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RE:4 Do you want a Resident Evil 4 remake?

Do you want to see a Resident Evil 4 remake someday?

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I can care less. If they would make future Resident Evil titles into CGI movies from now on, like Vendetta, I'd be happy, because I'm not much into modern games. They make me motion sick and I hate the controls.
First of all the game doesn't need one, second CV needed one more, and third, they didn't even wait to see the reception 3 would have.

However, it's quite smart of them, a 4 remake will without a doubt sell more than an CV Remake.

Captain Redfield

The man who killed Albert Wesker
As I said, the day it happened would be the day I'll leave the series. I literally lost all the energy to even platinum RE3 so I guess it is safe to say I'm done with the series

I won't support Capcom anymore. Hopefully you guys will realize you're being robbed too but I'm afraid some will only realize that once they decide to Remake RE5, a game that barely ages. This is absurd, I'm not even joking.

I'll be out for good as of now. I won't lie, if something good appears down the line I might consider coming back, we'll never know.

Until one day folks, take care.
I've never been a huge fan of the action heavy RE games, but I mean, they're alright. However, I do have a big grudge against the original RE4 for destroying the original story involving Umbrella, in place of receiving some science fiction, Hollywood blockbuster cheese where the enemy gauntlets come thick and fast, but the landmark scares fall ultimately flat. And there's been a huge progression of this lameness since 2005.

I think as the years have gone on though, Capcom has simply embarked on focusing on what makes them the big dough with the popular trends. It's as if they just said 'Screw it' because they ran out of ideas, and are hereby just catering to what sells well. As I pointed out before, if they aren't focusing on making semi-decent remakes that miss out so much content, they are outsourcing their IP to these crappy developers that don't even put that foot on the gas pedal, in order for us real fans to get bland spin offs that are overly hyped up, because the Resident Evil name is slapped on them. It's kind of silly. But I guess some people want this game to happen nonetheless. But I don't know why they do so. They just do.


I always did say that people can play whatever they please, but don't expect a Shakespeare level of excellence, if this does happen. Later...

For anybody who says that the 2002 remake came out only 6 years after the original, that's because the GameCube was a huge step up from the PlayStation's graphical capabilities, therefore allowing Shinji's "vision" to come to light while he still felt he could do it in that way. These modern day remakes may have appeared to be created for the same reason, but again, the term 'reimagining' better fits the bill here, since so much is different from their respective originals.
As I said, the day it happened would be the day I'll leave the series. I literally lost all the energy to even platinum RE3 so I guess it is safe to say I'm done with the series

I won't support Capcom anymore. Hopefully you guys will realize you're being robbed too but I'm afraid some will only realize that once they decide to Remake RE5, a game that barely ages. This is absurd, I'm not even joking.

I'll be out for good as of now. I won't lie, if something good appears down the line I might consider coming back, we'll never know.

Until one day folks, take care.

Hey, dude. I don't blame you one bit, bro. I tried to give Capcom multiple chances myself, throughout all the horse poop they've put out over the past decade and a half, in order to cling to the last shred of personal hope that things may just improve someday, somehow, but nope. The sad thing is, that I think this company is loaded and financially well off. They could do a scary game with a massive budget if they really wanted to, but I guess they will always be concerned that non action games won't sell. Plus, I really do firmly believe that 7: Biohazard was just a way to try to get a massive degree of reassurance from the fans again, but even that ripped off P.T. and many horror films. Now that they've gotten everyone's attention and money again, they're back to trying it on with these remakes, knowing that everybody has bowed down to their God again. Such arseholes!

I think they've arguably become the greediest, most shilling, sons of you know what, out there. They're arguably much worse than Konami is. If that's even possible. :sick:

Shilling on Horror. Um, I mean...Rely on Horror, has also covered this.

Not a fan at all. Dino Crisis and Code Veronica deserve a remake far more than RE4 does and its ridiculous they're not getting them. That said, there's no way it's going to be better or even as good as the original RE4 so it feels pointless to even try unless its drastically different like the original 3.5. Feels like a waste of resources.
I am cautiously optimistic Re4 is my 4th favorite Resident Evil so I’m hopeful. I hope it’s more like the RE2 Remake in stead of like RE3. I will say the RE2 Remake is now my favorite game of all time so I’m a little biased when it comes to that but RE3 cut to much and was way to short in my opinion.
I'm a lil' disappointed with RE2R and RE3R after playing FF7R. Final Fantasy 7's remake is truly a remake. They added so much detail in the environments and a crap load of detailed scenes with action and just plain dialogue. It's so much extra content crammed into a fully realized RPG experience that it shows how milquetoast these modern RE games are in comparison.

I will say RE2R's police department got the love it needed, but RE3 had so many iconic locations that could have been fully realized in these remakes. I'm not even talking about the Clock Tower. Past RE games have used Subways, Universities, Underground Labs, Hotels, Hospitals, Parks and Zoos... this was a chance to bring all those places to life. The RE3R we have reminds me of a supercut of familiar locations, but they all go by so quick.

RE4 remains iconic despite its cutting the fan base in half. Give it the detailing it deserves or it won't make anywhere near as much money as the OG title did.
Are we in The Outer Limits or something?

There's so many fans online who bitch about the controls of the original RE4, and support a RE4 remake, just because it plays in a way they don't enjoy.

That's why this franchise is on life support. As long as people keep begging Capcom to do unnecessary remakes that they mess up in any case, we'll be stuck in 1998 and no doubt 2005 from now on, for like f*cking forever. Man, oh man.

To be honest I'm stunned that the sudden return of Capcom with DMC5 and RE2:R was only a year ago. It feels way longer. If they honestly think that rushing out a RE3 remake and then going straight into RE4 as fast as possible is the way forward... I don't what to think. As long as this is real news? Isn't RE4 on sale for PS4 right now anyway?
This was an EPIC live stream. :D

I donate to Michael Does Life quite a lot.

Not only that, I called in at the 1:09:37 mark, and gave the fake RE fans watching the show, yet another much needed reality check! ;)

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