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General Have you ever gave up on Resident Evil?

Last year, I was happy that Naughty Dog took away the glory. They truly made something special. I am really disappointed that Capcom isn't doing anything as big as what they are.

Their games feel like a step up from the VOD trash littered on Amazon, just because they have the budget. But it's getting worse.

At least RE7 won over some fans of the original game, whereas RE8 was mixed. Would be better if they followed up on who the Connections are. Branch out that storyline.
Personally, I hope RE9 will be the last first person sequel. I long for Capcom to do another Revelations game, or a general game in third person.

Like, I was hoping Outrage would have gotten released. That was only a rumoured upcoming title, of course, but I fear Capcom has cancelled it.
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Yes I quit, after pre-ordering Umbrella Corps and testing the demo for 7 I realize the future of RE was not my cup of tea.

The overrated RE2 Remake wasn't my cup of tea either, even tho I didn't like much the story of RE3 Remake, the game was a little more enjoyable.

Reverse beta was a joke, one of the worse ideas they ever had for a pvp game, Resistance wasn't enough fun for me, so I'm not expecting much from this franchise.

I guess I can still have fun with Chris and Jill on Fortnite lol.
I'm glad that Capcom loosely linked Survivor and Outbreak to the other games. Like they've been opening a forbidden door. LOL.

I doubt Capcom would do that so much these days. Basically, I miss the days when RE was obviously about Umbrella, and not just a series of self-contained stories with references.
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