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General Tragic Deaths

I would vote for RE 2 Remake, when its implied Kendo had to shoot his daughter, then he probably commited suicide, that was so f**ked up. Also Barry´s death in RE 1 (not canon, but it counts as a bad ending anyway).
I think the Brad Vickers death i was almost expecting after his brief appearance in the begginning of RE 3 but still was a big thing, and made Nemesis first appearance so memorable.

A. Wesker

Fortes Fortuna Adiuvat



Who are Merah, Evgeny and Doug wright?

My list:

1. Piers
2. Luis
3. Steve
Merah and doug wright are characters in marhawa desire; a manga that's a prequel to re6. Evgeny is the old man who saved moira after she got squished by rocks in rerev2. You encounter him in claire's and barry's campaigns' chapter 3. ( He's dead in barry's campaign which is explained in the struggle dlc. )
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