Operation Raccoon City could have been a good spin-off game if they took star wars republic commando approach.
Interesting. I was thinking it was gonna be more of a drawing out of a hat selection but this seems to tell that they're looking for specific people to try it. Perhaps I should of put more of an effort into my "why do you feel you should be selected". ? Pretty sure my answer was similar to a lot of what other people put.Final ambassador questions that were sent out to candidates for beta testing the game (thanks CVXfreak):
-What RE games have you played?
-Do you like single player games?
-Do you like multiplayer games, incl. online games?
-Do you like first person action games?
-Do you like third person action games?
-What non-RE games&genres do you like?
-Misc questions re age/education/job/salary
Same, currently at work so I'll be filling it out once I get home on my PC.Just received the response survey. Going to fill it out in the morning. Says it takes about 20 mins.
That definitely screams multiplayer spin off. I'm seeing rumors of it being a 4vs1 multiplayer game. Trying to piggy back off of that Dead by Daylight success?Here it is
Resident Evil 3 | CAPCOM
Official site for Resident Evil 3, which contains two titles set in Raccoon City based on the theme of "escape"www.project-resistance.com