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General Chris Redfield's game appearances, ranked on Game Rant...

This is going to sound weird, but the version of Chris I like is in Resident Evil 5 in his Warrior costume, because of his massive exposed muscles, even though he's on the juice.
1) RE5 - A hero who persevered through self doubts and overcoming a long lived rivalry that threatened the fate of mankind.
2) RE6 - A broken hero coming to terms with the loss of his men while trying to prevent a 2nd world ending event.
3) CVX - A brother hellbent on saving his only sibling and willing to travel across the world to save her.
4) RE1 - An officer who survived a brutal betrayal and went through his first traumatic experiences losing most of his STARS members.
5) Rev1 - A barebones version of Chris that was about the mission and the mission only, not much personality shown here that wasn’t depicted better in other games.
6) RE8 - Carlos-Chris who puts lives in danger so he can stop a crazy 100 year old mold woman. This is the anti-Chris of the franchise that was a placeholder for unnecessary shock value.
7) RE7 - Not Chris, this was a rejected clone sent by BSAA for field testing.
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1. BIO7.

I thought about isolating Chris from the story and the gameplay, but decided that it would be a huge mistake, because there is nothing that would better characterize him than the actions and reactions he demonstrated. Besides, Chris is my virtual avatar, so my involvement was the "connective tissue" between him and me.

What I like about this journey is the fact that, in contrast to Ethan, I immediately got the picture that I'm controlling an experienced and well-equipped professional, but who is still a human being who can be outplayed. Lucas is a very clever villain, and the way the game presented the challenges he made gave me a sense of the stakes that I had long lacked in stories about recurring heroes. This reflected on Redfield, showing that he is not untouchable. In fact, he really could have died there, and I felt it.

After an intense segment in the tunneling shield, the game gave me a quiet and calm stage that gave me a break. The fact that Chris caught his breath resonated with me as well. I believed it was a challenge for him too. And this setup led us to the perfect punchline, in which Chris caught Lucas off guard, and Baker, shitting his pants and realizing how fucked he is, took off on the run. I swear, no Chris' story has ever given me as much joy as this particular moment.

However, all that I have described is only part of the reason why I like this version of Chris the most. The other part is the way the story represents his profession. Redfield is a soldier who loses comrades, kills monsters that were once humans, and murders terrorists. There is nothing heroic about it, it is the necessary physical and mental violence that soldiers go through and that stains them. No superhero bullshit.

2. Village.

Although Chris is not heavily present in this story, the game doesn't miss the opportunity to show his work from a different perspective. Redfield and his group are elite professionals, but they are not mutants like Ethan, so they must make any decisions carefully. Therefore, they investigate, gather intelligence and shape plans. Each member has their own expertise, so their responsibilities are distributed in the field camps they deploy.

When that sudden leak happened, so the agents had little time, they executed the operation quickly and efficiently, taking Miranda with military precision. But the fact that they miscalculated due to a lack of information about the mutant's abilities feels oddly realistic, which I especially love.

The fact that Chris can be harsh, punch you, and keep in the dark a person he cares about and who doesn't have the authority and proper skills to wage war has always been part of Chris' characterization, and Redfield is true to himself.

3. BIO6.

I like flawed characters, so Redfield's arc in this game is pretty appealing to me. The Armageddon-like ending only enriches this story, and the steak scene after it delicately sums up the journey that Chris has gone through to change and be true to the core idea of his essence. No wonder that many people like Redfield's campaign the most.

4. BIO5 and CODE: Veronica.

Frankly, I can't say much about these versions, except that they feel appealing. These are good men who have moral superiority and who save the world. To me, they fall into the archetype spectrum rather than the human one, but that doesn't make them bad characters in any shape or form.

5. The other versions of Chris.

Well, they're just blank. In the 2002 remake, for instance, Chris either doesn't care or almost doesn't care about the deaths of his friends. He's acting like he's overwhelmed by sedatives. The situation is a bit better in the original game, and in the Revelations game Redfield is just ridiculously focused, which gives the strong impression that Chris is a dumb brick, especially in the moments when Jessica flirts with him. The game's storytelling, in which the characters repeat different information several times to spoon-feed the player, doesn't make the situation any better in this regard.

As for faces and voices, they don't bother me as long as they don't look and sound bad, which hasn't happened so far.
Well, we are not the only ones who differentiate the characters into different versions. Capcom does that too. A recent interview revealed that there are three Jack Krausers for the company: Biohazard 4's, The Darkside Chronicles' and Biohazard RE:4's.

Each product is a separate world essentially. That's s why details and inconsistencies, such as the characters' appearances, are not so important.
That’s what happens when an IP going on for 30 years soon has so many writers and developers with their own version of what RE should be. I miss when Flagship took over and had control of character motivations and development. There was consistency for the most part up until 2012 when Rev1 basically put Jill through a blender and made her into a new character. Then the RE Engine games took it a step further and everyone is essentially a rebooted or reimagined version of their MT Framework counterparts.

Yet we are still getting CGI movies where it’s a mix of RE Engine likeness and MT Framework. Character appearances should be consistent or else its immersion breaking. If you play and watch everything in chronological order, the character faces and voices change so much between games it’s very jarring. All because Capcom excludes actors who go union. I don’t agree that each game exists in its own universe (besides RE:2, :3, and :4), otherwise what is the point of having canon at all? I loved it when Pete Fabiano stated that the originals and reimaginings co-exist but then leaves Capcom shortly after, so his words hold no weight at all. The fans have more passion for canonicity than the actual developers at this point.
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I'm afraid that all that's happening is the consequences of the foundation that the series had. Dividing products into separate entities is something that Kawamura has been alluding to for a long time:

Q. I see. Now according to BIOHAZARD GUN SURVIVOR, Umbrella's European branch on Sheena Island held Dr. Birkin responsible for what happened in Raccoon City…

A. GUN SURVIVOR is like "Alien vs. Predator" to the original "Alien" movie. You should treat it as a separate entity.

Q. Just a moment. GUN SURVIVOR was written by the late Mr. Sugimura of FLAGSHIP, and was mentioned in the opening narration of "BIOHAZARD 0"…

A. "BIOHAZARD 0" was under the control of FLAGSHIP. In that sense, it's close to GUN SURVIVOR.

Q. Understood.

Nothing has changed since then. Capcom just recited the incidents again.
That’s what happens when an IP going on for 30 years soon has so many writers and developers with their own version of what RE should be. I miss when Flagship took over and had control of character motivations and development. There was consistency for the most part up until 2012 when Rev1 basically put Jill through a blender and made her into a new character. Then the RE Engine games took it a step further and everyone is essentially a rebooted or reimagined version of their MT Framework counterparts.

Yet we are still getting CGI movies where it’s a mix of RE Engine likeness and MT Framework. Character appearances should be consistent or else its immersion breaking. If you play and watch everything in chronological order, the character faces and voices change so much between games it’s very jarring. All because Capcom excludes actors who go union. I don’t agree that each game exists in its own universe (besides RE:2, :3, and :4), otherwise what is the point of having canon at all? I loved it when Pete Fabiano stated that the originals and reimaginings co-exist but then leaves Capcom shortly after, so his words hold no weight at all. The fans have more passion for canonicity than the actual developers at this point.
QFT. 👍
Chris' " rocking " evolution in a rockshell:

Re1: You mock your rival like a rock only to defeat his ultimate failure like a rock.

Recv: Your rival simps comes back to beat you like a rock only to get rocked by the new antagonist like a rock followed by you defeating the new antagonist like a rock.

Re5: Both of you become rocker than ever only for you to defeat your rival like a rock.

Re6: You follow your rival's footsteps like a rock by becoming a captain to be followed with sacrificing your teammates for the bigger picture like rocks.

Chris rocks!
They should redesign him to resemble how he looks in the recent animated films. I'm just not keen on the old disgruntled look to him in RE8, and his acting just felt rather off to me as well. But at least it was somewhat better than how he was in 7.

He looked like he was back in 1998 again. We know how much Capcom admires that year in particular...
I believe ı ranked chris' appearances before in another thread but ı'm gonna make another one now that ı watched death island:

Re1: The 1st appearance of chris. I believe he's the best character in the game along with barry and ı personally like playing as him more than jill in my opinion. His rivalry with wesker is also more entertaining to me than the other character relationships.

Recv: A good improvement from re1. I like his relationship with claire more than his relationships with other characters in the 1st game and ı also like claire's items being shared between chris. Rodrigo part has always been one of my favourites which can be touching if you bring him hemostat as claire. However his relationship with claire is still not explored as much as other character relationships in the game, particularly the antagonists.

Remake: It feels improved from the 1st game in regards to acting. However chris' personality is still not as interesting compared to those 2 games and ı also dont like the decision of sharing the same actor between chris and richard. I like his relationship with richard more than og game as well as jill's relationship with richard in the game but just like every other character in the game, he feels lacking compared to lisa trevor which ı believe is the best part of remake as well as single handedly the entire reason why remake still feels like the most definitive remake ı've ever played.

Umbrella chronicles: Even more boring than remake where chris, just like every other character other than wesker, feels stripped from his personality. Still ı like his relationship with jill here for what the game's worth, ı wish there were more coop sections between chris and jill but there arent many.

Prelude to the fall: Short prequel to umbrella chronicles' 2003 part. Nothing new to add here other than seeing chris and jill working together which is nice to see. My favourite part is them saving a little girl which is really touching to see.

Re5: The best character in the game. He's voiced by roger craig smith who's my favourite va for chris. The voice acting is much stronger than ever before and ı like his partnership with sheva. I would have liked to see him working together with jill more but ı still think his relationship with jill is portrayed the best in this game despite the limited screentime. You defeat wesker in the game and punching that boulder will never stop being iconic in my eyes.

Darkside chronicles: Greatly improved from past stories. His relationship with claire in the game is one of my favourite aspects for the character's writing along with roger craig smith and alyson court team-up which will never happen in the series again. His appearance is very brief but still feels well executed.

Rerev: The best character in the game along with keith and quint. Cant get tired from roger craig smith no matter what. The other characters feels lacking compared to re5 and darkside chronicles' cast but ı think they nailed chris' fine as far as how he should act.

Re6: The best improvement from his past storylines when it comes to both voice acting and writing for the character. I love roger craig smith here much more than his previous portrayals, he really defined the character here the best. Chris' character development is amazing here as better than ever and ı really like how he became a sou captain in an attempt to be a better leader than wesker was back in his stars days. His personality as well as its change is shown very well here. He starts the game as not remembering what happened to make players wonder what can mess him up like this but at the end of 1st chapter; he eventually remembers his past with flashback chapter explaining why. In 3rd chapter; he starts and spends most of it as being blinded by revenge with piers trying his best to bring him back to his normal senses until he receives leon's help where he realizes the bigger picture. I also like the justice talk he makes to carla in chapter 4 as well as enjoy the cutscene between chris and jake in chapter 5 where they talk about wesker. The final chapter is very tragic with piers' sacrificing his life to save chris. What a hero, ı can never forget piers no matter what.

Marhawa desire: Great prequel to re6. I cant be tired as seeing chris working with piers here during his past adventures. I also really like merah as a character and pair her with piers. It's nice to see those 3 characters working together. Merah's sacrifice is also very tragic and emotional.

Biohazard the stage: Another great prequel to re6. As always, it's nice to see chris and piers together as well as rebecca being added to their relationship. My favourite part is where chris and piers talk about the future of bsaa with their characterizations defined in a way that ties well to re6. Overall more to enjoy those characters together and ı cant be tired from loving piers that much.

Heavenly island: He's more of a guest character here. He's simply shown speaking to claire. It's fine for what it's worth, ı like it.

Re7: The biggest downgrade the character ever received in his timeframe. Everything from the acting to writing feels so annoyingly downgraded. I still dont view this as chris but hunk doing his best impression to pose as the character.

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Vendetta: The best character in the movie. A refreshing improvement from re7 to see how chris should act like after re6. It's nice to see him in a cgi movie for the 1st time and despite preferring roger craig smith, he's still enjoyable to watch during his fights with arias.

Revillage: Another disappointing portrayal of the character but it's still improved from re7 in regards to at least face model. However he comes off more like carlos this time due to same va being shared from re:3. His screentime is also too low to the point he comes off more like a villain rather than a protagonist.

( This part is new for death island )

Death island: The worst portrayal of chris and the most disappointing way to handle the character that ı've ever seen so far. The entire movie comes off like they wanted to pander towards those leon-jill shippers in the fandom and every other character, other than this being just jill, feels too downgraded as a result. I was still getting my hopes up for proper chris-claire interactions but they still feel too stripped from their personalities very annoyingly followed by both characters getting infected with a virus for the 1st time after both of them getting captured even more annoyingly to the point they need rebecca to acquire vaccines into their body. There's also the problem where none of silver dagger survivors come back to this despite the movie being a direct sequel to vendetta. What's even the point of chris' team under his command surviving if they wouldnt come back to this film? It's like... they looked into re7-revillage and thought about justifying chris' portrayals in those games so they made the decisions in the film to justify the way he's handled in this film. To me ı dont need chris coming back anymore and this movie cemented my reasons why. Personally ı think both chris and leon need a break so that the other surviving cast from the 1st 2 games shine more. I was never that impressed with the whole idea of having leon and jill in the same story, ı would have preferred other story ideas like having barry and rebecca in the same story or more importantly, ada getting a story without leon or even chris but ı still like the whole idea of chris and ada being the same story more than leon and jill in the same story. But anyway to sum this up, ı see death island as the worst portrayal of chris that he ever received so far.
I like how the main villain in Death Island took a jab at Chris for getting his comrades killed during prior missions. The fans' plea was heard. 😅
That was done before with carla and arias too. Unlike them, dylan didnt even get any of chris' teams killed so all the talk he makes feels empty. I still enjoyed death island but the way chris is portrayed in the film wasnt one of them cause it felt like he was just added to the story just cause of jill being in the same story so that they wouldnt get chris-jill fans bothered, especially since chris took plenty of assignments without jill after re5 where people were wondering about her.
Is Chris your favourite character, or is it Leon?

I like both equally. Chris has had some really intense moments.
I think ı like him more than leon but at the same time, it's also possible for me to enjoy leon more than chris. By the time of re7, ı've come to dislike chris more than leon who, other than re:2, ı cant find myself disliking him that much. It depends but like you said ı see them as equals.
In my opinion ı think the encounter between chris and jake is still one of the best ones in the series. I still enjoy everything it offers just like the entire game. I also like the scar jake inflicts on chris due to the bullet nearly missing his cheek but ı wished that chris had a hole in his ear cause that would have been even better regarding development. It's still the best way to follow from iwao's script regarding chris that ı've ever seen. By comparison, ı dislike ethan and chris' relationship in revillage more cause the game comes out like it breaks chris' character by making him handle ethan carelessly. It just comes off soulless and absent from any proper writing. Even if chris' actions were justified, then his teams comes in and mocks him later which is yet another red flag that shows the drop in quality regarding the writing for chris. I also miss chris' scar that disappears at the epilogue of his campaign and it's not brought back in any story after re6. Personally ı still think both leon and chris need a break from the storyline and death island cemented my reasons why.
RE6 moved the series forward better than RE7 ever did. Then RE8 was an insulting mess.

The enemies are cartoonish and then Capcom had the nerve, and the audacity to retcon Spencer's past by linking him to that Saddler copycat, Miranda. The whole game is a joke that just tried so hard to be like RE4 - the obvious RE darling of titles.

Really. It shouldn't have a damn thing to do with Resident Evil, but you know? It's 2024, so they try to cater the franchise to all sorts. And no. Not the type sold as candy. LOL.

A lot of characters like Billy and Sheva will most likely never be seen again, because even Capcom cannot write good games anymore. But at least RE6 has zombies and despite the action oriented vibes, it still has a plot associated with RE. Cities and outbreaks of creatures play a big role, and the misuse of new viruses. That's what RE is. Not fantasy, Tim Burton animation and castles. Although, sure. RE4 has a castle.

7 and 8 just go around stealing ideas from various mediums. Nothing is new, or unique about them.
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