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RE4 RE4 retcon: Nemesis and Las Plaga

I don't know what to think of this, but it's sad connecting a bad game to something as huge as RE4. Not that I particularly care for a remake of RE4. I also think that RE8 despite being an alleged sequel, sounds more like a game with a self-contained story.

Also, I heard that Ethan will become this super Ash Williams kind of guy. Well, he is married to a woman called Mia. If you don't know, Mia is in the 2013 remake, which is really supposed to be a sequel too. They originally aimed to have Mia meeting Ash. It didn't plan out that way, as Ash returned in the TV series from Starz. Even so, I don't know what this theme has to do with the other games.

The blue Umbrella bullshit needed to be expanded upon. This game honestly sounds like it will turn fans away, like Dusk Golem hinted at.
Exactly. And it's dumb too, since CVX is before RE4. Not only that, but fans have demanded that this game be remade. I mean, CVX deserves it more than RE4. These days, RE4 is basically already available on everything. So it's just so silly. However, we all know they are just money grabbers.
About these latest twitter rumors:
possible spoilers, so beware?

Well, people complained that after Albert Wesker died there were no major antagonists, and specially said Alex Wesker role should have been expanded, and that for an important character they ditched her too fast, so i guess Natalia/Alex manifesting and doing some crazy stuff could actually be a sign that they want to explore that character more, but killing everyone from Barry´s family is way extreme right... Could that kind of shock value pay off in the end, i´m not sure but certainly will keep fans interested to see what´s next?
About Chris, i still think most of his plot could deal with hallucinations so it will be interesting to see how much he really is aware of what he is doing, but it also raises the possibility that the villains have created a Chris doppelganger and that guy could be the responsible for Claire´s death?
For one, that would make for the kind of interesting deceptive plot where people might really think Chris has gone full bonkers and kill his own sister but in fact, he didn´t do it, but Chris could very well be thinking Ethan did that, when in fact who killed her was his evil "clone"? Either that or Chris got a really serious case of infection that messed his mind.
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Everyone knows that Capcom aren't going to "remake" RE4. Right? There will be loose ties to the original, but I'm sure most of it will be different. Just like RE2 and 3 were remakes in name only, because the premise was there, but it wasn't really a scene for scene remake of the original, like the 2002 game mostly is.

Honestly, I thought we'd maybe get CVX remade at a push, but not RE4. That should honestly be the last remake. CVX, I meant. Not RE4. Remaking that is just stupid.

I hope Capcom is going to do another animated film. There's that ending to Vendetta, which left things open. I don't know what to make of the RE8 stuff, although I have a feeling all of that mumbo-jumbo is made up.
Everyone knows that Capcom aren't going to "remake" RE4. Right? There will be loose ties to the original, but I'm sure most of it will be different. Just like RE2 and 3 were remakes in name only, because the premise was there, but it wasn't really a scene for scene remake of the original, like the 2002 game mostly is.

Honestly, I thought we'd maybe get CVX remade at a push, but not RE4. That should honestly be the last remake. CVX, I meant. Not RE4. Remaking that is just stupid.

I hope Capcom is going to do another animated film. There's that ending to Vendetta, which left things open. I don't know what to make of the RE8 stuff, although I have a feeling all of that mumbo-jumbo is made up.
Next year is the 25th anniversary for the franchise and apparently Capcom intends to celebrate that date giving fans lots to chew, new films might come up.
Also, of all insider RE 8 rumors, I can sniff the best that will end up showing in the final game which is: this game is going to be horror all the way, and the director or directors are big fans of B horror movies and the Sam Raimi Evil Dead. So you can all expect at least a game with good survival horror ambiance, and very likely sprinkles of an occult, dark vibe (the witch references). The rest of the rumors like Chris and Ethan may still be part of 8's final version but it's still not clear how much about the characters and plot of early versions that the Ambassadors saw will seep into the final cut.
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Sounds like if a REmake 4 will happen, it will have better ties to the overall lore. I felt the NE-a and Plaga should of had a connection in the first place.

“The Nemesis project was to artificially create a parasite that was discovered in the wild, thus giving birth to NE-α.” —Kiyohiko Sakata, director of Resident Evil 3.


it mostly Resident evil 4 is disconnected from other RE games in series.

they are trying to connect RE4 with the rest of the series. which is kinda hard without some retcon here and there.
Capcom has so many viruses and villains now, that remaking a game from the past just to make more money, feels pointless. Capcom never really talk about the Las Plagas any more anyway. This is why I think Capcom needs one storyline, one focus. Yes, it's okay to do sequels and have them go nowhere, even if it's leading the series somewhere modern. But remakes don't do that. They are rehashes, with a minimal amount of changes. I know people seem to like remakes AND sequels, but I don't reckon there's much of a need to do remakes, seeing as how they're kind of what's keeping the series from moving on forward. If you get my meaning.

A. Wesker

Fortes Fortuna Adiuvat
Oh I forgot to talk about this on the thoughts thread but I don't feel like writing a wall of text explaining why I think this is garbage. But I think it's garbage, I don't really like the idea them trying to mess with established lore just to make RE4 feel more connected to the overall story. It will always be a side story
Hell yeah. RE4 isn't even a part of the standard lore. RE4 was like a little branch that grew off of a bigger branch, and beared a lot of fruit, but of a different colour and taste. Not that RE4 is "awful" in of itself. But going from CVX to that style... I struggle to find any genuine comparison, aka excuse for that game. Capcom made a gamble. It paid off. Years later, it still alienates some fans. But it's also difficult to say you really hate it. Polarising indeed! ?
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