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RE6 Happy 10th anniversary RE6!

To think someone who is on a Resident Evil forum would say that RE6 is better than 7 in almost any way blows my mind but to each their own. Re6 almost destroyed the franchise meanwhile RE7 brought in so many new fans. I do agree to a point that RE7 had very loose connections to the rest of the series but after 6 it almost had to cut ties honestly, the overarching story of the franchise at this point is so nonsensical I don't know how they keep it going other than having a new setting each time.
I have been playing RE since the 90s, and RE6 is a masterpiece. Whereas RE7 felt like an engine demo.

When I think Resident Evil, games such as RE1, OG RE2, REmake, RE5, RE6 come to mind.

Not Outlast with guns. Which is what RE7 felt like.

Your mind doesn't need to be blown. It's not uncommon to like 6 over 7.
I don't need someone's permission to write to someone on the forum, lol.
Do you still speak dumb nonsense like this? You could just speak to someone else. You once incorrectly said that ı only love re6 but not others but even if ı did; ı at least like one entry unlike you who simply worship mikami and nothing more. I dont understand why you're such a big fan of his vision that damages the storyline but ı dont need to agree with your views. I dont need to keep praising wesker's fanfiction like you do either.
worship mikami
This is a baseless conclusion that has nothing to do with reality.

I can assume that you are writing these things because I care about Umbrella in BIO4, but the thing is that Umbrella was Iwao's idea, and this storyline was written by different authors throughout the history of the series. When Mikami left, Seto was doing it.

So no, I don't worship anyone. It's just not true.
but the thing is that Umbrella was Iwao's idea
Except iwao didnt plan for wesker to take over umbrella and revive it. If he planned that; sugimura wouldnt expand the company with more founders to benefit spencer. It's kato's fault due to altering sugimura's script in the worst way possible. Wxc making to recv would prevent umbrella from coming out of nowhere in re4 but all that makes to story script is hcf and that's it. They'll just reveal that to be the connections all along. Recvx is the worst game in the entire series and ı despise that pos with a passion. They dont need to take wesker's umbrella so seriously; it should have just disappeared out of nowhere cause trying to expand it makes me want it to receive even more anti-climactic conclusion. It's ultimately pointless and downplays everyone's journey.

When Mikami left, Seto was doing it.
Yeah except seto isnt a writer. He was a director. Murata and suga worked on chronicles games too but darkside doesnt have wesker's umbrella. If v-complex got out of hand; it would have damaged wesker's umbrella ambition very badly. And that's what re6 does too. Suga doesnt seem to agree with mikami's fanfiction judging from his writing.

Chronologically it started in 2003 with prelude to the fall manga when wesker got the interest but it was never really revealed neither in iwao's or sugimura's scripts. It just comes out of nowhere in re4 despite outbreak file 2 concluding it.
Except iwao didnt plan for wesker to take over umbrella and revive it.
He didn't have to. He also didn't have to plan for Chris to go after the woman he mistakenly thought was Ada.

Any stories and myths are developed in a process where everyone contributes to shape them. Mikami decided that after the tragedy in Raccoon City, it was better for Umbrella to "lay low" so that the company would return later? I don't see a problem with that.

Yeah except seto isnt a writer. He was a director.
He actually wrote things, including a novel.

Murata and suga worked on chronicles games too but darkside doesnt have wesker's umbrella.
The Resident Evil universe is big enough not to revolve around the same storyline. However, the fact that Wesker had a deal with the syndicate has a direct relation to his Umbrella.

Suga doesnt seem to agree with mikami's fanfiction judging from his writing.
Yeah, right, that's why TDC took the "two sides of the same coin" line from BIO4. You can project your ideas on Suga as much as you like, but he respected this universe much more than you do. That's why his writing was consistent for the series, as he developed an established mythology instead of raving about the idea that something bad should be "improved".
He didn't have to. He also didn't have to plan for Chris to go after the woman he mistakenly thought was Ada.
How does that contradict iwao's script though? Cloning was possible since the 1st game. I wouldnt have minded if recv made veronica ashford as the antagonist of the game and ı wouldnt mind if carla didnt become ada either. But 2 veronica twins as well as having 2 ada in the games dont contradict anything nor they ruin veronica's and ada's mysteries. It adds to them. But wesker's umbrella in re4 goes ahead and contradicts iwao and sugimura's intentions. Outbreak file 2 already concluded it. Wxc should have BEEN the next recurring organization pulling strings behind the shadows. I see wesker's umbrella ultimately pointless along with him surviving recvx's events. Expanding that colossal imbecile ruins his mystery and feels like a massive disservice to iwao's intended point with the character.

He actually wrote things, including a novel.
But he's still a director. He never worked on the games he directed alone. Murata worked on umbrella chronicles after outbreak games and separate ways. He worked on re5 without seto returning there just like separate ways and he along with seto worked on darkside chronicles helping suga too. And re engine raccoon had western writers involved in the scripts. It's pure anderson direction and ı dont like his movies either.

The Resident Evil universe is big enough not to revolve around the same storyline. However, the fact that Wesker had a deal with the syndicate has a direct relation to his Umbrella.
That's exactly my point. There didnt need to be another umbrella connected to a recurring antagonist. It would have made more sense if it was a new antagonist doing this only for him to be concluded along with his ambition in the exact same game he's introduced. That strengthens the self-contained premise, by making the stories concluded as much as possible.

Yeah, right, that's why TDC took the "two sides of the same coin" line from BIO4. You can project your ideas on Suga as much as you like, but he respected this universe much more than you do. That's why his writing was consistent for the series, as he developed an established mythology instead of raving about the idea that something bad should be "improved".
Exactly my point again. He utilizes that line in a story script that doesnt involve wesker's umbrella. He gives it a meaning... Despite it sadly being pointless in the end cause krauser becomes an enemy in re4 and gets defeated. You also forgot to mention leon's scar in re6 caused by krauser's knife attack in re4 but ı can see why you intentionally did that.

Besides ı'm not a developer and ı dont take someone's credit and claim that it's mine. Nor ı made a dumb engine deal that hurts 3 entries' story potentials. Nor ı called a character " submissive " and hated her only to create another character that's submissive. Nor ı claimed to cut my head off only to back off from that like a coward. I didnt create a generic buzzword out of nowhere either. I still dont understand what you see about mikami but he doesnt seem to respect developers well during his career.
How does that contradict iwao's script though?
When did I write that something contradicts Iwao's script? It's only you here and now who writes that things contradict something. I consider them consistent, on the contrary. And that's what I'm proving to people here as well.

But he's still a director.
Sure. And that's supposed to prove that he didn't write the Umbrella storyline? If that's the case, it's not true.

That's exactly my point. There didnt need to be another umbrella connected to a recurring antagonist. It would have made more sense if it was a new antagonist doing this only for him to be concluded along with his ambition in the exact same game he's introduced. That strengthens the self-contained premise, by making the stories concluded as much as possible.
I don't see a point for myself to write things about what authors should write and what they shouldn't. This is not my prerogative. I'm just a fan who is waiting for experience and discussing the continuity of the universe. As long as things are consistent and enjoyable, I'm fine with that. If they are not like that, I use my right to disagree with the developers' decisions, but I will not change something out of a sense of validation.

Exactly my point again. He utilizes that line in a story script that doesnt involve wesker's umbrella. He gives it a meaning... Despite it sadly being pointless in the end cause krauser becomes an enemy in re4 and gets defeated.
This line had nothing to do with Wesker's organization in BIO4 either. This line was related to the personal relationship between Leon and Krauser. They both understood the dark sides of the United States, which made them similar, but they saw the solution to world problems in different ways, so they were different. Suga knew this material and fleshed it out in the prequel, remaining true to the core of this idea of parallelism.

Suga knew Jack was going to die, but he still didn't find it useless. You found it useless, and I don't agree with you.

You also forgot to mention leon's scar in re6 caused by krauser's knife attack in re4 but ı can see why you intentionally did that.
Because I didn't think about it when I wrote the text? Oh, no, because you're delusional, so you think you "telepathically" understand my intentions.

But I can do it your way: you didn't write what Adam Benford and Jack Krauser have in common, and I see that you intentionally did that.

I still dont understand what you see about mikami
I'm not familiar with Mikami, nor am I familiar with any of the developers. I care about games because I'm a fan of games. You obsessively care about the fans of these games and their developers, because you found the whole world around you offensive.
I don't know what's wrong with anyone saying they like 6 more than 7. I mean, 6 really isn't even a game I like that much.

All I meant was that it has the bells and whistles of what made RE feel like RE, before RE4 was released. RE4 screwed that all up.

6 has an urban setting, a story about a virus Umbrella wants to control, and zombies do feature.

There's nothing about 7 that says it's RE besides the name, Chris appearing in a side role, and a few forced in mentionings of past shit.
I don't know what's wrong with anyone saying they like 6 more than 7. I mean, 6 really isn't even a game I like that much.

All I meant was that it has the bells and whistles of what made RE feel like RE, before RE4 was released. RE4 screwed that all up.

6 has an urban setting, a story about a virus Umbrella wants to control, and zombies do feature.

There's nothing about 7 that says it's RE besides the name, Chris appearing in a side role, and a few forced in mentionings of past shit.
I think an easy way to describe them would be that re6 is bio cause it features a biohazard outbreak, especially one that showcases progenitor's potential the most while reach for the moon is basically a re4 producing engine.

Objectively it's progenitor virus that's the heart and soul of the series which sugimura and suga was progressing from iwao's script but involving non-viruses feels like sidetracking. Corps killed the series for me and ı wont buy any more garbage reach for the moon entries.
I don't see the point in the remakes, other than to make newbies boast that they're now fans. I bet half of them won't even play the older games, because they say X, Y and Z puts them off. You can just imagine the things they pick on. The viewpoint. The tank controls. And whatnot.

A lot of things got removed in these recent remakes. 2 and 3 are just as bad, yet people online only really complain about 3 for doing it. "Selective criticism."

I had somebody on GameFAQs say I should hate the 2002 remake because that removed stuff too. If that's the case, it was only subtle removals. Nothing major. So what a funny argument some users there have.

Of course, people are fans of a franchise for different reasons. But then you could say you have the fictional 'certified badge' if you played the older games too. If not, then it's like, whatever.

I just think RE in general is kind of stupid now. It lost the edge it once had once it became an action horror series. Yet somehow, you still get excited for new games. It's only after you complete them, you think it wasn't really that special of an experience after all.
When did I write that something contradicts Iwao's script? It's only you here and now who writes that things contradict something. I consider them consistent, on the contrary. And that's what I'm proving to people here as well.

Sure. And that's supposed to prove that he didn't write the Umbrella storyline? If that's the case, it's not true.

I don't see a point for myself to write things about what authors should write and what they shouldn't. This is not my prerogative. I'm just a fan who is waiting for experience and discussing the continuity of the universe. As long as things are consistent and enjoyable, I'm fine with that. If they are not like that, I use my right to disagree with the developers' decisions, but I will not change something out of a sense of validation.

This line had nothing to do with Wesker's organization in BIO4 either. This line was related to the personal relationship between Leon and Krauser. They both understood the dark sides of the United States, which made them similar, but they saw the solution to world problems in different ways, so they were different. Suga knew this material and fleshed it out in the prequel, remaining true to the core of this idea of parallelism.

Suga knew Jack was going to die, but he still didn't find it useless. You found it useless, and I don't agree with you.

Because I didn't think about it when I wrote the text? Oh, no, because you're delusional, so you think you "telepathically" understand my intentions.

But I can do it your way: you didn't write what Adam Benford and Jack Krauser have in common, and I see that you intentionally did that.

I'm not familiar with Mikami, nor am I familiar with any of the developers. I care about games because I'm a fan of games. You obsessively care about the fans of these games and their developers, because you found the whole world around you offensive.
I thought a lot about this but ı still have no idea how to reply to this properly. I just dont understand what you get from writing this long, long and long info to me. I already know these before you even said it. Stop this so called " proving " . You arent a developer and you dont write scripts. You're ruining the forums with this behaviour and ı guess ı'll help you on this one.
What the hell is your problem?!! This was a positivity thread about the game, why dont you take your negativity to somewhere else? The criticism is bloated enough already. I cant believe survival horror elitists like you keep making these misconceptions over and over.


" The blight on the series. "

" Resident Evil's biggest sin bla bla bla "

" Re6 almost destroyed the franchise meanwhile RE7 bla bla bla "

It should have BEEN the so called " blight " / " biggest sin " on the series. You dont even know how to praise the new reboot direction. Umbrella corps started it by pointing out wesker revival hints and all the garbage reach for the moon does is keep producing re4 remakes. There is nothing valuable or unique about them cause they keep doing the EXACT SAME THING. The entries released after re4 were improving from it while also progressing the storyline but all corps and reach for the moon does is keep producing re4 remakes / ports / reboots. They didnt even need to take mikami's umbrella so seriously either cause outbreak file 2 already concluded it. I despise recvx more than re6 haters does the game.

I'm sorry for rudeness but why dont you just... Idk do something else? There's like plenty of games. But you pick 1 or 2 as a convenient scapegoat while overpraising others. And you do this in a thread where the game's writer is mentioned to pass away. How disgusting is that! I stayed quiet for a while but ı'm not gonna hold back. You arent even fan of the series, you're just a fan of that mikami zealot and nothing more. I mean who cares about iwao, sugimura and suga right! As well as more developers.
Nothing I said wasn't true I did not know about the writer I don't wish death on anyone and to suggest I would purposely trash a dead man's game is kind of silly.

If you want to have a real discussion about why Re6 is horrible let me know and just so you know I don't just talk crap on Re6 but in my opinion it is by far the worst in the series. To say I'm not even a fan of the series is also ridiculous considering we are on a forum for the series itself...... My favorite title in the series is RE2 remake to say I'm a mikami zealot is pretty funny as well.
I have been playing RE since the 90s, and RE6 is a masterpiece. Whereas RE7 felt like an engine demo.

When I think Resident Evil, games such as RE1, OG RE2, REmake, RE5, RE6 come to mind.

Not Outlast with guns. Which is what RE7 felt like.

Your mind doesn't need to be blown. It's not uncommon to like 6 over 7.
I truly haven't seen a lot of people say they like RE6 over most of the series honestly. That being said I get the shift in tone and setting was quite a shock at the time but I felt like the series needed that.
I don't see the point in the remakes, other than to make newbies boast that they're now fans. I bet half of them won't even play the older games, because they say X, Y and Z puts them off. You can just imagine the things they pick on. The viewpoint. The tank controls. And whatnot.

A lot of things got removed in these recent remakes. 2 and 3 are just as bad, yet people online only really complain about 3 for doing it. "Selective criticism."

I had somebody on GameFAQs say I should hate the 2002 remake because that removed stuff too. If that's the case, it was only subtle removals. Nothing major. So what a funny argument some users there have.

Of course, people are fans of a franchise for different reasons. But then you could say you have the fictional 'certified badge' if you played the older games too. If not, then it's like, whatever.

I just think RE in general is kind of stupid now. It lost the edge it once had once it became an action horror series. Yet somehow, you still get excited for new games. It's only after you complete them, you think it wasn't really that special of an experience after all.
I don't think we should gatekeep the series if someone only like RE7, village, Re2 and Re3 remake we should be happy we are getting some new fans who may or may not in turn go back and try some of the other games it's great either way.

Finally the video ı was excited for is released. I fully watched it as of now and ı have to say... This is one of the best re6 videos ı've ever seen. Seriously. I've never seen anyone else defending and praising the game's story through such an excellent and informative format before. It's quite long and very entertaining. Felt like a very high quality movie. I absolutely loved watching this, it's everything ı was expecting for and even better! Definitely one of the best re6 videos on youtube right next to " Why re6 is awesome? " one by tgbs.

Thank you so much for this omegablackheart! I really appreciate the effort put into this. I had no doubt about the amazingness of this perfect masterpiece and it delivered very well.
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