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Resistance Leaked Project Resistance Images

4v1 means someone gets to play as a B.O.W.. That could be awesome.

Right now, I don't really have an opinion on it; way too vague. I have to wait until Sep 9 to see if it's anything too interesting.
It definitely has potential. I remember back in the RE4 and RE5 days when I was younger, I wanted to see B.O.W.s playable in mercenaries like Nemesis or Tyrant. This is probably the closest I'll get to that. ?
I forget capcom took down outbreak website with "OK" seems suspicious to me.

my take on the whole "4 V 1 " rumor could also be true if you remember Outbreak for some scenarios had a stalker-like enemy (Tyrants, Leech zombie, serial killer, zombie elephant, etc) along with normal enemies. allowing a 5th player to control a stalker enemy to hunt other 4 players while they trying to solve puzzles and trying to survive could be interesting if I assume it is an outbreak game that is.
The recent releases have dampened my enthusiasm for any new RE games and knowing that this is probably going to carry over the stupid adaptive difficulty/bullet sponge nature of the enemies from 7 and RE2 '19 makes me zone out even more.

Plus the designs still have this weird, bland, generics uncanniness about them that I have hated from the previous games as well. Though if the gods are good, these characters will have some kind of personality to them, like Outbreak's 8. And do they really have to milk the RC cow dry again? Why can't this be an incident in a new city? Like Detroit, that's already apocalyptic looking and zombies invading there would make it even worse, which would be cool. It's so tired.

The idea of a co-op team fighting another player controlling a monster reminds me of Evolve. Don't know how to feel about that. I'd have to see gameplay to get any kind of opinion on whether it's a bad or good call.

Overall, I'm meh about this. I'm glad that the next entry coming out isn't a likely dull as dishwater try at a remake or some other horror game that they'll slap the RE title on which will probably be RE8. But the facts this is going to base itself off RE '19 has already killed most of any anticipation I could have had.
Yeah, Herb. I kind of feel the same way. I kind of dislike the whole cash-grab-ish feel of the survival horror genre as a whole, because it has let me down a lot over the years, and guys like Nemesis as well.

Personally, I would have rather seen a third Revelations game being announced instead, but I've been after a fully fledged co-op game for years. I sincerely hope this is that game for a lot of fans, and it's not just another milking tactic. It's definitely something fans have been asking for, so I hope it's a "ask and you shall receive" kind of thing they have going.

But you're right about them always revisiting Raccoon City. Capcom has a love boner for the year 1998. After this game and the remake of 3: Nemesis, I say it's definitely time to put a halt to all of that backtracking, and really push on ahead. There's other locations (and years) they could be exploring now.
Yeah no way. If it was RE3 I don't think they'd have just random civilians as the focus on the trailer. I'll believe that this might of been RE3 intially but like all RE games, it changed early on in development to this.
Given how high production this game looks (character models are at least as detailed as RE2 remakes ones, if not more), this definitely at least started as RE3 remake mp mode. It may be standalone now, but you know what they say - where's smoke, there's fire.
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I have no doubt this game will be a blast.
Even if it turns out to be 4 vs 1 I love Dead by Daylight and Friday the 13th so it’ll be right up my alley.
But having said that I’ll be severely disappointed with the lack of lore which I’m sure will be the case.
I mean it’s back in Raccoon City again.
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It's hard to say if it will be good or not. Until I see some gameplay, I cannot really judge on it. I just hope it's not some clunky, gimmicky, mucky mirage again, like certain other side story games were. Uh!

I do not believe this is a remake either. Probably, it's more so just another spin off that is set in that same year, since I would hazard a guess and say 1998 is the year Capcom themselves loves to revisit the most. I do agree though that fans nowadays often approach new entries with a personal hint of scepticism. I've been a fan a long time, but I think a lot of games they've produced over say, the past 10 years, usually don't quite live up to the hype. I think Capcom likes to say this, that and the next thing to try to impress their audience, but sometimes I look back, and think to myself, "Well, this was a good game, but it could have been better had they put X amount of care into the end result!" I've not actually been in the mood to play the RE2 remake again, and that's saying a lot, considering the 2002 remake is still amazingly scary in 2019. So it just goes to show that these awesome PS4 HD graphics don't equal our fondness for retro at times.

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