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RE4 TDC was finally mentioned in a mainstream game, proper...

Interesting. So they reference the events of that game. Do you think they'll remake recv and through it, re6? T-veronica is established there and it comes back in re6 later. Personally ı still prefer to not see any older game getting a re engine treatment but it wouldnt surprise me if re5 would receive one next, especially since it's the best selling game in the series and capcom wouldnt want to miss that chance.

But anyway ı'm quite enjoying what ı see so far. It seems to be expanding the game's story potential, particularly compared to previous re engine games that feel like gutted re4esque demos. I think the game will turn out as one of the best entries in the series, pushing og game's style to its limits in the same way re6 and rerev2 do. I got quite heavy re6 and rerev2 vibes from it, even the way qtes are handled feel much more similar to re6, since the game didnt have any in the cutscenes unlike re4 and re5. They were all implemented into the gameplay. The knife parries really remind me of counters in re6.
I was happy/surprised to hear this. Not because I thought Operation Javier was executed well, but because it COULD be made out to be something worthy of the main games' narrative. I think the premise for a well-written story is there.

Considering that mission had a LOT to do with the T-Veronica virus, making Operation Javier as RE4R DLC would (somehow) lead into a full-fledged Code Veronica remake/prequel/sequel quite nicely since we'll be on that topic. Maybe Capcom will even mess with the chronological timeline a bit. RE2R already mentions Chris being in Europe, but I wouldn't mind Code Veronica becoming the "new" direct sequel to RE4 in order to replace RE5, were they to move in that direction.

Code Veronica deserves a number next to its name. Lord knows Operation Javier could use the narrative and writing facelift that RE4 remake received, too.
If it meant a co-op multiplayer concession, then I'll be happy to take a DLCified REmake of Operation Javier packaged with BioHazard: 4 REmake. It would certainly be better than the DLC scenarios we previously had with BioHazard 2 REmake🧠🎮
If it meant a co-op multiplayer concession, then I'll be happy to take a DLCified REmake of Operation Javier packaged with BioHazard: 4 REmake. It would certainly be better than the DLC scenarios we previously had with BioHazard 2 REmake🧠🎮
Facts, I didn't even consider it being a RE4R co-op experience.

RE2R DLC was a sorely, pitifully missed opportunity on the part of Capcom.
Never mind the RE:2 DLC when half the story was gutted and changed. Same with RE:3 really which really should of included Barry. They will not be retconning RE5 and RE6 completely as that will retcon literally everything that proceeds them, including RE7 and RE8. It would also ruin the backstory of Wesker’s Report II with Birkin’s rivalry with Alexia if CV events were shifted. Preexisting lore shouldn’t be butchered and changed because “action bad.”

RE:4 is looking like it may replace the original with it’s more fleshed out narrative, which RE:2/:3 failed to do. 3rd times the charm I suppose. I really hope they don’t throw CV under the bus and take their time going forward. If anything they will remake RE1 again to properly reintroduce Wesker into the RE Engine, that is if he doesn’t show up in RE:4 first. He has been sorely absent from the games since 2010’s Darkside Chronicles.
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Never mind the RE:2 DLC when half the story was gutted and changed. Same with RE:3 really. They will not be retconning RE5 and RE6 completely as that will retcon literally everything that proceeds them, including RE7 and RE8.

RE:4 is looking like it may replace the original with it’s more fleshed out narrative, which RE:2/:3 failed to do. I really hope they don’t throw CV under the bus and take their time going forward. If anything they will remake RE1 again to properly reintroduce Wesker into the RE Engine first, that is if he doesn’t show up in RE:4 first. He has been sorely absent from the games since 2010’s Darkside Chronicles.

It's safe to say that Albert Wesker will show up in BioHazard 4 REmake. For that matter, an Albert Wesker model narratively REemphasizes The Darkside Chronicles🧠
Never mind the RE:2 DLC when half the story was gutted and changed. Same with RE:3 really which really should of included Barry. They will not be retconning RE5 and RE6 completely as that will retcon literally everything that proceeds them, including RE7 and RE8. It would also ruin the backstory of Wesker’s Report II with Birkin’s rivalry with Alexia if CV events were shifted. Preexisting lore shouldn’t be butchered and changed because “action bad.”

RE:4 is looking like it may replace the original with it’s more fleshed out narrative, which RE:2/:3 failed to do. 3rd times the charm I suppose. I really hope they don’t throw CV under the bus and take their time going forward. If anything they will remake RE1 again to properly reintroduce Wesker into the RE Engine, that is if he doesn’t show up in RE:4 first. He has been sorely absent from the games since 2010’s Darkside Chronicles.
Idk if it would feel like a replacement but at the very least ı can see re4r feeling like a replacement for leon's portion and even assignment ada. I still hope it will have separate ways as an episodic fashion more akin to ada's campaign in re6. I would be happy to play it together with re4 hd version on steam.
Never mind the RE:2 DLC when half the story was gutted and changed. Same with RE:3 really which really should of included Barry. They will not be retconning RE5 and RE6 completely as that will retcon literally everything that proceeds them, including RE7 and RE8. It would also ruin the backstory of Wesker’s Report II with Birkin’s rivalry with Alexia if CV events were shifted. Preexisting lore shouldn’t be butchered and changed because “action bad.”

RE:4 is looking like it may replace the original with it’s more fleshed out narrative, which RE:2/:3 failed to do. 3rd times the charm I suppose. I really hope they don’t throw CV under the bus and take their time going forward. If anything they will remake RE1 again to properly reintroduce Wesker into the RE Engine, that is if he doesn’t show up in RE:4 first. He has been sorely absent from the games since 2010’s Darkside Chronicles.
RE7 and RE8 would not need any retconning were 5 and 6 no longer in the picture, assumedly being replaced with something else. The only narrative consistency a "new" RE5 and 6 would need in order for 7 and 8 to make sense, is having Wesker being dead or presumed dead.

That's literally it.

I think Capcom purposefully made it this way so this could be an option were they to revive the franchise with RE7, which they did.

Preexisting lore cannot be butchered if it was already butchered to begin with. Not only that, but the lore from those "preexisting" games butchered the prior lore as well. By butchering the butcher, we would be saving the parts of the lore the majority of fans found iconic and digestible instead of being only for a fringe minority group of fans post-5. There's a GOOD reason why RE7 and RE2R brought the series back on top. RE1R is in their DNA.

"Action bad" was never the problem. RE4 original is proof of that. Ask the majority of people who disliked 5 and 6, and their usual response is "because it's not Resident Evil" or "it's not survival horror." Aside from the characters sharing similar names to their previous incarnations and being in a pseudo-horror setting, they're absolutely right. Little to no backtracking or interconnected level design. Characters hardly act like they used to. No survival. No management. No soul.

RE4R can possibly surpass the original, not unlike RE1R did for its original. That I won't disagree with. To me, the original Code Veronica was when the story of Resident Evil went from a midwestern town to something larger, more epic and more engaging despite all its quirks. It was the last time Wesker was properly shown to be developing into the antagonist he was originally planned to be. RE5 writers took Wesker too fast (quite literally), too far, too soon. That's when Capcom truly regretted leaving Umbrella in the dust, meanwhile RE4 original was at least trying to allude to the reemergence of something greater in regards to the Wesker and Umbrella elements laid out in every title since RE1.

With this remake, it's a chance for Capcom to redeem the image of Wesker and Umbrella in every way possible, and continue the story of Code Veronica and the background parts of RE4 originally set out to tell. An Operation Javier remake would totally combine all of these elements well if Capcom has to chops to give Code Veronica the remake it deserves.

The success of this latest remake and the future successes of the franchise will have nothing to do with "action bad." I promise you that. It just needs to be smarter, and maintain that survival horror gameplay with proper levels of action fit for the levels of pseudoscientific realism the series was always meant to portray since the very beginning - at all costs.
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Speak for yourself but the sales numbers for RE5 and 6 say otherwise. Saying those games have no soul is proof to me you have no idea what you’re talking about. It baffles me honestly that you can be 100% behind RE4 but completely despise RE5. I don’t know if you noticed this, but alot of the games in the franchise are copies of one another. So by that logic it’s fair to hate on RE0, RE3, Revelations 2, etc. because they copied their respective sister games as well. This is especially true with RE7 and 8 which are even bigger offenders for ripping off RE1 and RE4.

You are right that RE became bigger with CV and onward, because the series has been injecting different themes other than horror ever since that helped shape future games. The realism angle is not a valid argument, these games have always had over the top set pieces and moments. The only games in the series that deserve that definition is the original trilogy and REmake. How superpowers can be called “realistic” is beyond me.

Horror doesn’t make an RE game automatically good. This obsession over Wesker and Umbrella was what almost killed the series off originally. That’s why RE4 HAD to make changes and try new things. Going back and “re-doing” a story that essentially ended with RE5 would do more harm than good. They should expand on it with remakes and additional games or movies, but retconning major story elements will never happen. RE7 and 8 have references to prior games so saying they won’t be affected by a mass retcon of the series is a pretty hot take.
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Speak for yourself but the sales numbers for RE5 and 6 say otherwise. Saying those games have no soul is proof to me you have no idea what you’re talking about. It baffles me honestly that you can be 100% behind RE4 but completely despise RE5. I don’t know if you noticed this, but alot of the games in the franchise are copies of one another. So by that logic it’s fair to hate on RE0, RE3, Revelations 2, etc. because they copied their respective sister games as well. This is especially true with RE7 and 8 which are even bigger offenders for ripping off RE1 and RE4.

You are right that RE became bigger with CV and onward, because the series has been injecting different themes other than horror ever since that helped shape future games. The realism angle is not a valid argument, these games have always had over the top set pieces and moments. The only games in the series that deserve that definition is the original trilogy and REmake. How superpowers can be called “realistic” is beyond me.

Horror doesn’t make an RE game automatically good. This obsession over Wesker and Umbrella was what almost killed the series off originally. That’s why RE4 HAD to make changes and try new things. Going back and “re-doing” a story that essentially ended with RE5 would do more harm than good. They should expand on it with remakes and additional games or movies, but retconning major story elements will never happen. RE7 and 8 have references to prior games so saying they won’t be affected by a mass retcon of the series is a pretty hot take.
Yeah ı always found it silly how many re4 fans dislike re5 and especially re6 that much. They even sold a good amount and re6 is described as a great game in one of re7 interviews. They expand that game's style while re engine games degrade it to make it more " survival horror " to please the people who complained about the action aspects from re4 onward era. At the very least they could be much more similar to rerev games but other than a few aspects, they still feel like degraded re4 demos with reimagined stories. I hope re4r will surpass the previous re engine games cause it gives a good amount of re6 and rerev2 vibes. It might expand og game much more than feeling gutted in the same way previous re engine games felt.
The same with the remakes of 2 and 3. Both have cut content. I think we're the only people who noticed 2 has things removed. IGN makes it seem wondrous.
Yeah ı still find it forced how much people excuse re2r's cut content and unnecessary changes. Re2 is one of the most lore heavy game in the series and re engine version goes ahead and changes as much as possible. There are still a few expanded parts but the game doesnt feel as satisfying to go through anymore, ı got bored from it eventually. The praise for re7-village games feels as forced as the hatred bandwagon for re6.

Hope re4r will expand og game, it looks much more faithful to re4 compared to past re engine games that feel like gutted demos instead. After re4r, ı hope the series will also end with the next entry, ıdk how long the series can continue. I dont feel like it's possible to give a satisfying conclusion to every single plot thread in the series so better just end it rather than still introducing more constantly.

Personally ı dont want to see a re engine version of recv, re5 and re6. But ı still can see re5r happening despite not wanting it since it's the best selling entry in the series.
The cutscenes for re4r are out on youtube. Might as well give my thoughts about krauser:

I personally didnt like the way he's executed from a story standpoint. He's the one who kills luis rather than saddler and ada isnt even utilized between leon and krauser encounters. Operation javier is also contradicted, now it involves more soldiers when it was a 2-men operation previously. It's referenced much more but they change past details and ı didnt like that. Defeats the point of referencing it in the 1st place. He also mutates both of his arms rather than only one. Even the way he's " killed " feels quite forced, now leon drives krauser's knife through his heart rather than it exploding upon defeat. Idk if ada will fight krauser if she will ever get her own scenario but ı dont think she will. Overall quite disappointing.
Well, I reckon Capcom doesn't care. They never will. They got their millions of dollars, and are probably enjoying cocktails at sea as we speak. ⛴️ 🍹

Why even make the damn remakes if they were gonna just give them all the Star Wars treatment? Pfft.

The cutscenes for re4r are out on youtube. Might as well give my thoughts about krauser:

I personally didnt like the way he's executed from a story standpoint. He's the one who kills luis rather than saddler and ada isnt even utilized between leon and krauser encounters. Operation javier is also contradicted, now it involves more soldiers when it was a 2-men operation previously. It's referenced much more but they change past details and ı didnt like that. Defeats the point of referencing it in the 1st place. He also mutates both of his arms rather than only one. Even the way he's " killed " feels quite forced, now leon drives krauser's knife through his heart rather than it exploding upon defeat. Idk if ada will fight krauser if she will ever get her own scenario but ı dont think she will. Overall quite disappointing.

If we get a DLCified Operation Javier scenario with 2 player co-op, we will at least have the feel of a 2 soldiers operation.
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