RE2 only had shades of the original story, because they didn't do it in the correct order, or with much accuracy. It was as if they did it to suit their own constraints. But it's not what we asked for. I'm sure most people wanted the RE1 type makeover.

I actually like Chris in RE6. They made him like Sly as Rambo. Somebody who had experienced hell and survived it multiple times. He definitely had one of the best parts in the game. But I didn't like him in RE7, because he really did feel like he was just there as fan service, and his redesign was God awful.
Chronicles definitely was underrated in its cut scenes and such, though as a complete package there's obviously no comparison to RE:2.
Chronicles definitely was underrated in its cut scenes and such, though as a complete package there's obviously no comparison to RE:2.
I disagree about re engine 2. I dont see it as amazing as ı used to in the past. Eventually ı got frustrated more, not just by its story, characters and its missed potential but its core gameplay as well which ı dont think is designed that well. I personally find re6 as peak bio sequel instead. I never get tired from playing it and experiencing its story over and over and ı dont think ı ever will.

As for chronicles games; ı can see their gameplay being described as generic due to them being rail shooters but ı still enjoy them a good amount, more so than survivor games ı would say. Umbrella chronicles didnt focus that much when it comes to telling stuff but it expanded old stories more with its extra stories. While darkside chronicles didnt have extra stories in regards to their retelling portions but felt more focused at retelling them. And operation javier was more focused and enjoyable than umbrella's end too.
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