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RE:3 RE3 Directors Cut

Capcom soiled the bed with the RE3 remake, but the RE2 remake was bland as well. Even the gas station just appears in the distance, as if Capcom intended to skimp on adding in every location from the 1999 original. Hereby making it a vastly worthless remake, that for whatever reason, never even included Barry at the end either. 😓
My fandom for this series has been left with… the fans. I am done with Capcom if they don’t go back and finish RE3 in the next few years. Revelations 3 and RE9 would have to knock it out of the park and we all know that is not going to happen ;p

Jill being consumed by Capcom greed.

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RE:3 was designed as a small linear story. They will not return to this game and finish anything, because it is a finished product in the first place.
Not attacking you Russ but why do u think this is a "finished product"? because Capcom had deemed it as such? Its a frustrating situation because if u played the OG and REmake back to back they feel like completely different games. If this wasn't marketed as a "campaign portion to Resistence" it would have had a bigger budget and better marketing. The whole game should of been handled in house and not outsourced!
Well, I finally bought the retail version. Last year with all of the lockdown commotion, I wasn't sure I would get a copy. So I bought it online, and it took ages to download with 4G.

I paid £15 last week. In my opinion, it's not even worth that.
Not attacking you Russ but why do u think this is a "finished product"? because Capcom had deemed it as such?

Well, because it's true. The story of the game and the game itself were designed in this way. Capcom chose this direction at the pitching stage and even had sales expectations. No one rushed and barely cut anything.

People talk about the "director's cut" (What is it even supposed to mean?) and the "extended version", as if for the clock tower alone, developers do not need to reassemble the team with the director of motion capture to rewrite an important piece of the story and retell it.

This is basically not the finishing of some product. People are telling the developers to redo the game because they are not satisfied. And, well, this is an absolutely unrealistic requirement.
Sales of the remake exceeded expectations, and Tsuyoshi Kanda mentioned in an interview that they were satisfied with the reception.

I'm sure that Capcom's employees are not blind to criticism, so the experience with the remake may affect the new remake, but I don't feel that the demands and ultimatums of fans that have spread noticeably will really help. They only hurt themselves because they focus on a topic that brings them nothing but frustration and other negative emotions.
Ultimately, it’s just fans kicking and screaming at the end of the day, so we have to accept things for what they are. It’s sad to see fandoms lash out in such a way that only brings out bigotry and hate among each other. I realize it is a downward spiral with no end.

REmake 2 was not a faithful 1:1 remake either so it’s hypocritical to hate on REmake 3 when the other shares the same issues. Capcom can do whatever they want regardless of fan reception.
The community has definitely become part of the problem for the fans, ha-ha! And what's more, I myself partially share this responsibility, so I have no right to behave as if it does not concern me. :rolleyes:

I believe that people's frustrations are quite justified, to be honest. For example, in Russia there is one of the Russian community leaders, who was very much waiting for RE:3. This is a man who is much older than me, and he has a family, but he cried with happiness when he watched the announcement trailer. And the second time he cried a year after the release, when there was an emptiness in his soul. I felt very sorry for him at that moment, but I also know big fans of the original who enjoyed the remake. I enjoyed the remake myself, after all.

It seems that people who have personal experience with specific games form their own expectations about remakes. Moreover, each person even has their own empirical system of understanding what a remake should do and what it should not. Since we don't have a common "document" that could be compiled by some cultural institute, our online gaming society is just a mess, where people from different groups don't understand each other and argue about games, semantics, and so on.

Perhaps the attitude to the video game industry as a pure service sector is also an important factor. I don't stop seeing how fans are asking and even demanding to return Jill, to make a remake of this or that game, and so on. But there is a certain gap between developers and players, because for a developer, working on a game is also a creative process. They don't stop being authors, so they want to tell their stories and show their visions. And although they try to make compromises, they really never accept orders. For example, RE:2 was not put into production just because the fans asked for it, although many really believe in this version.

Therefore, there was a misunderstanding between the fans and the developers. They offered a product that did not meet the requirements of consumers. Can anyone be blamed for this situation? Well, I don't know. Shit just happens sometimes. It's really a very difficult and awkward situation, so even I haven't sorted out my feelings yet.
I've been saying that too about the RE2 remake, on heaps of forums. Half the time, I just got people acting like I was wrong for stating opinions, facts, or whatever. But they put the original RE2 on a pedestal. This is why they rate it higher by default.

But yeah. The amount of cut content in that game alone, was just as terrible, really. And the RE3 remake didn't even have Barry at the end. So they had no passion.
REmake 3 feels like one campaign from RE6, yet it’s $60. That’s one of the biggest criticisms since the game is simply not worth that much. The whole project was handled so poorly. Outsourcing the game to M2 and gutting it to the point where there is little semblance to the OG, it sucks but that’s what we need to expect from future remakes.
Is there a director's cut video for re2 2019? Or multiple ones? I dislike that giant mess more than re3 2020.

At least re3 2020 is one scenario. Re2 2019 has multiple scenarios which are butchered. The game is extremely repetitive and messy.

In re2 2019; the scenarios are messy, they dont connect to each other, you repeat some puzzles and even some boss fights in a way that dont make sense and they barely have any differences from each other.

I also dont like t-103 that much in re2 2019. I dont think he's used properly like in og game and darkside chronicles.

Like they removed the cutscene from og game where he's dropped from a helicopter. He also appears in all runs even though in og game; he's exclusive to b scenario. He's overused too much.

You cant down him and make him drop loot like in og game.

Ada rams the rpd vehicle into him at some point and after that thing explodes, he doesnt mutate even though later on, he mutates from an explosion in lab. In og game and darkside chronicles, he mutated after falling into lava.

He gets killed by birkin during claire's run at some point and yet he still appears at the end of leon's run.

His mutated form is pathetic. Og game and darkside chronicles have better mutated form and fights.

Also only leon fights his mutated form at the end. In og game; claire could fight his mutated form too. And in darkside chronicles; both claire and leon fought him. Leon also loses his one liner.

I think ustanak in re6 is much more interesting stalker than t-103 in re2 2019 and nemesis in re3 2020. Especially storywise.

About ustanak; ı know that he's used more for boss fights and setpieces and ı also wished that he was used more in chapter 2 and appeared in chapter 3 but ı still like the way he's used in the game not to mention ı enjoyed the boss fights with him. Especially the ones in chapter 5. The way it's finished with a magnum is also heartwarming, jake and sherry kill that monster together.
I've been seeing some people saying re3 2020 is like re6; probably due to running sections and qtes. The vehicle section at the start uses qtes similar to the one in leon's 1st chapter in re6. Though in a way; it also reminds me of re7's jack boss fight since it's the exact same car ethan uses. According to those guys; ı'm pretty much getting the feeling that ı should automatically like this westernized reimagining just cause ı like re6 a lot and consider it the best and most fun re game in the franchise for my own reasons.

Well ı have to disagree. The game reminds me more of re7's action dlcs, especially not a hero. Mainly cause the combat system compared to og game, feels dumbed down. Sure the dodging feels improved but that's really it. Jill's weapon loadout feels like they lazily combined claire's and leon's weapon loadouts from re2 2019 into one plus some stuff is cut like that insane gunpowder system. ( For example, her magnum is leon's desert eagle instead of a revolver. I mean; couldnt they bring claire's improved revolver from re2 2019 at least? ) In the original game, her weapon loadout felt more unique when compared to claire and leon's weapon loadouts in re2. From pre-re4 mainline entries; re3 has the deepest combat system just like how re6 has the deepest combat system from modern mainline entries. Sure re6 had a lot of qtes and setpieces but that's cause it's meant to be more action oriented than past titles while being improved from re4 and re5 in many ways. Besides there are still a lot of combat encounters in re6 as well, you dont only perform qtes and setpieces.

In re7's action dlcs; their combat systems also feel dumbed down compared to re6. Like going from chris' re6 campaign to not a hero; it's like he forgot how to fight bows in re7 while relying on inferior tactics. He has a way better combat system, better weapons, attacks etc. to defeat bows in re6. Why does joe have better combat mechanics than chris does? And people think chris' design in re7 is the worst part about him even though it's the least bad thing about him. Re6 is pretty much a very stylish and deep action game that combines shooting and melee well, way better than re7 which feels like cod, especially in action episodes due to 1st person camera as well as this westernized reimagining. ( People who call re6 a " cod clone " dont know what they are talking about btw not to mention that statement was made for reorc, not re6. )

It's a shame the combat system for the game is very lazy. I mean even re2 2019 improved its combat system ( Claire only, leon's is extremely butchered. ) compared to og game despite the cut content; why cant re3 2020 do the same? Especially since re3 is one of the best and epic sequels from classics while having a lot of action.

Oh and another reason why re3 2020 feels like re2 2019's " not a hero " is due to the fact that carlos can punch just like chris and he looks like re6 chris, gets funnier when one realizes that he looks more like chris that blonde guy who appears at the end of re7 does not to mention they lazily reused carlos' va for chris in revillage. I've seen people criticise this but the real question people dont ask is...

Why dont hunk and ada have their melee attacks from their sections in umbrella chronicles? Like ı wished we could break zombie necks in re2 2019's 4th survivor section for example.

I feel like re3 2020's " main game " is resistance rather than main story.

For example; the iconic 4 shot rocket launcher from re1 and re3 is available on resistance but not in main story for a weird reason.

And resistance seems to get more updates in the past while the main story didnt.

I think ustanak is better than nemesis in reimagining as well. He has some build up before he starts chasing jake and sherry, the backstory in the files is nice, he relies on fun toys, his boss fights are very interesting compared to nemesis in reimagining where he goes down with one grenade, the horror section with his okos in chapter 2 is very interesting and jake and sherry defeat him at the end with a magnum together in the most stylish way possible similar to jill finishing nemesis with a magnum in re3. Not to mention the fights against him feel like jake and sherry are battling the sins of their parents, especially noticeable in chapter 5 when one realizes that the 1st fight against the monster is in a lava filled area ( Wesker died in lava in re5. ) followed by the next monster encounter taking place in a train platform. ( Birkin died in a train in re2. )

Meanwhile jill's iconic " You want stars? I'll give you stars! " line isnt used properly, it's used way too early. She also loses her magnum finisher and instead uses the " rail gun " which is called " finger " ( Is that capcom showing middle finger to fans or something? ) in a weird edgy way. She also steals some of jake's lines but the delivery comes off more " edgy " rather than " cheesy " cause jake was voiced by troy baker in re6. Meanwhile the westernized reimagining is suffering from non-union voice acting crap.

I also didnt like how they removed us army soldiers' fights with 5 t-103s ( One of them even mutated. ) btw. Rail cannon in og re3 is also nerfed for " realism " .

So yeah. If anyone come up to me and ask " How can you like re6 but not re3 2020? " well this is my answer.

Re6 is easily the best re game in the series and it's way better than these garbage re engine games. I'm not gonna touch them with a stick again. I'll just continue replaying re6 instead which ı still do nowadays cause the game is so much fun and addicting.
Is there a director's cut video for re2 2019? Or multiple ones? I dislike that giant mess more than re3 2020.

At least re3 2020 is one scenario. Re2 2019 has multiple scenarios which are butchered. The game is extremely repetitive and messy.

In re2 2019; the scenarios are messy, they dont connect to each other, you repeat some puzzles and even some boss fights in a way that dont make sense and they barely have any differences from each other.

I also dont like t-103 that much in re2 2019. I dont think he's used properly like in og game and darkside chronicles.

Like they removed the cutscene from og game where he's dropped from a helicopter. He also appears in all runs even though in og game; he's exclusive to b scenario. He's overused too much.

You cant down him and make him drop loot like in og game.

Ada rams the rpd vehicle into him at some point and after that thing explodes, he doesnt mutate even though later on, he mutates from an explosion in lab. In og game and darkside chronicles, he mutated after falling into lava.

He gets killed by birkin during claire's run at some point and yet he still appears at the end of leon's run.

His mutated form is pathetic. Og game and darkside chronicles have better mutated form and fights.

Also only leon fights his mutated form at the end. In og game; claire could fight his mutated form too. And in darkside chronicles; both claire and leon fought him. Leon also loses his one liner.

I think ustanak in re6 is much more interesting stalker than t-103 in re2 2019 and nemesis in re3 2020. Especially storywise.

About ustanak; ı know that he's used more for boss fights and setpieces and ı also wished that he was used more in chapter 2 and appeared in chapter 3 but ı still like the way he's used in the game not to mention ı enjoyed the boss fights with him. Especially the ones in chapter 5. The way it's finished with a magnum is also heartwarming, jake and sherry kill that monster together.
I've been seeing some people saying re3 2020 is like re6; probably due to running sections and qtes. The vehicle section at the start uses qtes similar to the one in leon's 1st chapter in re6. Though in a way; it also reminds me of re7's jack boss fight since it's the exact same car ethan uses. According to those guys; ı'm pretty much getting the feeling that ı should automatically like this westernized reimagining just cause ı like re6 a lot and consider it the best and most fun re game in the franchise for my own reasons.

Well ı have to disagree. The game reminds me more of re7's action dlcs, especially not a hero. Mainly cause the combat system compared to og game, feels dumbed down. Sure the dodging feels improved but that's really it. Jill's weapon loadout feels like they lazily combined claire's and leon's weapon loadouts from re2 2019 into one plus some stuff is cut like that insane gunpowder system. ( For example, her magnum is leon's desert eagle instead of a revolver. I mean; couldnt they bring claire's improved revolver from re2 2019 at least? ) In the original game, her weapon loadout felt more unique when compared to claire and leon's weapon loadouts in re2. From pre-re4 mainline entries; re3 has the deepest combat system just like how re6 has the deepest combat system from modern mainline entries. Sure re6 had a lot of qtes and setpieces but that's cause it's meant to be more action oriented than past titles while being improved from re4 and re5 in many ways. Besides there are still a lot of combat encounters in re6 as well, you dont only perform qtes and setpieces.

In re7's action dlcs; their combat systems also feel dumbed down compared to re6. Like going from chris' re6 campaign to not a hero; it's like he forgot how to fight bows in re7 while relying on inferior tactics. He has a way better combat system, better weapons, attacks etc. to defeat bows in re6. Why does joe have better combat mechanics than chris does? And people think chris' design in re7 is the worst part about him even though it's the least bad thing about him. Re6 is pretty much a very stylish and deep action game that combines shooting and melee well, way better than re7 which feels like cod, especially in action episodes due to 1st person camera as well as this westernized reimagining. ( People who call re6 a " cod clone " dont know what they are talking about btw not to mention that statement was made for reorc, not re6. )

It's a shame the combat system for the game is very lazy. I mean even re2 2019 improved its combat system ( Claire only, leon's is extremely butchered. ) compared to og game despite the cut content; why cant re3 2020 do the same? Especially since re3 is one of the best and epic sequels from classics while having a lot of action.

Oh and another reason why re3 2020 feels like re2 2019's " not a hero " is due to the fact that carlos can punch just like chris and he looks like re6 chris, gets funnier when one realizes that he looks more like chris that blonde guy who appears at the end of re7 does not to mention they lazily reused carlos' va for chris in revillage. I've seen people criticise this but the real question people dont ask is...

Why dont hunk and ada have their melee attacks from their sections in umbrella chronicles? Like ı wished we could break zombie necks in re2 2019's 4th survivor section for example.

I feel like re3 2020's " main game " is resistance rather than main story.

For example; the iconic 4 shot rocket launcher from re1 and re3 is available on resistance but not in main story for a weird reason.

And resistance seems to get more updates in the past while the main story didnt.

I think ustanak is better than nemesis in reimagining as well. He has some build up before he starts chasing jake and sherry, the backstory in the files is nice, he relies on fun toys, his boss fights are very interesting compared to nemesis in reimagining where he goes down with one grenade, the horror section with his okos in chapter 2 is very interesting and jake and sherry defeat him at the end with a magnum together in the most stylish way possible similar to jill finishing nemesis with a magnum in re3. Not to mention the fights against him feel like jake and sherry are battling the sins of their parents, especially noticeable in chapter 5 when one realizes that the 1st fight against the monster is in a lava filled area ( Wesker died in lava in re5. ) followed by the next monster encounter taking place in a train platform. ( Birkin died in a train in re2. )

Meanwhile jill's iconic " You want stars? I'll give you stars! " line isnt used properly, it's used way too early. She also loses her magnum finisher and instead uses the " rail gun " which is called " finger " ( Is that capcom showing middle finger to fans or something? ) in a weird edgy way. She also steals some of jake's lines but the delivery comes off more " edgy " rather than " cheesy " cause jake was voiced by troy baker in re6. Meanwhile the westernized reimagining is suffering from non-union voice acting crap.

I also didnt like how they removed us army soldiers' fights with 5 t-103s ( One of them even mutated. ) btw. Rail cannon in og re3 is also nerfed for " realism " .

So yeah. If anyone come up to me and ask " How can you like re6 but not re3 2020? " well this is my answer.

Re6 is easily the best re game in the series and it's way better than these garbage re engine games. I'm not gonna touch them with a stick again. I'll just continue replaying re6 instead which ı still do nowadays cause the game is so much fun and addicting.
I really agree with you! I didnt play RE3 Remake but its story is so edgy with butchered characters that it's unbelievable. It makes DmC look genious LOL.

That's not Jill Valentine in my eyes. That's Alice. She looks nothing like her nor acts or behaves like her. Her face looks terrible too. It's as bad as that blonde guy in RE7. What was Capcom thinking with this game? Why do people still defend this but attack RE6? Makes no sense.

Julia Voth is the real Jill, not this pretender.

If people criticised RE2 Remake more; this wouldnt have happened. Why is that game still getting a pass for its weird decisions?

RE6 is way better than these terrible games.
I hope ı dont get hated for this but...

Could there be an updated version for remake that has both scenarios connected to each other? Without any parallel scenario stuff.

It would have more character interactions. I always wanted barry and rebecca to interact with each other, which doesnt happen in any version of re1.

I think people put their focus for negativity only on one thing. Just cause remake is faithful doesnt mean it improves from re1 a lot. It's more of the same, that's it.

I'm not against fan creations but why is only re3 2020 and even re2 2019 are criticised? Why not remake too?

I'm the only person, on the internet, on a resident evil forum, who finds the game seriously dull these days. And openly says it.

I wouldnt be against it having an ots camera perspective either despite liking static camera angles a lot even though they are forced limitations for old games.

I just want to look at the entries in different ways as much as possible.

So remake director's cut when? It would have... All of the stuff from re1's ports which have some content that are exclusive to said ports.

Like ı want to have infinite magnum in the game. I want barry's " This! " to be an unlockable instead of his handgun, he's not even armed with it in jill's story.
I believe that people's frustrations are quite justified, to be honest. For example, in Russia there is one of the Russian community leaders, who was very much waiting for RE:3. This is a man who is much older than me, and he has a family, but he cried with happiness when he watched the announcement trailer. And the second time he cried a year after the release, when there was an emptiness in his soul. I felt very sorry for him at that moment, but I also know big fans of the original who enjoyed the remake. I enjoyed the remake myself, after all.
It depends to the criticisms. I understand some but others dont make sense.


" It's short! "

Well all mainline titles, excluding re6, are short. They can be speedrunned easily if one knows what to do. However when ı 1st played the game, it took me some time to figure the game out. I finished the game in almost 5 hours, in 2 days.

Re6 not being short makes sense since that makes the game more unique than others.

I like long games but short games dont bother me much either.
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