This is the 2nd time seeing that black fog like stuff that was seen in 3.5. It makes me wonder if we will see it eventually, perhaps in RE9. The gas form of C-Virus was very Paul Anderson-esque but it would make sense for a bioterrorist to use such a method to infect a populace. Maybe it was intended to be a gas form of Uroboros.
Uroboros perhaps was the most unique and the closest to achieving Progenitors true potential, so it would be interesting to see other variants. Makes me wonder if that was originally planned for this version of RE7. I wouldn’t mind if they combine viruses, parasites, and mold all into one for a grand finale End Game type of game and finish off the main story at the 30 year anniversary. Then they can build upon stories and loose ends in spin-off games for the next 10 years if they wanted.