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General Questions and Answers

I want to ask some questions about RE6:

1. How does Sherry know of Neo Umbrella and C-Virus in Edonia? She mentions these to Jake during the 1st chapter. I found it weird that Sherry knows this way before Leon who's surprised after he hears about Neo Umbrella by Hunnigan at the start of 2nd chapter.

2. I read the " Unpopular Opinions " thread after a long while and according to people there; Leon's " Yeah, I heard you became an agent. " line is silly. Someone responded to me about this in the past and I cant make a proper response there cause I dont want to derail the thread. All I'm gonna say is I didnt find that silly but I cant explain properly why. I just dont get why that line is stupid. I thought Leon cared about Sherry.

3. Was Leon really allowed to visit Sherry before the events of RE6? Is he still allowed? What happened to US Government / DSO / FOS after RE6?

4. At the start of Ada's campaign; she's running away from some people and hiding at her place. Does anyone have an idea who are the people that are chasing Ada?

5. A small thing but what does C letter between Derek and Simmons stand for?

Also it looks like I was wrong about Piers. He indeed wanted to bring his captain back to field. I thought BSAA HQ put everything on his shoulders and forced him to bring Chris back but apparently I was wrong...
I want to ask some questions about RE6:

1. How does Sherry know of Neo Umbrella and C-Virus in Edonia? She mentions these to Jake during the 1st chapter. I found it weird that Sherry knows this way before Leon who's surprised after he hears about Neo Umbrella by Hunnigan at the start of 2nd chapter.

2. I read the " Unpopular Opinions " thread after a long while and according to people there; Leon's " Yeah, I heard you became an agent. " line is silly. Someone responded to me about this in the past and I cant make a proper response there cause I dont want to derail the thread. All I'm gonna say is I didnt find that silly but I cant explain properly why. I just dont get why that line is stupid. I thought Leon cared about Sherry.

3. Was Leon really allowed to visit Sherry before the events of RE6? Is he still allowed? What happened to US Government / DSO / FOS after RE6?

4. At the start of Ada's campaign; she's running away from some people and hiding at her place. Does anyone have an idea who are the people that are chasing Ada?

5. A small thing but what does C letter between Derek and Simmons stand for?

Also it looks like I was wrong about Piers. He indeed wanted to bring his captain back to field. I thought BSAA HQ put everything on his shoulders and forced him to bring Chris back but apparently I was wrong...
1. Sherry knows them cause of simmons. He told her important info before she was sent while ordering her to not tell this info to anyone else. She reports directly to him due to simmons being her guardian. As for how simmons knows this; carla told him. They needed to blame something else and it couldnt be the family since carla needed simmons' trust so that she can fool him more. Carla made sure to hide neo umbrella from public with her insane resources so that none could find out any info about this when she mentioned its name. Leon is surprised not cause he doesnt know about neo umbrella ( According to one of the files; bsaa believed carla's words might have been fake since she hid the organization from public. Leon might have know this through claire or someone else. ) but cause he was reminded of his past when he heard " umbrella " name. " It's like raccoon city all over again. " .

2. It's not. I checked the thread again and ı saw my older response. Leon " heard " about sherry becoming an agent cause he didnt play a role in her becoming one. Since she became an agent in 2009, leon was still an usstratcom agent during that time. Dso was founded in 2011. He wasnt a member of the family either, those people along with simmons played a role in her becoming one. She was transferred to dso right before her edonia mission. This was kept secret from many people as well since sherry is an important person for the government due to having g virus inside her body. Simmons was pulling the strings.

There's also this:

" Sherry Birkin also belongs to the DSO, but was initially an agent in another organization. Leon learns she belongs to the DSO soon after the incident occurred, as she was tasked by Simmons with protecting Jake Muller immediately after being transferred to the DSO. "

Key parts:

" another organization "

" learns " " soon after the incident occurred "

" immediately after being transferred to the DSO "

You can read the article here:

I will also drop this part of my older response:

" And why would claire and leon know about simmons being sherry's supervisor exactly? Sherry wouldnt tell this info to them due to being threatened by simmons or something since she was in custody and wasnt really given freedom until wesker died. And even with that; she was still under the strict surveillance of the government. As for claire being suspicious of simmons; her telling this info to leon ( If she could anyways; keep in mind, the files say that she tried to secretly warn sherry, she tried to sent a letter but it went to wrong hands; thankfully that person had sympathy for those 2 and destroyed it without simmons being aware of it. ) wouldnt really change anything since leon doesnt like the government anyways ( He only trusts benford and even then it takes some time for leon to warm up to him and eventually tell his re2 adventures. ) and he isnt fond of most of the members. "

I like their interactions in china personally. Leon sounds worried about her and tries to protect her multiple times. He even takes her and falls with her while taking the blow despite sherry having a healing ability due to g-virus. I believe this even extends to the partner aı; ı've seen this mentioned by some people. If someone playing as sherry gets into dying status; aı controlled leon might try to help her faster compared to other characters. I might be wrong about this since ı'm pretty good at playing re6 and ı dont go into dying status that easily. There are also some special quotes characters might say if ustanak grabs someone.

" Re6 leon doesnt care about anyone other than his " waifu " . He's ruined in the game. "

I've seen statements like these mentioned by other people. They are obviously right.

That's why...

a. He's shocked at benford turning into a zombie as well as other civilian casualties at tall oaks.

b. Tries to help helena despite her not telling everything to him at 1st due to suffering from shock.

c. Still suspicious from ada according to his " That's... not an easy question to answer. " line to helena when she asks him about ada and if they can trust her.

d. Doesnt shoot chris in the head when he sees her shooting at " ada " multiple times. Instead he disarms him and brings him the bigger picture which brings chris back to his heroic self.

e. Still allows chris to chase carla after she stuns everyone with a flash grenade.

f. Says chris to rescue jake and sherry right after he tells leon that " ada " is " dead " . Which shocks him but he still wants chris to do the right thing.

And many more if one watches the cutscenes carefully. These are just a few examples. But people have to make their favourites look good by making others look bad. But anyway; back to your other questions...

3. No he wasnt unfortunately due to government corruption. He would have support sherry through some means but he still wasnt allowed to visit sherry unlike claire cause she did more work than leon did for sherry at raccoon city even though both of them helped her in re2 and sherry sees both as her heroes. The files never mention that leon is allowed to visit sherry either. According to devs; leon is the most important character in the story and that's why they gave him a prelude level for tutorial. If he was allowed, the files would have mentioned it.

As for after re6; he might have been allowed to visit sherry due to their teamwork in the story. Vendetta hints a bit what's happening in the government but it's not a game, it's a cgi movie. There's also vendetta novel which references re6 even more but it's not translated in project umbrella as of now.

According to files; fos hacked com between simmons and his men. This might cause agencies to start a hunt after the family who selected a new leader.

4. Most likely the family members. Ada started her own investigation for simmons' organization after wesker died. She might have found couple times like how simmons finds her location before the events of damnation but she would escape and find a way.

5. Clifford.

6. It's ok. We all make mistakes, we're humans after all. The franchise has a very complex storyline and it's not easy to fully understand everything at 1st. I was fighting through everything just to understand the storyline. Back in the day when ı 1st came to biohaze's older version thanks to evil resident who's a really good person, ı was asking a lot of questions to questions and answers thread since ı wanted to understand the storyline. Good old times.

I was believing to news bot's " There are virtually no plot holes in this series. Only mistranslations. " statement when ı responded to unpopular opinion thread. I didnt quite understand the " virtually " word however. I took it as " completely " when it's supposed to mean " almost " . News bot corrected me about this in his discord server later on so thanks for that. After that ı asked him if there are any retcons in the series and they are few. I also asked if re6 had any retcons and according to him; there's none. Re6 only expands the lore. The family isnt a retcon, only an expansion for us government corruption.

Piers wanted to bring chris back to field cause chris was the captain in edonia who lost his soldiers. It wouldnt make sense if bsaa made someone else as the captain, chris is one of the founders of bsaa.

He screamed at him by showing deceased soldiers' photos to chris' face cause he was disgusted at seeing his captain in a bad condition like that, he wanted chris to remember his past. Chris was drunk while acting weird. He tries to attack a civilian with a bottle but piers stops him. If he didnt care for his captain, chris could have killed someone just like how jill kills a kijuju civilian in re5 due to being under wesker's mind control.

I understand why chris acted the way he did during the story, it wasnt only his fault. The team is like a family, everyone is responsible. But piers was still right. He felt guilt for his fallen comrades in edonia due to being amnesiac and he decided to run away from his past by escaping from hospital after his injuries healed. He needed to fight to remember his past, piers knew chris' past adventures like his air force backstory and how he had trouble with his superiors. Piers stepping up to his captain after chris got blinded by revenge is a reference to that. Why do people say piers " blames " his captain? He was telling him the truth. They say piers " blames " chris for his actions and yet they do the exact same thing, blaming piers for his actions. They want him to handle the situation as perfect, he isnt allowed to make mistakes apparently even though re6 is his 1st apperance.

I also find it weird that people are fine with leon going to raccoon city as drunk after his breakup with his girlfriend but chris going back to field as drunk and amnesiac while having ptsd is where we have to draw the line apparently.

My " We all make mistakes, we're humans after all. " statement fits very well to re6's dramatic horror experience as well as its story and characters. They didnt want to portray the characters as perfect, they are skilled and experienced while also performing mistakes like how humanized characters would as well showing emotions to their surroundings. Re6 isnt even obsessed with realism like re engine games and yet the character interactions feel so real.

I got extremely disgusted by reading some of the replies there that bullies re6. In a thread that's called unpopular opinion, re6 is bullied there for no real reason. I'm not gonna respond there again, that's for sure.

Sorry for the long reply. I wanted to post what was in my mind and ı wanted to explain myself as carefully as ı could. Hope this will be helpful to you.
Well, since this topic exists, I will also ask a question.

Who has any ideas how Piers was able to hit HAOS with plasma under water?
That's one giant reply. Thank you for the answers. Though you made a mistake. Leon says " This is Raccoon City all over again. " at the start of 2nd chapter. Just pointing that out.
During the last krauser boss fight with leon where krauser's arm mutates; ı'm wondering. Who planted the bombs there? I dont think that's krauser since that would be stupid of him, ı dont see why he would want to plant bombs to a place where he would fight leon. I'm thinking of ada since she planted bombs to other places on island which causes it to get destroyed by using her device which activates them. Is it ever said somewhere who planted the bombs? ( Sorry if this is a silly or obvious question but it's been boggling my mind. )
During the last krauser boss fight with leon where krauser's arm mutates; ı'm wondering. Who planted the bombs there? I dont think that's krauser since that would be stupid of him, ı dont see why he would want to plant bombs to a place where he would fight leon. I'm thinking of ada since she planted bombs to other places on island which causes it to get destroyed by using her device which activates them. Is it ever said somewhere who planted the bombs? ( Sorry if this is a silly or obvious question but it's been boggling my mind. )
There’s the bombs during the final sequence of Separate Ways as well which Ada wouldn’t have put there since she was never in that area and was knocked out by Saddler. There is also no indication on what triggered them exactly but my assumption is that Saddler had his henchmen place them off screen at some point. It’s still silly and makes little sense though.
There’s the bombs during the final sequence of Separate Ways as well which Ada wouldn’t have put there since she was never in that area and was knocked out by Saddler. There is also no indication on what triggered them exactly but my assumption is that Saddler had his henchmen place them off screen at some point. It’s still silly and makes little sense though.
Oh right ı forgot about the final timed rush towards to the rocket launcher. Yeah that's quite silly and ı dont think it has any reasonable explanation. It just happens. I dont see why ganados would plant bombs to their own island though, ı dont really see any logic behind that.

However before tossing the jetski key towards leon, ada activates the bombs using a device which hints at her planting the bombs. I'm not sure how she did that in a very short amount of time not to mention she doesnt really spend that much time on island but ı guess it's somehow possible if she can still save leon from krauser after a long trip in chapter 4. I'm still not sure how she somehow expected leon to fight krauser at that place but ı guess mikami rushing the story in like 2 weeks according to an article, yeah that's not surprising either. That just happens too.

Regardless ı wished they fought against krauser together though. I love simmons fights in re6, especially the ones where ada helps leon and helena towards simmons' mutant forms so that really made me wish that there was a leon-ada coop sequence in re4 just like in re6. Re2 had a short sequence like that during gameplay too. I would have loved to fight against krauser and saddler while leon and ada are together in their stories.
Hey everyone, still somewhat new to the forums here, but I'm doing research on a video related to Resident Evil 6 and there's 1 thing so far that I can't make sense of:

At the end of Leon's campaign, Hunnigan calls him to tell him that a method to defeat the C-Virus has been discovered. My question is: who contacted her with this information? I'm certain it wasn't Leon since I recently replayed the last chapter of his campaign as well as Jake's and neither of them even mention contacting anyone through ingame dialogue. I've read here a theory that it was Sherry herself after escaping the underwater facility, however that theory is flimsy since in the cutscene gallery Hunnigan's call comes before Sherry's, Jake's, and Chris's escape.
Hey everyone, still somewhat new to the forums here, but I'm doing research on a video related to Resident Evil 6 and there's 1 thing so far that I can't make sense of:

At the end of Leon's campaign, Hunnigan calls him to tell him that a method to defeat the C-Virus has been discovered. My question is: who contacted her with this information? I'm certain it wasn't Leon since I recently replayed the last chapter of his campaign as well as Jake's and neither of them even mention contacting anyone through ingame dialogue. I've read here a theory that it was Sherry herself after escaping the underwater facility, however that theory is flimsy since in the cutscene gallery Hunnigan's call comes before Sherry's, Jake's, and Chris's escape.
It does seem unnecessary since Sherry is the one who gave Leon the info that Jake had the antibodies, so he already knew how to stop the virus. Maybe she was referring to something else like a suppressor to stop the gas, or they found out that the virus was being stored in other locations by investigating further into Simmons' activities at the time. Ada could have also played a part in disclosing more information after blowing up Carla's hidden lab under the quad tower but I am only speculating.
Hey everyone, still somewhat new to the forums here, but I'm doing research on a video related to Resident Evil 6 and there's 1 thing so far that I can't make sense of:

At the end of Leon's campaign, Hunnigan calls him to tell him that a method to defeat the C-Virus has been discovered. My question is: who contacted her with this information? I'm certain it wasn't Leon since I recently replayed the last chapter of his campaign as well as Jake's and neither of them even mention contacting anyone through ingame dialogue. I've read here a theory that it was Sherry herself after escaping the underwater facility, however that theory is flimsy since in the cutscene gallery Hunnigan's call comes before Sherry's, Jake's, and Chris's escape.
I actually have a new answer for this one after thinking about it rather than the one we discussed on discord.

I believe with " defeat the virus " ; hunnigan meant that they defeated all zombies in tatchi and the gas caused by the missile that's thrown into the city as a distraction has worn off. I checked dartigan's video and for some reason; he immediately assumes " cure " when it's not required for that. Anti-c simply makes uninfected people immune to c instead; it's not needed to defeat the virus or its monsters. But anyway; it could have been anyone who told her the information since she contacts leon again at certain points in chapter 5 before simmons boss fights. Sherry would still be in underwater facility so he's right about jake and sherry being there at that time but again hunnigan wasnt referring to jake, his blood or the vaccine.

The sin explanation came from someone else that ı copy pasted from at a youtube comment to the thread.

So ı'll change this:

" Sin 122: Sherry just got out of the oil rig, and she immediately called hunnigan or someone at the government, because it was an urgent matter. "

To this:

" Sin 122: I dont think you understood hunnigan. She meant that they managed to defeat all zombies in tatchi. And the gas' effects would wear off after a while. Idk why you immediately assume cure, anti-c isnt needed for that. "

But of course, ı would like to know your thoughts about my new statement. Depending to your reply, ı might edit that sin explanation at the thread about gcn / dartigan.
It does seem unnecessary since Sherry is the one who gave Leon the info that Jake had the antibodies, so he already knew how to stop the virus. Maybe she was referring to something else like a suppressor to stop the gas, or they found out that the virus was being stored in other locations by investigating further into Simmons' activities at the time. Ada could have also played a part in disclosing more information after blowing up Carla's hidden lab under the quad tower but I am only speculating.
Thanks for the info and Mert thanks as always! I finally settled on a reasonable response and have now moved on to the next campaign.
Hey everyone, need some help again different question.

Back to Resident Evil 6, the C-4 used throughout Chris and Piers campaign mainly to open the impassable doors, how accurate are those explosives? Would those blocks of C-4 not realistically produce bigger explosions than what we see in the game? Or can the force of the explosions be controlled? I recall during gameplay seeing a train car blown upwards from the force of the explosions from the C-4 (granted Finn sets 3 of them), but it doesn't produce something that strong with the impassable metallic doors which usually only have 2 blocks.

That part seems a bit inconsistent to me.
Hey everyone, need some help again different question.

Back to Resident Evil 6, the C-4 used throughout Chris and Piers campaign mainly to open the impassable doors, how accurate are those explosives? Would those blocks of C-4 not realistically produce bigger explosions than what we see in the game? Or can the force of the explosions be controlled? I recall during gameplay seeing a train car blown upwards from the force of the explosions from the C-4 (granted Finn sets 3 of them), but it doesn't produce something that strong with the impassable metallic doors which usually only have 2 blocks.

That part seems a bit inconsistent to me.
I'm no explosive expert and ıdk if the force of the explosions can be controlled but from my understanding; they didnt affect the gates as much as train car or the doors in chapter 3 that chris uses marco's c4 explosive on probably cause they are quite attached to their surroundings while the train car was crashed and during chapter 3; chris plants the bomb in the middle of the doors. I think that's where the lock is? It might have blasted those 2 doors much more easily compared to the gates ( Which ı dont think have a lock. ) due to destroying the lock.

Here's this ı found. It states that benford was going to release all the classified information about all biohazard outbreaks, not just raccoon. My question is did benford learn of simmons' twisted project between 2009 and 2013? He seems to be aware of the family, to the point when simmons threatened him about it, he didnt back down. It says he was going to talk about the events of marhawa too and during there, c-16 was utilized before its samples were obtained by carla and given to simmons, where he used them to develop lepotica bows further. Meaning without carla going insane, it's possible the events of tall oaks wouldnt have happened since benford wouldnt try to reveal the classified information about marhawa academy either.
What's the solutions for the door panel puzzles on the easiest mode in Revelations?

I only have the answers for the normal mode. None of the walkthroughs list the answers outright. Only hints.

They are so annoying.
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