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RE:4 The Mercenaries Data Leak

Dataminers have found what we're getting in the Mercenaries at least at launch and this is one thing I look forward to.

In short, we're getting all of the characters from before which is great, and we're getting a new addition which is one character I wish Capcom could have added to one of the 3 re-releases of the original game: Luis Sera. I hope the game plays similar to how it did in 4 but wouldn't mind if it played like 5 (wishful thinking lol).

What do you all think?
Leon is still missing one of his outfits from og game. Do you think they'll allow to utilize his other extra costumes in the story here? Ada is also missing her assignment ada outfit, ı checked her new red dress and ı cant say ı like it as much as her og dress.
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Leon is still missing one of his outfits from og game. Do you think they'll allow to utilize his other extra costumes in the story here? Ada is also missing her assignment ada outfit, ı checked her new red dress and ı cant say ı like it as much as her og dress.
Do you mean the RPD outfit? There's a mistake in that link I posted that shows Leon's default outfit twice. His 2nd costume is his gangster outfit. Also I have my doubts you can utilize costumes freely. Usually different costumes in Mercenaries also changes the loadout like how RE5 and RE6 did so. And agree that Ada's dress looks kind of weird. I wonder how it will appear in game.
Do you mean the RPD outfit? There's a mistake in that link I posted that shows Leon's default outfit twice. His 2nd costume is his gangster outfit. Also I have my doubts you can utilize costumes freely. Usually different costumes in Mercenaries also changes the loadout like how RE5 and RE6 did so. And agree that Ada's dress looks kind of weird. I wonder how it will appear in game.
Yeah ı meant his rpd outfit. There's a cop outfit that's unlocked through a paid dlc however that looks boring compared to his iconic rpd outfit utilized in many of the games. Re2r brought that back so it would be easy to recycle it but they dont seem to be. And yes ı also saw his gangster outfit. In re4, it's possible to swap between costumes through a code in mercenaries but ı assume the different costumes will have different loadouts like in re5 and re6.
Yeah. I mentioned that in my previous post, before I seen yours.

I think it's kind of dumb to remake a game once and keep it faithful for the most part, then have all of these changes for the other remakes that follow. Things like cutting out enemies, or altering others, like J.J. or the plants in the RE2 underground lab.

Granted though, Shinji Mikami commissioned the first remake, and he hasn't been with Capcom for almost two decades. But changing stuff is bound to get people noticing.

Basically, the new costumes that they wear by default should have been the bonus outfits and their original attires shouldn't be future releases. Because it seems the costumes could be, in some cases, only for the Mercenaries mode.
I saw the new mercenaries mode. It looks like ada and wesker are missing as well as leon's extra outfit. A map is also missing. From what ı've seen ı like how leon, luis and hunk play so far but ı still find krauser disappointing compared to og game as well as darkside chronicles. I suppose they would be available with future updates.
So I've gotten into the mode when it dropped yesterday.

I'll share my thoughts here starting with the good:
- The characters here so far are far more balanced than the 1st version in 2005. Even though Krauser is currently dominating the top leaderboard scores, each stage is doable with the other 3 characters. Speaking of the characters...
- All 4 play differently and it's emphasized by the Mayhem Mode which basically acts like a super mode for each character. Each one is unique overall though share some similarities. Leon's rate of fire, firepower, and reload speed are boosted to extreme degree, Luis also receives a rate of fire and firepower upgrade but also gains access to powerful dynamite that explodes in a wide radius, Krauser's arms mutate and he performs combo attacks with his arms that decimate anything on screen with a few hits, and finally for now HUNK also receives a firepower boost along with infinite ammo for his submachine gun.
- Each character loadout is pretty adequate to handle each stage besides maybe Luis. Leon almost has the same weapons he had in 2005 Mercs down to the Riot Gun, but his Blacktail is instead replaced with his starting pistol equipped with a laser sight. Add in the Stingray rifle and Leon is surprisingly capable. Luis as expected has his Red9 as his primary weapon but also has the SR M1903 to help take down stronger enemies along with his special dynamite. Krauser has his bow similar to before, however the bow only shoots explosive arrows kind of like the main campaign. He also has a TMP to help set up his strong melee attacks along with an indestructible knife. And finally HUNK also has a submachine gun just like his custom TMP in the original along with several grenades and yes, he's armed with his Neckbreaker melee attack and it works on EVERYONE this time minus the Garrador.
- The stages are better designed compared to 2005. The castle is the prime example. It's no longer needed to take such a huge trek to get all the timers leading to the room with the 2 Garradors. The island base is also smaller which helps getting around. And speaking of the stages...
- Another improvement to add some diversity to the stages is that both the castle and island base have a couple of environmental interactions. Namely there's a cannon in the castle to shoot at cultists firing the catapults, and there's about 3 gun turrets on the island base to help with crowd control a bit. Nothing in the village.
- This one is kind of funny because I swear I did not imagine this would happen, but this iteration of Mercenaries actually has a few elements of the Mercenaries from RE5. My wishful thinking came through somewhat lol. Those elements include: 150 enemies each stage to kill, 1 chicken that gives a golden egg (and extra points), various techniques to dispatch enemies adds time to your timer (headshots, melee kills, ground neck stabs), bosses spawn after a certain number of regular enemies are taken down, and even keeping the combo going as high as possible to score as high as possible.
- Each stage has only 1 spawn point which is something that annoyed me about RE4 and RE5's Mercenaries.
- And finally, the little details are a big plus in this game. What I mean by that is still being able to unlock the handcannon similar to how it was unlocked in 2005, how Krausers uniform rips after activating Mayhem Mode and showing the damage, a small counter under the combo number letting you know how much time you have to be able to salvage your combo, an audio and visual cue letting you know which and what boss has spawned into the map. Things like that go a long way for me.

Now the bad:
- My initial thoughts about the demo where I felt the game and its enemies are at times far too aggressive is further amplified here. Especially in the village stage, try to not be in an area that can have enemies grabbing you from behind. The enemies can get incredibly aggravating and you can even get stun locked to death with no way to recover or escape. I absolutely hate that with a passion in the Horizon games, and I don't welcome it here.
- Luis feels handicapped compared to the other 3 characters. His "run" feels a bit sluggish and it seems slower than the 3 other characters. His rifle doesn't do as much damage as the Stingray and that's made worse by the rate of fire obviously, and his Red9 only holds 10 bullets before needing a reload. Even worse, of course no laser sight on the gun. I have gotten better with the games dodgy aiming, but even RE3 Remake aimed better. So I hope Luis gets buffed a bit, because he's the hardest character to use.
- No classic music for Leon, Krauser, and HUNK. Each one of the characters signature themes were awesome in 2005 and each one now gets their own again, but the music just isn't good to me.

EDIT one last 1 to the negative
- The timers shuffle around every playthrough. I would have preferred they just stay in one place.

And that's really it for the negative.

In my opinion, though the original campaign and game in general for the most part isn't better than the remake except for certain qualities this 2023 version of Mercenaries easily overshadows the old one. It's way more balanced, has better level design, and I think it's more fun due to the reasons I mentioned. I imagine it'll get better when the mini game gets a needed update to add in Ada, Wesker, and even some stages.

Has anyone else tried it?
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So I've gotten into the mode when it dropped yesterday.

I'll share my thoughts here starting with the good:
- The characters here so far are far more balanced than the 1st version in 2005. Even though Krauser is currently dominating the top leaderboard scores, each stage is doable with the other 3 characters. Speaking of the characters...
- All 4 play differently and it's emphasized by the Mayhem Mode which basically acts like a super mode for each character. Each one is unique overall though share some similarities. Leon's rate of fire, firepower, and reload speed are boosted to extreme degree, Luis also receives a rate of fire and firepower upgrade but also gains access to powerful dynamite that explodes in a wide radius, Krauser's arms mutate and he performs combo attacks with his arms that decimate anything on screen with a few hits, and finally for now HUNK also receives a firepower boost along with infinite ammo for his submachine gun.
- Each character loadout is pretty adequate to handle each stage besides maybe Luis. Leon almost has the same weapons he had in 2005 Mercs down to the Riot Gun, but his Blacktail is instead replaced with his starting pistol equipped with a laser sight. Add in the Stingray rifle and Leon is surprisingly capable. Luis as expected has his Red9 as his primary weapon but also has the SR M1903 to help take down stronger enemies along with his special dynamite. Krauser has his bow similar to before, however the bow only shoots explosive arrows kind of like the main campaign. He also has a TMP to help set up his strong melee attacks along with an indestructible knife. And finally HUNK also has a submachine gun just like his custom TMP in the original along with several grenades and yes, he's armed with his Neckbreaker melee attack and it works on EVERYONE this time minus the Garrador.
- The stages are better designed compared to 2005. The castle is the prime example. It's no longer needed to take such a huge trek to get all the timers leading to the room with the 2 Garradors. The island base is also smaller which helps getting around. And speaking of the stages...
- Another improvement to add some diversity to the stages is that both the castle and island base have a couple of environmental interactions. Namely there's a cannon in the castle to shoot at cultists firing the catapults, and there's about 3 gun turrets on the island base to help with crowd control a bit. Nothing in the village.
- This one is kind of funny because I swear I did not imagine this would happen, but this iteration of Mercenaries actually has a few elements of the Mercenaries from RE5. My wishful thinking came through somewhat lol. Those elements include: 150 enemies each stage to kill, 1 chicken that gives a golden egg (and extra points), various techniques to dispatch enemies adds time to your timer (headshots, melee kills, ground neck stabs), bosses spawn after a certain number of regular enemies are taken down, and even keeping the combo going as high as possible to score as high as possible.
- Each stage has only 1 spawn point which is something that annoyed me about RE4 and RE5's Mercenaries.
- And finally, the little details are a big plus in this game. What I mean by that is still being able to unlock the handcannon similar to how it was unlocked in 2005, how Krausers uniform rips after activating Mayhem Mode and showing the damage, a small counter under the combo number letting you know how much time you have to be able to salvage your combo, an audio and visual cue letting you know which and what boss has spawned into the map. Things like that go a long way for me.

Now the bad:
- My initial thoughts about the demo where I felt the game and its enemies are at times far too aggressive is further amplified here. Especially in the village stage, try to not be in an area that can have enemies grabbing you from behind. The enemies can get incredibly aggravating and you can even get stun locked to death with no way to recover or escape. I absolutely hate that with a passion in the Horizon games, and I don't welcome it here.
- Luis feels handicapped compared to the other 3 characters. His "run" feels a bit sluggish and it seems slower than the 3 other characters. His rifle doesn't do as much damage as the Stingray and that's made worse by the rate of fire obviously, and his Red9 only holds 10 bullets before needing a reload. Even worse, of course no laser sight on the gun. I have gotten better with the games dodgy aiming, but even RE3 Remake aimed better. So I hope Luis gets buffed a bit, because he's the hardest character to use.
- No classic music for Leon, Krauser, and HUNK. Each one of the characters signature themes were awesome in 2005 and each one now gets their own again, but the music just isn't good to me.

EDIT one last 1 to the negative
- The timers shuffle around every playthrough. I would have preferred they just stay in one place.

And that's really it for the negative.

In my opinion, though the original campaign and game in general for the most part isn't better than the remake except for certain qualities this 2023 version of Mercenaries easily overshadows the old one. It's way more balanced, has better level design, and I think it's more fun due to the reasons I mentioned. I imagine it'll get better when the mini game gets a needed update to add in Ada, Wesker, and even some stages.

Has anyone else tried it?
Interesting. I saw krauser disappointing while liking luis but you seem to think opposite. And ı definitely agree that leon and hunk are better than their og game versions, there's much more options given to them so far. I'm also bothered at krauser's bow not utilizing normal bolts but only explosive ones, ı wished it was possible to utilize both types of bolts. They seem to be quite rare too. I also think that mutating both of krauser's arms is unnecessary, one mutation is enough to me. But anyway ı'm still waiting for ada and wesker as well as separate ways. You make good points.
Interesting. I saw krauser disappointing while liking luis but you seem to think opposite. And ı definitely agree that leon and hunk are better than their og game versions, there's much more options given to them so far. I'm also bothered at krauser's bow not utilizing normal bolts but only explosive ones, ı wished it was possible to utilize both types of bolts. They seem to be quite rare too. I also think that mutating both of krauser's arms is unnecessary, one mutation is enough to me. But anyway ı'm still waiting for ada and wesker as well as separate ways. You make good points.
For me Krauser was better to use for a few reasons:

1. You already know my dislike of the aiming controls in this game. Luis' Red9 requires far more accurate shots and like I mentioned it only holds 10 bullets in one clip. As opposed to 18 for Leon, 30 for Krauser, and 60 for HUNK.
2. Related to the above, shooting almost everyone in the legs is far more reliable to me than trying to go for a head shot. With a large number of clips Krauser can stun in the legs quite easily. Which leads to...
3. Krausers' melee attacks have some of the best crowd control in this game. 1 particular attack he does he performs with his knife in a sort of uppercut motion and I've caught up to 4 enemies at a time all of them dying and adding time to the clock. Luis on the other hand has decent melee attacks but the range isn't very good to consistently hit multiple opponents. Except for his head stun where it prompts an attack he does swinging a metal pipe, but it can be hard to land a head shot which is one of my gripes.
4. I'm actually not bothered by the bow only firing explosive arrows. With what I said above regarding how annoying it can be landing head shots in this game. Now couple that with needing time to draw the bow and I can only dread about that being Krausers' primary weapon. It's why I'm glad he has a TMP.
5. The mutation on both arms may be overkill, but after so much hell the game gave me trying to get scores over 1 million with Luis and Leon, it was nice and cathartic to kick the games ass in return lol.
For me Krauser was better to use for a few reasons:

1. You already know my dislike of the aiming controls in this game. Luis' Red9 requires far more accurate shots and like I mentioned it only holds 10 bullets in one clip. As opposed to 18 for Leon, 30 for Krauser, and 60 for HUNK.
2. Related to the above, shooting almost everyone in the legs is far more reliable to me than trying to go for a head shot. With a large number of clips Krauser can stun in the legs quite easily. Which leads to...
3. Krausers' melee attacks have some of the best crowd control in this game. 1 particular attack he does he performs with his knife in a sort of uppercut motion and I've caught up to 4 enemies at a time all of them dying and adding time to the clock. Luis on the other hand has decent melee attacks but the range isn't very good to consistently hit multiple opponents. Except for his head stun where it prompts an attack he does swinging a metal pipe, but it can be hard to land a head shot which is one of my gripes.
4. I'm actually not bothered by the bow only firing explosive arrows. With what I said above regarding how annoying it can be landing head shots in this game. Now couple that with needing time to draw the bow and I can only dread about that being Krausers' primary weapon. It's why I'm glad he has a TMP.
5. The mutation on both arms may be overkill, but after so much hell the game gave me trying to get scores over 1 million with Luis and Leon, it was nice and cathartic to kick the games ass in return lol.
Do you still prefer re5 and re6 in regards to their mercenaries modes? I know you didnt play much of re6's compared to re5's but do you think re4r's mercenaries could become the best version if ada and wesker would be added with future updates?
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Do you still prefer re5 and re6 in regards to their mercenaries modes? I know you didnt play much of re6's compared to re5's but do you think re4r's mercenaries could become the best version if ada and wesker would be added with future updates?
It's tricky and still too early to tell given we're missing Ada and Wesker and at least a couple more stages. 6's Mercenaries I couldn't really get into because the scoring method emphasizes counter attacks to get the highest scores possible. I did appreciate the large cast and even the stage designs of that game but I prefer 5 partially since I've already been playing that since 2009 and scoring higher was easier than the counter attacks of 6. 5 was unbalanced and extremely difficult to land in the leaderboards but I had so much fun with that game I'll always revisit it.

Now with 4 Remakes Mercenaries I've had a little more time spent in it and watched other player videos, and... holy crap does it need a little balancing. I discovered just how OP Krauser is in this game, you don't even need his bow or TMP. He can combo with his knife and he easily breaks the game with that because he can't really be interrupted while he's slashing. Every knife kill adds about 5 or 6 seconds as well beside the fact his slashes are very fast. Remember also, his knife doesn't break.

But anyway, this new Mercenaries is awesome and fun, but I wouldn't put it above 5 or even 6 just yet since it doesn't feel complete. I'll be sure to revisit this once we get new characters and stages.

I'll also add this link. Dude got over 1,900k points with Leon in the Village. Insanity...

It's tricky and still too early to tell given we're missing Ada and Wesker and at least a couple more stages. 6's Mercenaries I couldn't really get into because the scoring method emphasizes counter attacks to get the highest scores possible. I did appreciate the large cast and even the stage designs of that game but I prefer 5 partially since I've already been playing that since 2009 and scoring higher was easier than the counter attacks of 6. 5 was unbalanced and extremely difficult to land in the leaderboards but I had so much fun with that game I'll always revisit it.

Now with 4 Remakes Mercenaries I've had a little more time spent in it and watched other player videos, and... holy crap does it need a little balancing. I discovered just how OP Krauser is in this game, you don't even need his bow or TMP. He can combo with his knife and he easily breaks the game with that because he can't really be interrupted while he's slashing. Every knife kill adds about 5 or 6 seconds as well beside the fact his slashes are very fast. Remember also, his knife doesn't break.

But anyway, this new Mercenaries is awesome and fun, but I wouldn't put it above 5 or even 6 just yet since it doesn't feel complete. I'll be sure to revisit this once we get new characters and stages.

I'll also add this link. Dude got over 1,900k points with Leon in the Village. Insanity...

I watched the video. Yeah ı also found it strange how he discards 2 of leon's weapons, he mostly relies on knives, grenades and rifle. It looked quite repetitive but that can apply to most if not all high score runs for any mercenaries mode. I dont like the scoring system that much either but ı still prefer re6 over re5, it felt much more comfortable to play personally. I care about the fun factor more than trying to get the highest score. Regardless ı still think it's better than re4's mercenaries mode except ada and wesker so far.
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