I believe ı ranked chris' appearances before in another thread but ı'm gonna make another one now that ı watched death island:
Re1: The 1st appearance of chris. I believe he's the best character in the game along with barry and ı personally like playing as him more than jill in my opinion. His rivalry with wesker is also more entertaining to me than the other character relationships.
Recv: A good improvement from re1. I like his relationship with claire more than his relationships with other characters in the 1st game and ı also like claire's items being shared between chris. Rodrigo part has always been one of my favourites which can be touching if you bring him hemostat as claire. However his relationship with claire is still not explored as much as other character relationships in the game, particularly the antagonists.
Remake: It feels improved from the 1st game in regards to acting. However chris' personality is still not as interesting compared to those 2 games and ı also dont like the decision of sharing the same actor between chris and richard. I like his relationship with richard more than og game as well as jill's relationship with richard in the game but just like every other character in the game, he feels lacking compared to lisa trevor which ı believe is the best part of remake as well as single handedly the entire reason why remake still feels like the most definitive remake ı've ever played.
Umbrella chronicles: Even more boring than remake where chris, just like every other character other than wesker, feels stripped from his personality. Still ı like his relationship with jill here for what the game's worth, ı wish there were more coop sections between chris and jill but there arent many.
Prelude to the fall: Short prequel to umbrella chronicles' 2003 part. Nothing new to add here other than seeing chris and jill working together which is nice to see. My favourite part is them saving a little girl which is really touching to see.
Re5: The best character in the game. He's voiced by roger craig smith who's my favourite va for chris. The voice acting is much stronger than ever before and ı like his partnership with sheva. I would have liked to see him working together with jill more but ı still think his relationship with jill is portrayed the best in this game despite the limited screentime. You defeat wesker in the game and punching that boulder will never stop being iconic in my eyes.
Darkside chronicles: Greatly improved from past stories. His relationship with claire in the game is one of my favourite aspects for the character's writing along with roger craig smith and alyson court team-up which will never happen in the series again. His appearance is very brief but still feels well executed.
Rerev: The best character in the game along with keith and quint. Cant get tired from roger craig smith no matter what. The other characters feels lacking compared to re5 and darkside chronicles' cast but ı think they nailed chris' fine as far as how he should act.
Re6: The best improvement from his past storylines when it comes to both voice acting and writing for the character. I love roger craig smith here much more than his previous portrayals, he really defined the character here the best. Chris' character development is amazing here as better than ever and ı really like how he became a sou captain in an attempt to be a better leader than wesker was back in his stars days. His personality as well as its change is shown very well here. He starts the game as not remembering what happened to make players wonder what can mess him up like this but at the end of 1st chapter; he eventually remembers his past with flashback chapter explaining why. In 3rd chapter; he starts and spends most of it as being blinded by revenge with piers trying his best to bring him back to his normal senses until he receives leon's help where he realizes the bigger picture. I also like the justice talk he makes to carla in chapter 4 as well as enjoy the cutscene between chris and jake in chapter 5 where they talk about wesker. The final chapter is very tragic with piers' sacrificing his life to save chris. What a hero, ı can never forget piers no matter what.
Marhawa desire: Great prequel to re6. I cant be tired as seeing chris working with piers here during his past adventures. I also really like merah as a character and pair her with piers. It's nice to see those 3 characters working together. Merah's sacrifice is also very tragic and emotional.
Biohazard the stage: Another great prequel to re6. As always, it's nice to see chris and piers together as well as rebecca being added to their relationship. My favourite part is where chris and piers talk about the future of bsaa with their characterizations defined in a way that ties well to re6. Overall more to enjoy those characters together and ı cant be tired from loving piers that much.
Heavenly island: He's more of a guest character here. He's simply shown speaking to claire. It's fine for what it's worth, ı like it.
Re7: The biggest downgrade the character ever received in his timeframe. Everything from the acting to writing feels so annoyingly downgraded. I still dont view this as chris but hunk doing his best impression to pose as the character.
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Vendetta: The best character in the movie. A refreshing improvement from re7 to see how chris should act like after re6. It's nice to see him in a cgi movie for the 1st time and despite preferring roger craig smith, he's still enjoyable to watch during his fights with arias.
Revillage: Another disappointing portrayal of the character but it's still improved from re7 in regards to at least face model. However he comes off more like carlos this time due to same va being shared from re:3. His screentime is also too low to the point he comes off more like a villain rather than a protagonist.
( This part is new for death island )
Death island: The worst portrayal of chris and the most disappointing way to handle the character that ı've ever seen so far. The entire movie comes off like they wanted to pander towards those leon-jill shippers in the fandom and every other character, other than this being just jill, feels too downgraded as a result. I was still getting my hopes up for proper chris-claire interactions but they still feel too stripped from their personalities very annoyingly followed by both characters getting infected with a virus for the 1st time after both of them getting captured even more annoyingly to the point they need rebecca to acquire vaccines into their body. There's also the problem where none of silver dagger survivors come back to this despite the movie being a direct sequel to vendetta. What's even the point of chris' team under his command surviving if they wouldnt come back to this film? It's like... they looked into re7-revillage and thought about justifying chris' portrayals in those games so they made the decisions in the film to justify the way he's handled in this film. To me ı dont need chris coming back anymore and this movie cemented my reasons why. Personally ı think both chris and leon need a break so that the other surviving cast from the 1st 2 games shine more. I was never that impressed with the whole idea of having leon and jill in the same story, ı would have preferred other story ideas like having barry and rebecca in the same story or more importantly, ada getting a story without leon or even chris but ı still like the whole idea of chris and ada being the same story more than leon and jill in the same story. But anyway to sum this up, ı see death island as the worst portrayal of chris that he ever received so far.