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General Updated Marathon Thoughts

So ı want to create this thread after finishing my last marathon in the past. I posted my thoughts before starting it in one of ripvanx's threads however ı want to update them after a lot of thinking. It will be shorter however.

I will talk about these entries:

Re1, re2, re3, recv, remake, re0, outbreak, outbreak file 2, re4, umbrella chronicles, degeneration, re5, darkside chronicles, damnation and re6.

In terms of enjoyment, this is how ı would rank them:

1. Re6
2. Re2 and darkside chronicles
3. Damnation
4. Outbreak file 2
5. Re3, recv and outbreak
6. Re4, degeneration and re5
7. Re1, re0 and umbrella chronicles
8. Remake

Lets start:


The most dated one in the series. However when ı started it and finished it, it felt better than ı remembered. I like chris' scenario but jill's scenario feels repetitive and boring after finishing chris' . I seriously cant stand the parallel scenario system as well as mo disc business to save one of the characters. Voice acting is also really unpolished.


My favourite one from static camera angled games and a great improvement over previous one. Gameplay, story, characters, voice acting etc. are all improved. The 1st escalated and actionized sequel in the series. I like claire a and leon b scenario pair a lot. However going through leon a and claire b pair feels tedious and the story there arent as interesting.

Between claire a and leon b, 1st one is more interesting storywise while 2nd one is more interesting gameplaywise.


While it improves from re2, it isnt enough. There's only one scenario rather than multiple and the randomization factor isnt that interesting compared to zapping and scenario system of re2. I like nemesis but ı dont like some of its drops, mainly last 2 ones. Trying to defeat it is also tedious and trying to get up when knocked to ground is tiresome. Still ı like the story and characters and ı respect it for giving a conclusion to raccoon city along with epilogues.


It has the best story from static camera angled games. However gameplaywise; it doesnt improve as much as re2 and re3 do. I like claire's combat system more than chris' ; his handgun is generic glock instead of a samurai edge like jill's. The upgrade isnt that great either with a confusing description. You also cant upgrade shotgun. I like all characters except wesker who isnt utilized well in the story imo. I dont dislike steve but his voice acting is very unpolished.


The worst one from static camera angled games. While it's faithful to re1, it doesnt improve enough and still has most of the annoyance of og game. Once again ı like chris' scenario but going through jill's is tedious and boring. The game also doesnt have a writer hired for it.


I like it more for its story and characters. Gameplaywise it's quite tedious and annoying. I dislike hookshot and giant bat boss fight.


Underrated spinoff. Its gameplay is a great improvement over previous ones. The mechanics are pretty cool. I dislike virus gauge which feels like an annoying time limit. I also cant stand the whole hive scenario. Storywise there isnt much happening though ı appreciate the backstory for raccoon city. I like all playable characters except jim who's annoying.

Outbreak file 2

Even more underrated spinoff. It's a great improvement over the 1st one. The characters and mechanics are improved. It still has some of the similar flaws of the 1st one though, mainly virus gauge mechanic.


It's an escalated sequel after a long time. While it has a lot of refreshing aspects, it still doesnt improve enough and the improvements arent as interesting as outbreak games'. For a revolutionary title, it's too dated and unnecessarily limited. You still cant move and shoot, freely dodge, ganados can act quite dumb etc. I like plaga but it's not confirmed to have a progenitor connection here and the mutations can feel unnecessarily cheap. I like leon and ada as characters, luis and krauser are decent but ı dislike ashley and los illuminados cult. As for separate ways, ı like it more storywise but gameplaywise it doesnt have much value and ı dislike some chapters. Regardless ı still prefer it over re3,5 and ı dont mind the story being sacrificed but gameplaywise it could have been much better.

Umbrella chronicles

I like it more storywise rather than gameplay which is dated. I like the extra episodes but retelling episodes are disappointing.


It's dated but still enjoyable movie to watch. I like it mainly for claire. Leon and angela are ok but they could have been handled better.


It's more smooth than re4 but once again it doesnt improve enough. The gameplay also feels designed around online more than singleplayer which ı'm not a big fan of. Storywise it's more valuable than re4 along with improved voice acting but at the same time, more disappointing as well. Still it gives a conclusion to wesker and ı'm glad he's dead once and for all.

Darkside chronicles

My comfort spinoff in the series, greatly improved from umbrella chronicles. Retelling episodes are very interesting and satisfying to go through. Operation javier is also nice and ı like manuela a lot. Leon and krauser also make a badass team there.


My favourite cgi movie, greatly improved from degeneration. Leon and ada are the best characters here and ı also like buddy and jd a lot. Svetlana is an interesting antagonist and ı like how the movie confirms progenitor connection for plaga as well.


It's the best re game in the series and my all time favourite re game. I always loved it and when ı started it after finishing previous ones in my last marathon, it felt even better. It's the best improvement the series has ever done. It's still very addicting to play to this day and ı love the story and characters. I will never give up on this game.

You can read more of my previous thoughts here.
So ı want to create this thread after finishing my last marathon in the past. I posted my thoughts before starting it in one of ripvanx's threads however ı want to update them after a lot of thinking. It will be shorter however.

I will talk about these entries:

Re1, re2, re3, recv, remake, re0, outbreak, outbreak file 2, re4, umbrella chronicles, degeneration, re5, darkside chronicles, damnation and re6.

In terms of enjoyment, this is how ı would rank them:

1. Re6
2. Re2 and darkside chronicles
3. Damnation
4. Outbreak file 2
5. Re3, recv and outbreak
6. Re4, degeneration and re5
7. Re1, re0 and umbrella chronicles
8. Remake

Lets start:


The most dated one in the series. However when ı started it and finished it, it felt better than ı remembered. I like chris' scenario but jill's scenario feels repetitive and boring after finishing chris' . I seriously cant stand the parallel scenario system as well as mo disc business to save one of the characters. Voice acting is also really unpolished.


My favourite one from static camera angled games and a great improvement over previous one. Gameplay, story, characters, voice acting etc. are all improved. The 1st escalated and actionized sequel in the series. I like claire a and leon b scenario pair a lot. However going through leon a and claire b pair feels tedious and the story there arent as interesting.

Between claire a and leon b, 1st one is more interesting storywise while 2nd one is more interesting gameplaywise.


While it improves from re2, it isnt enough. There's only one scenario rather than multiple and the randomization factor isnt that interesting compared to zapping and scenario system of re2. I like nemesis but ı dont like some of its drops, mainly last 2 ones. Trying to defeat it is also tedious and trying to get up when knocked to ground is tiresome. Still ı like the story and characters and ı respect it for giving a conclusion to raccoon city along with epilogues.


It has the best story from static camera angled games. However gameplaywise; it doesnt improve as much as re2 and re3 do. I like claire's combat system more than chris' ; his handgun is generic glock instead of a samurai edge like jill's. The upgrade isnt that great either with a confusing description. You also cant upgrade shotgun. I like all characters except wesker who isnt utilized well in the story imo. I dont dislike steve but his voice acting is very unpolished.


The worst one from static camera angled games. While it's faithful to re1, it doesnt improve enough and still has most of the annoyance of og game. Once again ı like chris' scenario but going through jill's is tedious and boring. The game also doesnt have a writer hired for it.


I like it more for its story and characters. Gameplaywise it's quite tedious and annoying. I dislike hookshot and giant bat boss fight.


Underrated spinoff. Its gameplay is a great improvement over previous ones. The mechanics are pretty cool. I dislike virus gauge which feels like an annoying time limit. I also cant stand the whole hive scenario. Storywise there isnt much happening though ı appreciate the backstory for raccoon city. I like all playable characters except jim who's annoying.

Outbreak file 2

Even more underrated spinoff. It's a great improvement over the 1st one. The characters and mechanics are improved. It still has some of the similar flaws of the 1st one though, mainly virus gauge mechanic.


It's an escalated sequel after a long time. While it has a lot of refreshing aspects, it still doesnt improve enough and the improvements arent as interesting as outbreak games'. For a revolutionary title, it's too dated and unnecessarily limited. You still cant move and shoot, freely dodge, ganados can act quite dumb etc. I like plaga but it's not confirmed to have a progenitor connection here and the mutations can feel unnecessarily cheap. I like leon and ada as characters, luis and krauser are decent but ı dislike ashley and los illuminados cult. As for separate ways, ı like it more storywise but gameplaywise it doesnt have much value and ı dislike some chapters. Regardless ı still prefer it over re3,5 and ı dont mind the story being sacrificed but gameplaywise it could have been much better.

Umbrella chronicles

I like it more storywise rather than gameplay which is dated. I like the extra episodes but retelling episodes are disappointing.


It's dated but still enjoyable movie to watch. I like it mainly for claire. Leon and angela are ok but they could have been handled better.


It's more smooth than re4 but once again it doesnt improve enough. The gameplay also feels designed around online more than singleplayer which ı'm not a big fan of. Storywise it's more valuable than re4 along with improved voice acting but at the same time, more disappointing as well. Still it gives a conclusion to wesker and ı'm glad he's dead once and for all.

Darkside chronicles

My comfort spinoff in the series, greatly improved from umbrella chronicles. Retelling episodes are very interesting and satisfying to go through. Operation javier is also nice and ı like manuela a lot. Leon and krauser also make a badass team there.


My favourite cgi movie, greatly improved from degeneration. Leon and ada are the best characters here and ı also like buddy and jd a lot. Svetlana is an interesting antagonist and ı like how the movie confirms progenitor connection for plaga as well.


It's the best re game in the series and my all time favourite re game. I always loved it and when ı started it after finishing previous ones in my last marathon, it felt even better. It's the best improvement the series has ever done. It's still very addicting to play to this day and ı love the story and characters. I will never give up on this game.

You can read more of my previous thoughts here.
I strongly agree with most of what was said here. I haven't played Outbreak but I'm sure I'd agree with what you said about it! My favorites are RE6 (obviously) and RE5. RE4 feels the most dated and boring to me, I wasn't the biggest fan of it.
So ı've seen on twitter people ranking entries out of 10. I'll go ahead and make a ranking of mine as of now too:

Re1: 7 / 10
Re2: 9 / 10
Re3: 8 / 10
Recv: 8 / 10
Remake: 5 / 10
Re0: 7 / 10
Outbreak: 8 / 10
Outbreak file 2: 9 / 10
Re4: 8 / 10
Umbrella chronicles: 7 / 10
Degeneration: 8 / 10
Re5: 8 / 10
Darkside chronicles: 9 / 10
Damnation: 9 / 10
Re6: 10 / 10
In no particular order, my top 5 are RE5, RE6, REmake, RE1, Revelations.

Most overrated IMO would be RE4 and RE2R.

ORC is underrated. I loved the music, online play, setting, cutscenes, and what if scenario. And I loved that you can kill Leon 😅

But its gameplay was pretty low budget.

If it had RE6's gameplay mechanics, it would have been a solid game. ORC has the best Nemesis theme IMO.
I want to say that ı'm gonna return to my marathons. The order ı'll experience the entries will be like this:

Re1, remake, re0, umbrella chronicles ( Re0 and remake parts ) , outbreak games scenarios excluding last ones, re2 claire a leon b, re3, outbreak games last scenarios, darkside chronicles re2, umbrella chronicles raccoon city parts, recv, darkside chronicles recv, operation javier, umbrella's end, re4, degeneration, re5, damnation and re6.

I wont bother with some spinoffs including rerev games cause their selling point isnt that interesting to me and re engine games which ı want to keep my distance to them. I wont bother with mangas either; including prelude to the fall and marhawa desire cause they are simply canon stuff that one reads rather than watching an animated stuff like cgi films. Speaking of cgi, ı wont bother with vendetta and infinite darkness as well since they are released after re6. I will stay at re6 during my marathon for a long while. ( At the same time; ı'll also play it on my ps3 along with god of war games. )

I used to read files as well as supplemental material from project umbrella and re wiki however ı may not do that anymore. If ı would any files from any game, it would probably be from re6, ı love that game's files overall.

Lastly ı'll also rely on cheats to make my runs more comfortable. That being mainly infinite ammo and some unlockables. I'll rely on new game+ too.
I finished re0 as of now and ı previously finished re1 and remake for another replay too. For re1, ı couldnt figure out a way to apply infinite ammo so ı relied on easier difficulty to double the ammo and increase health. The enemies died fast. I also played deadly silence rather than re1 director's cut. I tried to but the ps1 emulators ı downloaded didnt work on my new gaming laptop despite working on my older pc.
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