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General Resident Evil producer of 27 years, ready to move on...

27 years is no joke, but wanting to help out mobile games instead of console ones is very off putting to me. It seems the long runners of this franchise are starting to get tired of it and I really don't blame them. Hope he can bring some dignity to how mobile games are designed so they are less predatory (laughs).
sad to be gone, he was part of the most fun experiences in the franchise, the cgi movies, and the action games, he added his spice to Milla movies too, so idk what is going to be in the future without his knowledge.

He wrote Degeneration and Infinite Darkness and produced Damnation and Vendetta, idk what is gonna happen next with the cgi movie universe.

I don't like the sadomasochistic direction from 7 and 8, it's off-putting for me. and the 2 RE remakes are mediocre.
Yeah. The remakes are terrible. But I think the second one is somewhat decent, if you look past the changes. 3 on the other hand, can burn.

If anybody wanted to play the RE2 reimagining to have a modern take on the original RE2, then nope. The remake lacks that feeling. But in general, it's not bad as a horror game if not looked upon as a remake. Although they really shouldn't have made the second scenario so identical to the first one, as that was so stupid.
When it comes to entries produced by kobayashi; ı find re6 and damnation peak entries as far as story and character development goes. They have both director and writer returning from past along with kobayashi returning for them as a producer and they improve from past entries well imo. I find past entries produced by mikami more lacking if anything; raccoon should have been concluded in one game similar to outbreak games rather than creating 2 numbered entries that are set there which doesnt expand the city enough and that would increase jill's chances of appearing in recv before re6. Jill's appearance in re3 feels forced along with her infection. I would have preferred if carlos got infected and sacrificed his life to save jill along with her escaping with barry without any choice mechanic.

I still wonder what will happen to cgi movies without kobayashi. Does this mean leon will stop appear? I didnt mind him leading cgi movies since ı think it was suga who made him a " main character " starting in degeneration. His character arc in re4 felt like side-tracking due to ashley and los iluminados. Suga expanded from his past while developing him very well during his progression after re2. Vendetta and infinite darkness however felt more like re4 imitations with the way leon was utilized during their stories.

I also wonder if jill will ever return but ı felt that her infection in re3 was forced. Her getting infected in raccoon without chris being there quite bothers me. Sometimes ı wished she wasnt in re5 but rather in re6 instead. She already appeared at a numbered entry after re1 so her making an appearance at another numbered entry where she doesnt get enough screentime along with her not being playable during the story portion but barebones dlcs doesnt do her justice.

Chris: Re1, recv, remake, umbrella chronicles, prelude to the fall, re5

Jill: Re1, re3, remake, umbrella chronicles, prelude to the fall, re5

I decided to include both chris and jill's apperances up to re5. Jill was the one who made her 1st appearance at a numbered entry without chris while chris made his 1st appearance at a spinoff without jill where he was serving claire's story. I find the way chris was utilized in re5 a bit repetitive due to this since he was serving jill's story this time. Claire already got herself captured in recv so forcing jill to do this feels like an unnecessary rehash of recv along with this being inspired by re3,5 builds too. I would have preferred if she was taken in protective custody due to her past infection similar to sherry and re5 would have been centered much more around chris and wesker without anyone else from re1 returning as a better way to follow from recv. I wouldnt remove coop but chris at some point would partner with random bsaa agents more than sheva and wesker would have been defeated. After this; jill would appear at re6 along with chris and the story would happen so that they would pass the torch to piers and merah who would survive. The way wesker is handled starting with recv's x scenes downplays valenfield's relationship imo. I still like chris' story arc in re6 the most compared to his past character arcs but if past events are changed; then ı think jill could have gotten a much better conclusion.

I still find chris' appearances in re7 and revillage overused despite him not getting enough screentime to the point it's my personal theory that the operatives who appear at those are clones created by wesker using his umbrella technology.
I agree they are the best and my favorite content, the ONLY thing that I didn't like about Damnation was the ending because it defeats any logic of zombies turning back to humans and it raises a lot of questions as if someone that already eaten other humans, how would they live knowing they did that, or the humans Chris and Leon kill at the corridor turning back to human then, they make Chris and Leon the bad guys... They should have done it like Milla Jovovich movies when the cure just erases any life in the zombies.
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