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RE6 Resident Evil 6 - World's First Combo MAD/Free Style - A Love Letter

I found this video. One of the most satisfying ones ı've ever watched. It showcases a very well use of the game's combat system. Ubistvo parts particularly are absolutely amazing.
I'll miss Bruce Willis. He retired because of having dementia, which was caused by an injury.

He could have definitely been in a live action RE film, since he starred in Planet Terror.

More clips. Once again these show the game played very well through the utilization of its combat system. And despite that, some still think the combat mechanics dont work well in the campaigns while comparing it to call of duty and gears of war over and over as if it's meant to be played like a cover shooter? It's literally the greatest tokusatsu shooter of all time, still a masterpiece for a 11 years old game.
People who complain and say there's too much action in games like 4, 5 or 6, need only blame Capcom or direct their feedback at Capcom for making the heroes too beefy and making it have a Rambo feel with the heavy artillery.

This is why RE and other horror games shouldn't be overly compared. ;)

This one is recently released. It's a pretty interesting one, ı didnt even know that zombies can spawn from behind before the shutter opening next to the door. I always thought going next to the shutter would spawn the zombies behind but apparently they can spawn before the shutter opening.

I found this video. I didnt even know it was possible to avoid sniper rifle shots from j'avos by just simply ducking. I always tried to dodge which worked sometimes but other times ı still got hit. But through ducking, the game straight up gives you long invincibility frames. It's even more op than cindy's ducking, in re6, this carries over to all characters compared to outbreak games where only cindy has it. Now ı have more of an idea where rerev2 got that inspiration for that skill about.
Re6 was released today 11 years ago. Happy birthday re6! My number 1 favourite game in the series and ı still think it has the best story, characters, gameplay, acting and animation in the entire series. Thank you for making me a fan back in 2013. I'm very happy that capcom made re4r as re6 inspired as possible as well.
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