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RE8 RE Village Thoughts


Re village is finally out!

Post your thoughts about the game if you played it or saw some footage about the game.
The dialogue is fine though. Idk how it's cringe.

But anyways; ı've seen the cutscenes of the game since ı was wondering the story of the game.

Let me give some of my thoughts:

1. How and when did miranda capture mia? And how did chris know that the fake mia is miranda?

2. Who attacked the vehicle that was transporting ethan at the start of the game?

3. Heisenberg is really weird. Like how is he even magically picking up metal exactly? The mold feels... weird. His mutation is weird too.

4. Dimitrescu is disappointing. She mutates way too early and dies early on.

5. Why did eveline say ethan was dead during the events of re7 when he was having a nightmare? I dont get that part.

Also storywise it looks like the game is disconnected to canon re lore just like re7 is ( I'm aware that spencer is mentioned in the files but still it feels like a side note. ) while being more on its own and blue umbrella has nothing to do with this game.

Though ı'm glad chris doesnt retire in this. Still ı found the time skip part as well as ethan's death unnecessary.

Between re7 and village; ı would say re7 is better storywise. I didnt find the latter's story as good as previous one.

I'll also read the files when they are uploaded to re wiki.
Yeah. I was wondering about all of that too. Everything in the game simply 'plays out' scene after scene, and you're like, "Wow. What the hell is this even meant to be concerning!?"
Also chris' part is too short. Not a hero in re7 is longer than his playable section in village.

But anyways; these are all the weapons in the game.

It looks like you can unlock infinite ammo in the game which is cool.
Also storywise it looks like the game is disconnected to canon re lore just like re7 is ( I'm aware that spencer is mentioned in the files but still it feels like a side note. ) while being more on its own and blue umbrella has nothing to do with this game.

I told you that the new game will focus on the fungus from Europe, and Umbrella is an American company, so other countries outside the United States are not under its jurisdiction. This was pretty obvious even in Resident Evil 7.

What's even the point of hiding ethan's face, especially in this game which is more action oriented than re7?

I could try to explain what the developers were trying to do, but I'm too lazy. People just need to accept that Ethan is a character without a face. Even Sato called him that. This has always been the case and does not depend on the genre of the game.

Why did eveline say ethan was dead during the events of re7 when he was having a nightmare? I dont get that part.

Because Ethan died when he was injured in the guest house. The life form that came after that is a fungal copy of Ethan, which is based on his DNA.

It seems to me as if you are in a hurry with questions.
Do you think blue umbrella will be featured in re9? Or what about re6's loose ends? ( Jake's and ada's campaigns. ) Like are they gonna feature leon and ada in future?

Or will they make more " on its own " stories from now on?

I also wonder how capcom's planning to use rose in the future...
I'm not sure what they will do in the future, because the new team can choose any other direction. But I know that now the games of the series are released annually, so they don't need to move the plot in huge steps and write large libraries of files anymore.

I treat Resident Evil 7 and Resident Evil Village as a necessary expansion of the universe, the boundaries of which have been very narrowed due to years of concentration on certain characters. These games gave me a lot of fresh air and attracted a new audience. I even noticed that people found Dimitrescu or Heisenberg much more interesting than another mention of Spencer.

However, the series has never been rebooted, so there is no reason to believe that the developers will not return to Jake, Ada, and so on. Perhaps we can even see one of them in the Outrage game, which may be announced this year.
Speaking of rose; does anyone have an idea how old is she by the time she's grown up? Like how many years have passed between the events of village and the epilogue?
OK. I watched a lot of scenes, including every scene with Chris, like the ending. Chris is clearly a marketing gimmick now. Because in comparison to Ethan, he is kind of a minor character this time.

I didn't think this game was up to much, in terms of the super convuluted story it yields. As a general horror game, it's okay. RE4 fans in particular, will love it.

I am not daft on it, however. It was a step backwards.
I think rose is at least 18 years old by the time she's grown up.

If that's the case; then the epilogue takes place in 2039.

This would make some characters' ages like this:

Chris: 66
Jill: 65
Claire: 60
Leon: 62
Ada: 65
Sherry: 53
Jake: 47

( Feel free to add more characters and their ages if you want. )

Also ı have more questions:

6. Why is ethan still infected with the mold? Wouldnt blue umbrella give him and mia vaccines ( Seen in end of zoe. ) to them before the events of village? Also ı'm still confused by how mold works. I dont think the virus that's involved in this is t-veronica. I think the virus that's involved is c-virus. One of the reasons why ı think that way is cause of moreau's mutation which has classic eyeballs involved. Since c is a combo of g-virus and t-02; this might explain moreau's mutation. However this only raises more questions. Where did they obtain c-virus exactly? It cant be simmons since the family most likely would have secured his corpse. I'm guessing the connections obtained some from carla's mutant form? I know ı said this elsewhere but ı dont think carla's dead. Maybe she decided to work with the connections? Do you think she could be featured in future storyline?

7. About duke; are we supposed to treat him as purely gameplay mechanic just like merchant in re4? Or more than that? Like why is he not attacked by the monsters as well as the 4 leaders? And how did he even manage to save ethan when miranda temporarily disabled him? How did he manage to find him?
Wouldnt blue umbrella give him and mia vaccines ( Seen in end of zoe. ) to them before the events of village?

You will not find a person in the series who could return to their original form after infection and treatment. Humans remain mutants because viruses contain RNA and change human physiology.

Also ı'm still confused by how mold works.

Just like any other pathogen that originated from the Progenitor virus.

Why could Jack Baker restore his brain from scratch, for example? According to early sources, viruses can allow life forms to regenerate even from a tissue sample, so, apparently, in the world of Resident Evil, the double helix of DNA contains memory and "blueprints" of the structure of the human body.

I dont think the virus that's involved in this is t-veronica.

Nah. I don't think any of the retroviruses created by Umbrella are related to the fungus. The developers could have implied the t-Veronica virus when they made a reference to the early 1999 and the HCF, but the new game did not develop this line.

Most likely, the fungus evolved in the wild because of the Progenitor virus, and Miranda experimented on it separately. Spencer, who knew her, was not interested in using a fungus that had evolved, but in finding the key to evolution itself, so he found it in Africa.

One of the reasons why ı think that way is cause of moreau's mutation which has classic eyeballs involved.

Such eyes are another characteristic of the Progenitor virus. For example, Spencer's Blob and Pedro's had such eyes as well, but they didn't mutate due to the G-Virus.

The C-Virus came much later, when people used viruses that were designed for human evolution and weaponized them.

About duke; are we supposed to treat him as purely gameplay mechanic just like merchant in re4? Or more than that?

The game mentions that the Duke did business with Dimitrescu, so he exists as a character. Moreover, he mentions his old friend from Resident Evil 4, so maybe the world has a supranational union of neutral merchants, lol.


Apparently, at some stage, the developers planned Ada Wong, but she does not particularly fit this narrative, so, apparently, her role was insignificant:

Whenever Duke shows up, it's like Ethan is dreaming about him. It feels psychedelic. 🤔

I like how he was actually more of a character than the other merchant was.
I forgot about blobs and pedro; good find.

Also where did you find that ada image? I didnt know that before, interesting. Do you have a source for that?
I’m deeply saddened to say this but I am not enjoying this game very much. After playing through the entire series, this feels like the biggest departure since RE4... but much worse.

I have only finished up to the Dimitrescu Dragon Boss fight as I am writing this but will post my final thoughts once I finish the game.
I’m deeply saddened to say this but I am not enjoying this game very much. After playing through the entire series, this feels like the biggest departure since RE4... but much worse.

I have only finished up to the Dimitrescu Dragon Boss fight as I am writing this but will post my final thoughts once I finish the game.

I am glad someone has the balls to say this. ;)

While I think the game is enjoyable as a general horror game or just a game with action adventure elements, it's just NOT worthy of being called a Resident Evil game. Yet do know that GameFAQs, IGN and all that are shilling this into the ground. :(

Basically, the concept of not seeing Ethan's face is incredibly dumb. Even in his house, the photographs on display obscure his face. It's just stupid. Chris doesn't even seem like the same guy anymore. I've always felt he was merely added for continuity reasons, or fan service. Otherwise, this doesn't make the world of sense, because vampires don't belong in the series. Let Capcom know this by breaking as many windows in the daylight as possible. :p
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