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RE8 RE Village Thoughts

I finished the game today and I absolutely despised my time playing it. There is one segment I actually like with the giant fetus chasing you around and that’s about it. The level design is disorientating and poorly paced despite being open world-ish. Enemies feel too bullet spongy and don’t feel fun to fight at all. The boss mutations also look wack. Gun sounds are laughably bad and sound weak. The mold is basically nanomachines from MGS4/Rising from which Capcom can make up whatever they want since it seems to have no limits at all to mutant possibilities. MUTAMYCETE’S, SON!

The lore also feels forced with Miranda being Spenser’s teacher, but I guess it’s apart of official canon now. The BSAA are also using B.O.W.’s now, tarnishing any reputation they have built since RE5 in stopping such weapons from being used. The time jump really pisses me off more than anything. If RE9 or whatever continues from where they left off, I am done. I’m so sad and frustrated, it’s a shame.

They threw REmake 3 under the bus for this game, which makes me hate it even more.
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I haven't yet got on my PS4 to download/install it, because I've been busy, but I did see a video last night with boss battles and cutscenes.

It looks like I guessed right when Capcom released that trailer stating that "his story will come to an end" and it was Ethan just as I predicted. I didn't think they'd take Chris out; not with him being the star character in half the games and some of the movies.

I read all your comments in this topic and I didn't realize that the woman in white with the claws dies too soon. I assumed by the trailers and by BioHaze, she would of been the final boss.

I'm just glad that Chris is in this game; he's my Resident Evil hero. I also liked that they brought back his Resident Evil 5 looks, but too bad his voice isn't Roger Craig Smith's.

I mean, I wanted to tell people how I really felt about the game personally, but I didn't want to come across as sounding like a dickhead, because one man's trash is another guy's treasure, as they say. But if I went around saying people sold out, I would be out of character, as I do believe in individuality.

I know on other forums, if I state this "is my opinions", some cheeky bastard always tries to be snide for no reason other than to silence my ass. Sometimes, I am inclined to not want to post at all on gaming message boards anymore. But I mean, I think in all honesty, the series died when Wesker died. Everything after that has just been to simply keep it going for to make money. But it becomes more convuluted by the year. Although pointing that out to nerds on GameFAQs and all that, just results in me receiving lip. They claim the plot has "always sucked" and that's ironic, considering they kiss Capcom's arse. 🧐
I just played a little bit of the game and so far it's kind of slow. I mean after Ethan wakes up, I walk down the snowy trail in the forest and come across a bunch of wooden houses and there's nothing in them. I made it as far as when those werewolves surround the cabin with the radio, then I stopped to make dinner.

What I don't understand is, why did Chris shoot out Ethan's house and kill Mia and kidnap the baby? Before Chris came, Mia has a slight bad attitude; you can hear it in her voice.
The Connections is a rival company founded by Brandon Bailey, who was Spencer's assistant and did not share his views. Now it's official. I recommend reading Zoe Baker's file.

I just finished the game. I really enjoyed it, and I don't think it's a departure in any form. I didn't see anything in the game that didn't fit the Resident Evil series. However, I have to admit that the developers don't want to burden new players, so the games don't give us much complex knowledge.
I just played a little bit of the game and so far it's kind of slow. I mean after Ethan wakes up, I walk down the snowy trail in the forest and come across a bunch of wooden houses and there's nothing in them. I made it as far as when those werewolves surround the cabin with the radio, then I stopped to make dinner.

What I don't understand is, why did Chris shoot out Ethan's house and kill Mia and kidnap the baby? Before Chris came, Mia has a slight bad attitude; you can hear it in her voice.

This is the reason, albeit poorly unexplained in the game...

That's not Mia, but really, Mother Miranda disguised as her. Mia is alive, but being imprisoned elsewhere. Somehow, Chris knew, but didn't reveal this and came across as a villain. Later on, there's a weak as piss explanation that Chris didn't want to involve Ethan because he's a civilian, which makes no sense whatsoever.
The mold is basically nanomachines from MGS4/Rising from which Capcom can make up whatever they want since it seems to have no limits at all to mutant possibilities. MUTAMYCETE’S, SON!

The fungus is the closest pathogen to the Progenitor virus and most likely evolved because of it. However, whether people believe it or not, this is still not the limit of what the virus can do if it reveals its true potential.

I liked how Miranda was able to create a parasite using a fungus. This is clearly a reference to the endless discussions about the connection of the Plaga parasite with the Progenitor virus.

The lore also feels forced with Miranda being Spenser’s teacher, but I guess it’s apart of official canon now.

I really liked this addition, because they perfectly explained the origin of the Umbrella symbol, while not forgetting the Spencer family cross from the remake of the first game.

They threw REmake 3 under the bus for this game, which makes me hate it even more.

Production of Resident Evil Village began 6 months before the release of Resident Evil 7.
Heisenberg's soldiers is very similar to the early concept of the Tyrant:


At one point, it seemed to me that the developers would link Karl to the HCF, since they both combined bioweapons and engineering, but this did not happen. I'm not complaining, though.
For me, all the puzzles in the Resident Evil series were very easy. I treat them as part of the game world, which gives a certain charm and variety to the gameplay.

Maybe I just played too many old point-and-click games that required the player to do literally the impossible. And no wonder, since this is my second favorite genre after the horror genre.

Alcina's castle is a pretty good homage to the classic games. The developers even used exactly the same interior details that were in the 1996 game, and made a similar puzzle with a piano. The idea of four masks is also reminiscent of the remake of the first game.

Norstein's mazes were very stylish and charming. It's also funny that the developers used this last name, because I associate it with the Russian animator Yuri Norstein, who made my favorite cartoon Hedgehog in the Fog. Norstein, like all Soviet animation, is quite popular in Japan, and he is a favorite animator of Hayao Miyazaki.

I'm more than satisfied with the puzzles.


Just checking in. Savoring this first playthrough as you only get one, but will be back with my impressions once completed. Loving the atmosphere thus far.
Well I am glad you are all loving the game, but I can’t get behind this one. I always told myself when a new title I despise that everyone loves comes out, it’s time to move on from the series. I am simply not interested in the lore they have been making up in recent titles. Capcoms pompous attitude with their new RE engine is rubbing me the wrong way, like they are hot shit or something writing the new Shakespeare novel.
I kind of agree that the series lost its identity long ago. But I mean, I do love the franchise. Unfortunately, other forums online are difficult to be a part of, as they're all fiercely loyal to Capcom. It's like, "Oh don't you dare talk about the series like that!" And ever since the trailers dropped, all they're keen on talking about is this Lady Dimitrescu. That's it. They are nerds that likely didn't even invest in the older titles, because they whine about the camera angles, and sundry.

RE4 is overrated pish, by the way.
I am also sick of all these one-off self contained stories that introduce cliffhangers that are either unresolved, left in ambiguity, or written off casually without any real build up. It’s like in Star Wars if after The Empire Strikes Back, there was no Return of the Jedi, and the plot continued with Rey and you never got to see the end result of a story you deeply invested in.

Introducing new origin stories that undermine or take away from previous lore. They started doing this with RE0, giving answers to questions no one asked for. Kudos to anyone who likes that sort of storytelling, but I prefer stories that have a pay-off in the end. You can bet your asses the “BSAA turning evil” plot will be left ambiguous as well, just like Shen-Ya and Blue Umbrella.
I mean, I can't blame them for that. Resident Evil 5 took a lot of storylines that have potential, and closed almost all the doors. Now developers are doomed to look for references in early sources and develop them. Simmons may have appeared out of nowhere, but he and his organization are a development of the dark side of the United States, which was established a long time ago. Miranda probably came out of nowhere, but through her we got an explanation for why Spencer predicted the virus and had his philosophy as it is.

Resident Evil is now a big mythology with a very flexible architecture that can tell any kind of story, it's not a one-shot with a beginning and an end. And personally, I don't have a problem with that as long as they respect the knowledge.
So I said on Upcoming Horror Movies that I wanted to give my take on the game. Look at one member's stupid response.

That's precisely why forums like that are just dog poop now. But I try not to let this stuff bother me anymore.
I’m just mad and fed up with it. If people think RE9 will start off with us jumping from rooftops as Rose like it’s a superhero game, that will spell trouble for this franchise. They cancelled Jake for RE7 so I imagine they can cancel Rose. I hope she has accelerated aging so all the established RE characters we are actually invested in aren't thrown to the wayside for being too old.

Hopefully we can move on from this mold nonsense and get back to basics. At least the C-Virus borrowed from T and G viruses so it can be explained but the Megamycete can create random X-Men powers, give birth to super babies, record memories, resurrect the dead, create parasites and new life forms... where does it end?

I’m pretty much indifferent about the new lore, as I suspect it will be a one and done thing. As for evil BSAA, maybe it will involve Natalia corrupting them as she would have the ability to gain trust from everyone through Barry.
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I totally understand. I am also sick of having unresolved plot points. There's certainly a lot. 🙄


What was Ada's new job?

Where is Jake now?

Who does Hunk work for, or who is he?

Will Billy Coen ever return?

Alex Wesker!

There's so much more. It's something Capcom SHOULD focus on. But it's like, if a game doesn't make a profit high enough, they just skip it and invent something entirely unrelated, which in turn, makes everything more convuluted. I'm honestly on the verge of wanting to throttle Capcom personnel myself. 😵
The Mold works exactly like the Progenitor Virus, because it probably evolved because of it. Resident Evil Village did not invent new rules, but only approached the potential of the virus, on the basis of which Umbrella specifically tried to create a strain that is hundreds of times weaker and that is compatible with modern organisms and Spencer's body. But even the primitive t-Virus allowed the leech to become Marcus with his memory.

You say the C-Virus makes more sense, but it can also resurrect dead cells and store Ada Wong's DNA, making even a swarm of bugs able to mimic her shape. The whole biology of the series is bound by general laws, people just like to think that the series used to be more realistic and logical, although all that has changed is that now the developers have a free hand, as they have been planning crazy things since the 1990s, but could not implement them for technical and other reasons. They even used the old ideas in the new game.

No one knows yet whether Resident Evil 9 will be a game about Rosemary. Even the new game itself shows that there will be something between these events, because the story ends with a plot twist about the BSAA and Chris' order. The finale with Rosemary is there in terms of plot, to complete the storyline and show what kind of future Ethan has given her. Accelerated growth doesn't make any sense and even necessarily dark.
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