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Recent content by Captain Redfield

  1. Captain Redfield

    Manga Heavenly Island English Translation?

    I think this one is still up: http://fanfox.net/manga/biohazard_heavenly_island/ Yeah, don't know why there wasn't an English translation.
  2. Captain Redfield

    RE8 Resident Evil Village Shown

    It is Mia for sure. Plus, I wouldn't doubt Chris, he always has a valid reason for his actions. This is all misdirection, don't give a shit about Mia, she's a horrible person anyway.
  3. Captain Redfield

    RE:4 Do you want a Resident Evil 4 remake?

    I'll wait for CODE: Veronica and I have no interest in buying RE4 Remake... I've already told that before and I keep my word, this unnecessary remake made me abandon Remakes for good, don't really care about anymore Remakes until CODE: Veronica comes out and I'm just here for Village. Unless...
  4. Captain Redfield

    RE8 Resident Evil Village Shown

    As someone who was never that fond of RE7, Village is looking great guys. I've never had a problem with first-person perspective. The environment looks great, Chris looks fantastic and the enemies are interesting. As for the quote about the story ending, I always told people it was more than...
  5. Captain Redfield

    General Character Appearance

    Carlos in Remake 3 looks a lot like Chris and even has recycled moves from Chris lol He pretty much is Chris with one liners. Proof that those who complain about Chris being "boring" just prefer characters who say one liners all of the time. Chris doesn't need to be a clown to be likeable, I...
  6. Captain Redfield

    RE8 Resident Evil Village Shown

    From my perspective Chris has a reason to do what he's doing. Have you guys forgotten Mia worked for bioterrorists? She still is responsible for the downfall of the innocent Baker family. Chris's model looks fantastic and he's the best looking character on the RE Engine, how the tables have turned.
  7. Captain Redfield

    RE:4 Do you want a Resident Evil 4 remake?

    As I said, the day it happened would be the day I'll leave the series. I literally lost all the energy to even platinum RE3 so I guess it is safe to say I'm done with the series I won't support Capcom anymore. Hopefully you guys will realize you're being robbed too but I'm afraid some will only...
  8. Captain Redfield

    General Remaking CV and beyond

    RE4 Remake in the works? Chris Redfield as a villain? Yeah, I think that is enough lol
  9. Captain Redfield

    General Remaking CV and beyond

    I'll be more than just pissed lol
  10. Captain Redfield

    General Remaking CV and beyond

    I respect your points guys but I still think CODE: Veronica should be remade and that is it. The last game on the same scope as the recently remade classics to wrap up that classic tetralogy for good. From 4 onwards there's no need for Remakes. But we never know, love it or hate it, RE4 is the...
  11. Captain Redfield

    RE:3 RE:3 is out!

    Hey, all cool bro! Who gets mad for this kind of shit anyway? LMAO I know I've lost a few followers on Twitter just because I stated that Jill was not into Carlos and the fact she grew to respect him is no indication of romantic feelings. I don't even address that kind of stuff but people...
  12. Captain Redfield

    RE8 Rumor of Resident evil 8

    I'm actually excited for the game but at the same time I have a bad feeling, not regarding the game itself but that they might Remake RE4 without any justifiable reason other than cash grab if the village setting and all that makes success in RE8. I know Capcom, been a fan of this series for 18...
  13. Captain Redfield

    RE8 Rumor of Resident evil 8

    Yeah, no shit. We'll have 5 and 6 Remakes one day too lol Remake RE4 and I'm out. I will never support that.
  14. Captain Redfield

    RE8 Rumor of Resident evil 8

    This all sounds like RE4 with Chris, which worries me. I swear, if these guys Remake RE4 and not CODE Veronica then that is it for me lol CODE Veronica is being demanded EVERYWHERE, it was even trending on Twitter... Fucking trending. It literally is the fanbase's biggest wish at the moment. Do...
  15. Captain Redfield

    RE8 Rumor of Resident evil 8

    Dusk Golem just posted something about Ethan being the second character in the history of the series to become a father lol Yeah, I guess this pretty much confirms that Ethan and Chris are going to be the main characters of RE8 as previous rumours stated.
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