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Movies Death Island

My thoughts exactly.

Like mert20004 said, it makes zero sense to wear the same clothes in 2015 as what you did in 1998. Because that's her RE3 remake model, despite Jill having a different attire in RE5 and a completely different look for that matter. 😩

I sure hope she took those clothes to the dry cleaners. 😳
My thoughts exactly.

Like mert20004 said, it makes zero sense to wear the same clothes in 2015 as what you did in 1998. Because that's her RE3 remake model, despite Jill having a different attire in RE5 and a completely different look for that matter. 😩

I sure hope she took those clothes to the dry cleaners. 😳
I'm with both of you. No canonical Jill since 2009, and they pull this out of their ass :cautious:
Only + to this slowed aging excuse is they may use her again in future games later in the timeline. Maybe T-Phobos will slow the aging of Claire as well. I am sure if asked why their likeness changes so much between games, it’s because “virus” as well.
Only + to this slowed aging excuse is they may use her again in future games later in the timeline. Maybe T-Phobos will slow the aging of Claire as well. I am sure if asked why their likeness changes so much between games, it’s because “virus” as well.
Having Jill back is a definite plus. But if they go this route, what are they going to do with Leon and Chris? They seem to be the only ones who are actually aging.
I wished jill wore her re5 bsaa uniform here. Imo that's her best character design as well as best portrayal of her. I didnt like her becoming a slave for wesker, including the battlesuit, but ı still like her with blonde hair even if ı dont like the way it's executed.

I also miss patricia ja lee deeply. Imo that's her best va who showcases her characterization the best. I would have liked to see her returning but she doesnt voice jill in the entries released after re5. She doesnt come back in rerev for example, that really bothers me.

Wonder how they will explain her absence during the events set after re5. It wouldnt surprise me if it would be glossed over though.
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if they were gonna use Zasha, at least should had used her REVERSE version with RE5 hair.


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It confirmed what we felt all along. :)

Alexandra Zotova is the youngest facial actor of Jill Valentine in the games and CapCom decided to REuse her from BioHazard 3 REmake. This is not a cute coincidence!🧠:LOL:

1) Inezh was born in the 1970s

2) Julia Voth was born in 1985

3) Amra Silajdzic was born in 1984

4) Alexandra Zotova was born in 1995 (a few years even younger than me)
These photos illustrate BioHazard 6 tier REunion. Even if CapCom gave us a game based on the Death Island movie, I'd buy and play it!🧠🎮:LOL:
Same here, my mind went to re6 after seeing these images as well. The movie even has both director and writer returning just like damnation and re6's cases, the latter was even an ambitious title for the time in 2012. I would have preferred this to be a game too but regardless of it being a movie, ı'm planning to watch this. I always wanted a jill-claire reunion and it looks like it's happening here.
Do you think the movie will be available on netflix? I watched infinite darkness there and the other cgi movies were also available. I didnt like how degeneration didnt feature an english dub though so ı downloaded that instead. Same as damnation which ı also downloaded to my pc but that had english dub featured.

It's been a while since ı watched vendetta, ı should go back to that, ı always liked the much more action oriented approach of it compared to previous cgi films but its story didnt have much to do with re6, important info were kept in the novel where they reference the game much more. I never liked los iluminados revival that much, ı hope this wont have los iluminados as backdrop but the family instead.
I'm still stewing over Capcom trying to sneak in their remake elements into the original canon (Jill), and I wonder if they'll use Claire's exposure to T-Phobos as an explanation why she also looks so young (even rocking an older hairstyle).


Even I have to admit this is awesome on so many levels!! I've wanted to see these beloved characters interact and work together for the longest and we've got 4 heavy hitters right here 1 of which I've wanted to see them team up (Jill and Claire).

I'm willing to accept those lazy rehashes if at least the movie is good and each character gets their moment to shine ala The Expendables.
I'm still stewing over Capcom trying to sneak in their remake elements into the original canon (Jill), and I wonder if they'll use Claire's exposure to T-Phobos as an explanation why she also looks so young (even rocking an older hairstyle).


Even I have to admit this is awesome on so many levels!! I've wanted to see these beloved characters interact and work together for the longest and we've got 4 heavy hitters right here 1 of which I've wanted to see them team up (Jill and Claire).

I'm willing to accept those lazy rehashes if at least the movie is good and each character gets their moment to shine ala The Expendables.
Yeah ı wished they didnt carry over elements from re engine but carried more elements from re5 and re6 as well. For jill particularly like ı said before, ı would have preferred if she wore her bsaa uniform from re5, that's still her peak portrayal by far. As for claire, they keep recycling her design from rerev2, they did this with re2r and they also did this with infinite darkness too. Tbh ı would have preferred if she wore a tank top while jill would wear a jacket instead. I always liked her design in heavenly island more than her default rerev2 outfit so that carrying over would have been more interesting.

Chris, leon and rebecca are overall recycled from vendetta so it looks more like a better follow up for them. Still hope the movie will turn out interesting to me, ı already like the concepts from what ı've seen.
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