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Movies Death Island

I totally agree.

I was beginning to think we weren't going to see Jill again, as the years went by since RE5 with nothing new for Jill and just recycled storylines with Nemesis. Fortunately, they've kept things clever by preserving her age.

I was gonna age quicker than her, if they kept this up. 👴
Voice Cast has been released and look before I go into sounding like I'm hating too much, please note that I do think the movie does look awesome and seeing 5 major characters in this series all interacting and sharing screen time and taking part in the movie's action is a dream come true for fans of this series. I mean just for that I'll at least watch the movie a few times.

But I'm growing concerned of Capcom ignoring little and major details, exercising poor continuity on their own established stories, and learning the wrong lessons from the financial success of RE2R and RE3R. Read carefully here, ladies and gentlemen:


Anyone here with eyeballs who knows their lore can see the elephant in the room and for those who are new and unaware I'll point it out.

Jill was infected by the Nemesis in Raccoon City and that's what caused her to be infected with T-Virus. NOT Albert Wesker. I don't know if it's a sneaky retcon on Capcom's part or they're just not caring about details anymore.

Also, Claire seems to be getting the aging backwards treatment that for now is unexplained.

And finally also revealed in the screenshot above, Nicole Thompkins is returning to voice Jill which further concerns me that Capcom is trying to sneak continuity of 2 and 3 Remake into the original canon. No disrespect to anyone who has no problem with that and the movie overall still looks awesome, but I don't like how lazy Capcom is getting (yet again). Delivering in one or more areas and yet completely dropping the ball elsewhere.

Again guys and girls, still want to see this movie and it looks great, but I wish that Capcom could practice a little respect to continuity. That's all.
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I was worried about that too. I think they could be referring to the similar mansion you meet Wesker in during RE5, as that was also a Spencer estate not unlike the one in the first game. 😳

Capcom has a love boner for using similar houses, as even Revelations 2 and Vendetta had similar estates.

Still. I can see why that summary sounded confusing. 🥺

Also, I hope the 2 and 3 remakes are not canon. Oh dear! :(
I hope so, too cause ugh 🤦🏻‍♂️

Jill's character file in Resident Evil 5 makes a few contradictions to her character summary in Death Island, but I have a theory that can link to explain Jill's sudden de-aging BS.

The T-Virus that remained in Jill's body was said to have been reactivated during Jill's cryosleep after getting medical treatment following her fight with Wesker. After the virus reactivated it basically dissipated entirely it could have caused a number of mutations to Jills' body that everyone was unaware of. One thing we know that happened covered in the file I mention was that Jill now had powerful antibodies to the T-Virus. But the other thing it did that we now know of is anti-aging. It's a rehash of Sherry and her bonding with the G-Virus and that's why I don't like it.

But of course, I'm trying to guess that's what Capcom will try to use to go into detailed explanation if they decide to be detailed.
Don't be surprised if they produce an antidote for the sake of keeping all the male characters looking youthful too. This is their answer to preventing retirement. But I mean, it's just gonna go on forever at this point.

Also, all they're likely to do is just make up a story about a new viral outbreak, but alter the first letter of the name of it. 🦠

B Virus.
K Virus.
M Virus.


Meh. 💩
Voice Cast has been released and look before I go into sounding like I'm hating too much, please note that I do think the movie does look awesome and seeing 5 major characters in this series all interacting and sharing screen time and taking part in the movie's action is a dream come true for fans of this series. I mean just for that I'll at least watch the movie a few times.

But I'm growing concerned of Capcom ignoring little and major details, exercising poor continuity on their own established stories, and learning the wrong lessons from the financial success of RE2R and RE3R. Read carefully here, ladies and gentlemen:

View attachment 2090

Anyone here with eyeballs who knows their lore can see the elephant in the room and for those who are new and unaware I'll point it out.

Jill was infected by the Nemesis in Raccoon City and that's what caused her to be infected with T-Virus. NOT Albert Wesker. I don't know if it's a sneaky retcon on Capcom's part or they're just not caring about details anymore.

Also, Claire seems to be getting the aging backwards treatment that for now is unexplained.

And finally also revealed in the screenshot above, Nicole Thompkins is returning to voice Jill which further concerns me that Capcom is trying to sneak continuity of 2 and 3 Remake into the original canon. No disrespect to anyone who has no problem with that and the movie overall still looks awesome, but I don't like how lazy Capcom is getting (yet again). Delivering in one or more areas and yet completely dropping the ball elsewhere.

Again guys and girls, still want to see this movie and it looks great, but I wish that Capcom could practice a little respect to continuity. That's all.
Yeah ı also see the contradiction. It says " spencer mansion " even though she got captured by wesker after launching herself with him from spencer's estate. They make it sound like she was captured by wesker in re1, despite mo disc quest in both games not being an actual story aspect. From an objective story standpoint, neither chris nor jill got captured by wesker in re1 / remake and put into jail.

They also make it sound like t-virus is what caused jill to follow wesker's orders despite it being p30 causing this, a chemical device fueled by pure progenitor variant. I dont mind her looking young but ı still would have preferred that they relied on julia voth model from remake and re5 rather than re3r model.
Don't be surprised if they produce an antidote for the sake of keeping all the male characters looking youthful too. This is their answer to preventing retirement. But I mean, it's just gonna go on forever at this point.

Also, all they're likely to do is just make up a story about a new viral outbreak, but alter the first letter of the name of it. 🦠

B Virus.
K Virus.
M Virus.


Meh. 💩
Still better than mold in both re7 and revillage. At least with viruses being involved, the stories feel more like bio to me. Utilizing non-viruses as means of infection without any virus being involved for the cause of the outbreaks defeats the entire point of " biohazard " aspect to me personally.
Watched vendetta recently after a long while. I thought the movie was awesome in regards to action scenes and drama. Dont care much for the core plot of it, that being los iluminados coming back somehow, but ı still think it's a lot of fun and holds up well.
I pre-ordered a copy of Death Island from Best Buy. I only spent $6.18 total, because I had like $35 worth of gift cards from Best Buy's Rewards program and I cashed in my Sony VISA Rewards for Best Buy e-gift cards.

That's what I like about my Sony VISA credit account; I can charge whatever I want, pay it off in full every month, get the rewards to put towards Best Buy and I get 4K movies on a major discount just for making regular purchases that earn me reward points.
Yeah. The series is hardly even horror any longer. I think every game now is just another excuse for the same overpowered personnel to lay waste to some cheesy blob creature and tell lame jokes. That's it.

Nothing really stays in my memory once I finish a new RE game. By the next week, you just feel bored, thinking about what the whole point was and what game you can try next to watch the sour taste away.

When the franchise was in the stage of infancy in the 90s of course, it stood out as scary and exciting because nobody really knew a great deal about Unbrella, why the monsters came to be, and so on. It was all but ruined after RE4 came out, basically because they shifted towards visceral action. Which okay, it's more marketable than the standard horror game because it appeals to the masses. Therein lays the problem, however. You just sold out Capcom, to gain those mega big bucks.

It's an embarrassment. But yeah. Most fanboy types on GameFAQs don't care. To them, it's new. It's modern. It's a game that will get them juicy views and tips on their YouTube and Twitch streams.

It's well and truly sad...
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