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RE:2 RE:2 Director’s Cut

But it's different. Re6 is a new game as well as a sequel. Re2 2019 is a recreation.
They're both new games.
Once again, you are ignoring how the general audience sees these titles.
Sometimes, they don't even know that RE2 2019 is a remake of an older game and just judges the title as it is.

And once again, not everyone cares about the history surrounding the creation of these games.
Not everyone is gonna see RE2 2019 the same way you see it.
And you can't force people to see the game your way.

At the bottom of it all, this is a case of "I dislike this, so you must dislike it too".

All this "lore" thing is strictly the personal preference of you and certain other people, not the compulsory concern of the entire fanbase.
Well, it's a highly important game. It shows how Wesker and Chris ran into each other, and Chris finds Claire too.
I agree but at the same time, capcom wont recreate it ı think. Due to previously explained reasons. Besides ı like its chronicles retelling fine so recreating recv again would be redundant. I also feel that way about re2 2019 which also feels redundant since ı like that game's chronicles retelling as well along with ada and hunk episodes in umbrella chronicles. ( Though ı dont mind re3 2020 as much cause its chronicles retelling isnt as good as re2, recv and even remake. So in some aspects, ı like re3 2020 more and in some aspects, ı like its chronicles retelling more. )
They're both new games.
Once again, you are ignoring how the general audience sees these titles.
Sometimes, they don't even know that RE2 2019 is a remake of an older game and just judges the title as it is.

And once again, not everyone cares about the history surrounding the creation of these games.
Not everyone is gonna see RE2 2019 the same way you see it.
And you can't force people to see the game your way.

At the bottom of it all, this is a case of "I dislike this, so you must dislike it too".

All this "lore" thing is strictly the personal preference of you and certain other people, not the compulsory concern of the entire fanbase.
Ok now ı think that's reaching. Yes if people want to judge games for what they are, then that's fine.

But where did ı even say " I like / dislike this so people must like / dislike it too. " ?

For example, ı voiced my opinion about re6 hate bandwagon being stupid in multiple places including here. I admit that ı took it too far which is one of the reasons why ı cut my connection to fanbase in many places so that ı wont respond as much as ı used to but even that was never meant to be something like " People arent allowed to dislike it. " . People like / dislike different things, that's fine. I just found the criticisms really exaggerated along with many statements being made as false misconceptions. I would prefer if the entries were treated more equally among the fanbase.

And ı'm sorry but how wouldnt they even know re2 2019 is based on an older game? That makes no sense.

I'm also confused, why do you mention general audience? I already know that re2 2019 is a very well liked game. Steam and metacritic, 2 popular places that people rely on, have high reviews for it. Compared to re6 which has lower metascore than many other ones and doesnt seem to have as friendly reception as others excluding reorc and umbrella corps on steam, it seems to be a step up along with re7.

Also ı thought you didnt want to speak for everyone else? Again why do you mention general audience?

You don't see me bolstering my points by bringing up factors like "community juggernaut", "authority" or "the majority", do you?
I didn't write something like "The behemoths of the RE gameplay society approves of the updated gameplay".
I simply wrote my own points loud and clear, while putting together valid comparisons between the original and the remake.

I spoke for myself.

If you have anything to add, please do so in your own words.
Here you mention that you dont want to speak for others. And now you're mentioning things like " general audience " , " everyone " etc. And again none is forcing anyone to like / dislike anything. Also stop people calling as " fanboys " , it's rude.

Oh what could have been! People love to rave about what’s missing in REmake 3 but REmake 2 is honestly missing a bunch of locations as well. Raccoon City was a big setting, it shouldn’t have taken speedrunners less than an hour to finish. I like what is there but cmon Capcom… stop rushing the games and give developers more time to add more content!
I think both games desperately needed more and better quality content. They feel empty and incomplete, such a waste of a remake opportunity in my personal opinion.
I think the RE4 remake will have a bigger budget to boast of. Just because, well, it's RE4.

That should tell you all you need to know. Instead of making RE2 properly, they lazily skimmed on everything. Just ask any real RE fan what the best one is, and they will probably say it's the original RE2. But after RE4 came out, it alienated so many people.

I honestly hate how that game messed up the series, but it was probably a necessary move, as we may hate to admit.
I think the RE4 remake will have a bigger budget to boast of. Just because, well, it's RE4.

That should tell you all you need to know. Instead of making RE2 properly, they lazily skimmed on everything. Just ask any real RE fan what the best one is, and they will probably say it's the original RE2. But after RE4 came out, it alienated so many people.

I honestly hate how that game messed up the series, but it was probably a necessary move, as we may hate to admit.
Why do you say real re fans? That's gatekeeping. Just speak for yourself rather speaking for others.
You know what I mean, though.

I think RE2 should have gotten better attention. But I think Capcom has accepted that everyone prefers RE4. So there's a chance they're going to make it more horror focused, sure. But I think they know RE4 is the one people have a die hard love for.

That sounds sad to have to admit. But I think it's true. RE2 and 3 deserved better remake treatment. If you want to remake every title, Capcom, at least research them properly so your new crew has the jist of what they're about. Like, don't keep cutting out stuff. Then people who do know about the originals, are going to not be chuffed.
You know what I mean, though.

I think RE2 should have gotten better attention. But I think Capcom has accepted that everyone prefers RE4. So there's a chance they're going to make it more horror focused, sure. But I think they know RE4 is the one people have a die hard love for.

That sounds sad to have to admit. But I think it's true. RE2 and 3 deserved better remake treatment. If you want to remake every title, Capcom, at least research them properly so your new crew has the jist of what they're about. Like, don't keep cutting out stuff. Then people who do know about the originals, are going to not be chuffed.
I understand and ı wished re2 and re3 were recreated better in re engine as well but the whole " fake / real re fan " statements are still rude and gatekeeping. Same thing with " X isnt a re game. " statements.
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