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OT Random Thoughts

Both RE6 and Absolution come from that dark time when 'widening the net' was all anyone cared about. See also 'DmC' reboot or failed attempts to do Legacy of Kain as a free-to-play online title, Syndicate as an shooter (wtf). How much you think it damaged the end product is personal taste of course and not all games are made equal. Most of these were either restored in newer games or cancelled forever and are now dead IPs.

In terms of Hitman they seemed desperate for that new Gears of War audience (see the IOI fall and rise video) and were not even going have assassinations or use David Bateson as the voice of 47. Weird bad times all around, especially for Stealth and Horror, but RE6 was at least a continuation that a lot of people still play for fun. I get why not all people are into RE7 and VII.
I dont think 2012-3 was that bad. Other than re6, another disliked games ı played and enjoyed are batman arkham origins and god of war ascension. Are you a fan of those 2 series? I played greek era fully and even did multiple marathons, for batman arkham, ı didnt play all games but played city after origins. Personally origins is my favourite title and ı dont remember finding city as good as origins.

There's also dishonored ı played and quite enjoyed at the time but it seems to be quite liked for what it is.
I like those series... but only the games that came before those titles in them. To me both the Batman and GoW titles you mentioned felt like spinoffs that didn't need to exist and didn't put enough effort in. Dishonored was pretty good though. Have to beat the sequel but it didn't get me invested so far.
I've came back to absolution quickly after blood money and the movement there feels unnecessarily stiff compared to the previous game. I still like the shooting mechanics there but it feels unnecessarily restrictive in its approach compared to blood money.
About blood money, is the progression during difficulties separate from each other? I'm playing it on the easiest difficulty since ı'm not that good at stealth but if ı finished the game on easiest difficulty and moved towards normal, would the cash carry over? Or do ı need to start from stratch?

I dont like the notoriety system, it feels like an unnecessary addition. It seems to be only in blood money and not at other games. The antagonists of blood money still suspect 47 behind the events regardless of its status so it doesnt feel like it plays much of a story purpose.
I thought difficulty was tied to each save but I don't remember tbh. Notoriety is a funny addition but you can just use money to remove it and I don't remember it changing the ease of moving around. The senator tells his version of events anyway.
Finished my 2nd playthrough for dishonored 2 today. I did it with corvo. After playing the game twice with both characters, it's still not as good as the 1st game as well as its dlcs about daud imo. It's a fun game that's improved from former in many ways but it didnt impress me as much compared to the 1st game.
I finished blood money as of now. Most of the remaining missions ı tried to stay stealthy and overall they were fun. The 2nd last mission before the final one however ı decided to gun through everyone and it was quite satisfying. After finishing the game, ı can safely say that ı think blood money is better than absolution in every way imaginable. I was trying to give the latter the benefit of doubt but after finishing blood money, the overall experience was so much better than the 352 hours ı've spent on absolution. However ı didnt like the addition about the franchise as well as the agency being wiped out in the process except 47 and diana. Other than that, ı cant think of anything that bother me about it, at least storywise. It seems this is how absolution contradicts the former's plot very badly. Despite the agency being wiped out, for some reason, absolution reestablishes agency by completely ignoring blood money's events before making it the main antagonistic organization on top of that. It makes no sense whatsoever. Idk much of woa yet, ı might try those games eventually but ı'm planning to check the pre blood money games' cutscenes to get an idea about their stories.
I watched c47's cutscenes recently. Overall ı enjoyed it fine, not much to talk about. Though ı still dont understand, why does absolution even have those flashbacks about 47? Before even being aware of the past games, ı thought they were related to his past but c47 doesnt delve into it that much, they have pretty much nothing to do with that game. Like why even put that much amount of focus into 47's experimenting? What's even the point of extending cloning plot point for more subjects other than 47? It only makes sense for 47, not for other victims. It feels like a waste of time and bloats the storyline with pointless filler. Both blood money and absolution put an unnecessary amount of focus into cloning for subjects that arent 47. It only makes sense for the 1st game, ı would have preferred it to be concluded there. They feel like strange parody scripts, particularly absolution. Going from taking down a shadow organization with worldwide influence to a boring " Lets go save a girl so that she wont become 47! " script is really downgrade imo.
Well yeah the attempt to go 'more cinematic' was dumb and makes the ICA look like idiots. In fact most characters in that feel like they're from another series entirely. The whole thing with the girl and Diana and 47 cutting his barcode was terrible writing especially given how it ends. Some of the stuff in Hitman III with Marcus Gray and 47 wasn't exactly great but it was better at least.
Watched the cutscenes of silent assassin. Imo it's not as good as the 1st game storywise. It pretty much sets up 47's path to keep being what he is. After watching both games' cutscenes, ı suppose ı can consider blood money as an end to storyline, especially due to agency's dissolution in it. To me bringing them back in future stories feels like a way to pull a reboot or some sorts.
I really wished ı could get more into hitman series but after finishing blood money and checking the cutscenes of the 1st 2 games, ı see that game as a conclusion of the past storyline. I would have liked to play c47 and silent assassin but their gameplay look too outdated and not as variable as blood money. I dont like agency somehow coming back after the events of blood money. There doesnt seem to be a reasonable explanation given for that. I looked up to providence from woa and as a concept, ı like it more than the franchise but it still doesnt seem that necessary.
Oh they always reformed or something, or they say it was just one branch of the Agency. It happened twice and if they ever do another one (probably years from now or never) it will have to be the same again. Not exactly a plot heavy series in that regard and there have been many contradictory plot elements and recycled ideas. The game world and design in the newest ones more than make up for it.
Oh they always reformed or something, or they say it was just one branch of the Agency. It happened twice and if they ever do another one (probably years from now or never) it will have to be the same again. Not exactly a plot heavy series in that regard and there have been many contradictory plot elements and recycled ideas. The game world and design in the newest ones more than make up for it.
Do you think woa trilogy is executed better than re engine games? Re6 is the game that ı view as an end point for the series' storyline and after playing ucorps at the time, ı disliked that game and it made me quite hateful for re engine direction. Playing blood money and watching the cutscenes of the 1st 2 games before comparing them to absolution, ı think the latter is more comparable to ucorps. I used to think absolution was re6 of the series in the sense that ı thought it got unnecessary hate but after playing blood money, my opinions changed and ı cant find myself arguing against absolution's criticisms. In fact now ı think the game is incredibly overrated due to ridiculously insane positive rating for it on steam. Meanwhile re6 on steam catches bloated negativity constantly in regards to reviews. From gameplay to story, the criticisms automatically bother me whenever ı see it no matter what, even if ı would try to ignore them.
It's pretty hard to compare them. If Capcom had looked at RE6 as the misstep then delivered a trilogy of new games all centered on Leon using RE4-5 as a base but improved the whole the technical side... that's what WOA is. Instead there's more remakes than original games and the original ones are more inspired by new First-person horror trends than the old series. Some might say both developers rescued an old series from doom, but they're gone about it in entirely different ways with different levels of success.
It's pretty hard to compare them. If Capcom had looked at RE6 as the misstep then delivered a trilogy of new games all centered on Leon using RE4-5 as a base but improved the whole the technical side... that's what WOA is. Instead there's more remakes than original games and the original ones are more inspired by new First-person horror trends than the old series. Some might say both developers rescued an old series from doom, but they're gone about it in entirely different ways with different levels of success.
Sorry for the late reply. I couldnt come up with something else until recently so ı would like to know your opinion. Do you think resident evil and devil may cry series are comparable? You mentioned the reboot as an example and ı played it once after playing all other dmc games and ı didnt like it. Neither gameplay nor the story. Do you think either dmc2 or the reboot are re6 of the series like ı've seen some stating? I think re6 is more comparable to dmc4 and the only objective reason ı can think of is due to shotaro suga working on the game before moving on to re series. Do you know any other japanese writers from capcom who moved to other series within the company like that? Cause ı cant find any. Suga also seems to work on dmc anime and ı think ı should watch that sometime. I remember checking a few clips and liking it.
Well Resident Evil never suffered the indignity of having a reboot, in the usual sense, though it has some weird offshoots now. Who knows why developers do such weird stuff in the name of a profit margin. Remember when they tried making Bomberman edgy? Or that Bionic Commando redo? Or when Castlevania became a second rate God of War? Was 'Operation Raccoon City' as bad? I guess it's down to taste but it's always the same random cash grab involving incompetent Western devs. Personally changing tone or overall gameplay style is still better than what happened with 'DmC' after DMC4 needed a direct sequel. The fact it finally happened is a miracle.
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Well Resident Evil never suffered the indignity of having a reboot, in the usual sense, though it has some weird offshoots now. Who knows why developers do such weird stuff in the name of a profit margin. Remember when they tried making Bomberman edgy? Or that Bionic Commando redo? Or when Castlevania became a second rate God of War? Was 'Operation Raccoon City' as bad? I guess it's down to taste but it's always the same random cash grab involving incompetent Western devs. Personally changing tone or overall gameplay style is still better than what happened with 'DmC' after DMC4 needed a direct sequel. The fact it finally happened is a miracle.
Idk much about those 3 examples but for reorc, ı dont remember enjoying the gameplay while not disliking the story or its premise. It's a one-off type of game and they made it take place at a different universe right from start. I feel like starting with ucorps and re engine raccoon games, they want to make a sequel to that game but the result is incredibly messy. All of those games utilize aspects from reorc and yasuhiro seto worked at all of those games. He also worked on rerev2 but not re6, which is why ı usually find it strange when ı see people comparing re engine games to re6. They are as distanced from re6 as possible. Do you think re6 needs a direct sequel? The fact that capcom can make revillage and so far, death island, direct sequels to re7 and vendetta pretty much proves that they can follow from anything if they want but for re6, they chose not to. Before those 2 examples, none of the entries were direct sequels to the previous numbered games, they always mixed elements more than being a direct sequel from only one entry.
Still find it strange that umbrella corps isnt a western developer made project but reorc is. Like ı dont think they hired western developers for ucorps but for reorc as well as re engine games, they hire western developers, for the latter category, they even hire western writers from other media to work at the scripts. I hate to say this but ucorps has more the makings from a bio storyline than those examples. As far as ı know, from the games, only reorc was a western developer made project. I still have no idea why people lump re6 and even ucorps with that, despite me disliking the latter to the max.
Meh. I don't use Discord. And Biohaze and Silent Hill Community are my only two go to forums for survival horror talk from here on out, since I got booted from NeoGAF. :D

Oh, and despite what James B from Perth says, I wasn't banned on either KHInsider or Cult Labs. Lately, I decided to do some trimming of the fat (as I know he likes calling me fat, by the way) and all I did was ask for certain accounts to be deleted, seeing as how I seldomly received any replies.

But of course, few admins will comply with such a request. I don't know why they stubbornly want to retain your membership when you know what you discussed there has an extremely low chance of being appreciated. It's not like anyone was concerned with my posts anyway. :p

But yeah. Some people are too particular with their rules.
Does anyone else discuss the series with people in real life? All of my friends who know about the series are people ı've met online, ı dont have any real life friends who know about the series. I feel like most of the negativity about the series are also showcased on internet, ı havent met anyone in real life who showcased negativity about the entries. Maybe some groups online are formed between people who actually know each other in real life? I still prefer playing the games through the formats ı've created by myself rather than discussing that much. I'm one of the most active members here and the messages ı replied in this place are nothing compared to the amount of time ı've spent playing the games as well as experiencing other media. At least from re1 to re6. I suppose ı can include re7 and re2r here too since ı've also spent a good amount playing them. Exceptions might as well be gaiden, survivor 2 and reorc which ı didnt play that much.
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