I hope you don't mind if I chime in a little. I no longer really visit forums, as I had bouts of depression offline, and the odd issue with certain trolls online giving me dumb abuse just made me lose interest in being involved with comment sections anymore. Nutjobs and greed have concurrently ruined the digital world.
But to answer your question, I think it's possible that at some stage, Capcom is likely aiming for some sort of 'bookend' to the franchise. As in putting out a few remakes then following that up a short while later with RE9, maybe in the same fiscal schedule.
Well, I think they're likely to put out a remake trilogy first, then release RE9 to (kind of) end the mainline series. Even saying that, I don't think RE will really ever 100% be concluded, as it prints money. But I think people have a point when they say holding on to characters who have aged well is keeping Capcom from bringing forth new heroes. But then they would milk them as well.
There's also a ton of unresolved angles in the series. Like with Natalia. I feel this is somewhat important. But then there's other storylines that I care for, but I feel like Capcom doesn't meet fans halfway. Such as Billy never returning after he left Rebecca in the forest. And there's definitely other examples we could throw around.
In fact, this video I seen on YT is rather interesting from the standpoint of a longtime fan. The guy basically sums up how Capcom has so many characters they constantly use in sequels, but some plot aspects are quickly ignored thereafter or never completely furthered to their biggest potential. And that's certainly a fair point he has decided to bring up...
All the best.