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General Recorded Videos


MyResident Ev 1 Remake Kill all run on Normal Difficulty as Chris.
Nice! It's old but nice to see you uploading your gameplay footage too. I was also uploading my chris playthrough for re1 on ps4 into my channel. In the meantime, ı was recording my playthrough for re4's wii edition on dolphin emulator as well.


RE1 Chris Session 1

Here's my recorded chris session on ps4. Good thing ı have the game legally there not to mention it supports analog control without soundtrack swap. I wished the cutscenes werent censored though, ı dislike how chris' smoking cant be seen.


I play on switch because all QTEs are automatic. I am not good with QTEs. So switch version is perfect for me.
On ps4, ı feel that they made some qtes harder but eventually ı figured out a way to make them easier. The rotating ones are harder on ps4 compared to ps3 and pc for example. That door opening one in jake chapter 2 felt annoying due to this since partner aı died a few times on ps4 but after enough retries, they still make them easier. Before the prompt shows up, you can also start doing them if you know the pattern which is the key to getting through those type of rotating qtes without someone else getting killed. Also on ps4, ı dont think rotating both sticks makes as much difference as it does on ps3 and pc.



Modded sherry session on pc

I also want to share this video separately by itself. Here ı got killed by a rasklapanje to replenish health after dying due to the game filling the players' health bar when they get killed during the gameplay except no hope. My favourite part is ustanak fight where ı managed to defeat it with stun rod while playing as sherry. With proper timing and study, it seems to be possible, more so with skills.

Sherry 1.jpg

Sherry 2.jpg

Sherry 3.jpg

Sherry 4.jpg

Sherry 5.jpg

I still find these creatures very scary in the game. More than other things in the series, they are too creepy to me.
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