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Translation Umbrella Chronicles Novels Translation


To you Biohaze Re-fanatics

We at CHE are proud to share our newest Exclusive Full English Translation of the Umbrella Chronicles Novel's Side A & B. These novels cover the events of the game sometimes staying true and other times taking their own route, however they also offer up original information such as character insights and is a MUST READ for any Biohazard/Resident Evil fan.

Originally many years ago Batman, Fletcherc and GeorgeTrevor began translating these novels and covered a significant amount however they went incomplete for many years. Due to great efforts from one of our own ChaoticClaire who is a native German and was able to accurately translate as well check other translations throughout the novel and bring this project to its full completion. Thank you so much to the translation team and hope you all enjoy the novel' which can be found here;

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