『プロジェクト レジスタンス』インタビュー。“ワーキングタイトル”の位置づけの本作が発売確定するための条件とは?【TGS2019】 - ファミ通.com
2019年9月12日~15日に開催中の東京ゲームショウ2019。カプコンブースに出展された、『PROJECT RESISTANCE(プロジェクト レジスタンス)』の開発陣にインタビューを行った。

-I tried playing right away. The quality of play is completely different on the survivor side and the master mind side.
Kawada: The game system is a four-to-one battle, but how can you make five players feel fun? I think that will be the main point of this work.
――Where did the idea of “asymmetrical battle type horror” come from?
Kawada “Project Resistance” is a challengeable title. The offline campaign mode will continue to be enjoyable as a single unit, just like the previous “Resident Evil” works. At the same time, we will focus on the online mode to create an experience that has never been seen before.
――When you talk about “Resident Evil” online, many fans think of “Resident Evil Outbreak”.
Kawada: Although we are not inspired by “Outbreak”, we think that “Resident Evil” is something in common. However, there are many customers who experienced at TGS that the survivor feels difficult, and I think there is room for adjustment.
-Certainly, when I tried out, the survivor couldn't escape regretfully, but when I played Mastermind, I was able to prevent escape on the second map.
Kawada: Even within the development, the winning rate on the master mind side was high at first, but the winning rate on the survivor side increased as we played. When the player grasps the flow to escape (acquisition of key items, etc.), learns the map structure, and assembles the tactics, the master mind side becomes completely involved.
――If you are used to the survivor side, can you aim to escape efficiently?
Kawada: The survivor is often able to do it, and it may be difficult to understand. The master mind side is an extreme story, and the game progresses without any operation, so the master mind is overwhelmingly in terms of ease of sticking.
-The survivor needs to read Mastermind's actions while fighting zombies and other creatures.
Kawada: In my first play, I think that it is a factor that the survivor side is disadvantaged that it tends to feel that skills are not used much or weapons are not customized. I don't know where to use before I know the time to reuse a skill, so I think there is room for adjustment.
-It seems difficult to adjust the balance if it is asymmetrical ...?
Kawada: Although difficult, the point is that the players on the survivor side can also feel a sense of accomplishment.
――With limited trial time, it is difficult to reach a place where you can feel a sense of accomplishment.
Kawada: A closed beta test will be held from 4pm to 4pm on October 4th, 2019 (Japan time), so please try it out until you succeed.
-Will adjustments be entered from the TGS exhibition version?
Kawada At TGS, NeoBards Entertainment, a joint developer, has come to the trial booth. We just discussed how to arrange in the closed beta test.
--So that's it. By the way, this work is positioned as a “working title”, and the release is undecided, but I would like to ask what is necessary for finalizing the release.
Kawada: First of all, it is the minimum requirement that everyone can feel “interesting”. For those who were expecting remake or remaster of "Outbreak", it would be a shame that it would betray the expectations, but on the other hand, it was received as a new title such as "Mastermind seems to be fun" I have also heard from customers. The first goal is to release quality works that meet such expectations.
--The title “Project Resistance” is also a tentative title?
Kawada: That's right. By the way, “resistance” in this title includes the theme of resistance to mastermind. Also, can you do something interesting beyond the current framework of the “Resident Evil” series? It also means resistance to the theory so far.
――The eyes go to the place where the title logo “RE” is red.
Kawada is conscious of “Resident Evil (“ Resident Evil ”overseas title)”. Is it easy to understand that it is a work related to “Resident Evil”? At the time of “Resident Evil RE: 2”, “Remake” and “Resident Evil” were double-meaning, but it may have been received as “Outbreak” remake.
――There seems to be an offline campaign mode on stage.
Kawada: The only thing we can tell you about at the moment is that there is a campaign mode.
--I am looking forward to it. Going back online, will there be characters other than those selected in the trial version?
Kawada Survivor and Mastermind are preparing other characters. I think there will be characters familiar to the fans of the series, so please look forward to future information. There are also many creatures planned, including zombies, rickers, and tyrants.
-I want to play the closed beta test as soon as possible. Is the composition of 4 to 1 unchanged from the TGS version?
Kawada Yes. However, it is necessary to build online play so that not only the balance of the game but also the losing mastermind will not fall off as “quit” and the game can continue even if it happens. I think. I want to set points and ranks, but the same is true for a system that allows players to match smoothly.
――Do you feel that you can continue to develop while watching the TGS, the closed beta test that will be performed in the future, and the voice of fans?
Kawada: While there are times when we have a negative opinion, it is very important to get your opinions. I would like to give feedback as much as possible. Please cooperate with the closed beta test!