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RE8 RE Village Thoughts

Like Ada’s line: “We’re beyond sympathy at this point. We are beyond humanity.” When she says this while wiping out Carla’s lab. So from that perspective it makes sense. Cloning has taken many shapes and forms in the series so this game simply explores another aspect of that. I still can’t get behind the mold being able to create new life forms without any kind of assistance from a virus or anything.

I haven’t been this mad at a title in a long time since RE5, so maybe I will end up liking it more in the long run, but this title is the furthest from RE since 4. Describing the origin of a fictional virus is in itself magic, since it’s impossible to pinpoint how it came to be exactly.

That’s cool you visited Africa.👏
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That doesn’t make sense either lol. There comes a point when new material undermines previous work, and the mold is ruining the virology of the series. I’m glad it seems to be eradicated after this game because it feels cheap and gives Capcom an excuse to put dragons and metal gears in RE. Which is funny considering that RE6 has a T-Rex yet people can’t get behind that one but can get behind RE8.

RE8 also takes place mostly in the day, so why isn’t that a criticism of it when RE5 gets bashed for it? The “it’s not horror” argument is also weak and only comes from the mouth of casual fans not invested in the lore.

And Dead Aim has a man-woman Tyrant.

Apparently, the dinosaur boss in RE6 represents the evolution stage, since dinosaurs were on Earth millions of years ago. It doesn't make it any less hilarious, though.
For a while, I thought that Miranda's false children were impostors who had nothing to do with the founders. But after a closer study of the material, I realized that the children are still representatives of these families, only these families have fallen, so the offspring were not with Miranda all this time.

The reasons for the fall of families are not entirely clear. Perhaps this is due to the lost war (remember the file about heretics). Perhaps it is connected with the way the Soviet government got rid of the aristocrats. However, the family fell, and Miranda reunited them.

Since Miranda's main motivation was to find the perfect vessel for Eva, I have a suspicion that she found them, and they showed impressive compatibility with parasites, because they have a genetic predisposition, since their bloodlines originated in the village. The founders may have had contact with mycorrhizae centuries ago, and may even have been ancient Progenitor-like mutants (such as the Irish Giant or the king of an African tribe).
Sadly, there's no DLC coming. That's kind of disappointing. I remember in 2017, we got so many different modes. Some we had to wait a while for too. But we got quite a few nonetheless. With this game, it's longer, so I guess it wasn't needed.
Sadly, there's no DLC coming. That's kind of disappointing. I remember in 2017, we got so many different modes. Some we had to wait a while for too. But we got quite a few nonetheless. With this game, it's longer, so I guess it wasn't needed.
It would have been funny if the game ended right after Miranda ripped Ethans heart out. They were smart and included Not A Hero Part 2 into the game. That last segment felt like a straight up CoD game which bugged me. I don’t know why Chris has to always be associated with heavy action, his CVX segment was just fine as a survival horror back in the day.

It’s a shame no DLC, as the Ada concept art would have been cool to use as a Separate Ways scenario. She is always hunting down new parasites for her clients.
This YouTuber called Nemesis has gone downhill.

Like, I remember the days when he used to really stick it to Capcom in his videos. Now he's acting all neutral because of the heat he used to receive from the community. 😳

I never do that. I never sell out. I am always completely honest, even when I can predict what I'll be setting myself up for. And just know that the last half hour of this stream is so hilarious. He calls the agent Leon. The mighty certainly have fallen. 🙄
If a person changes his mind, it does not mean that he is lying or sold out.

I remember that he was excited about the announcement of Resident Evil 7 and enjoyed the game, but then some mad wolf bit him on the ass, after which he became an irrational hater.

I am not surprised that this condition has had a limited period of time, because a person cannot live and build a career on hatred.
So did anyone play mercs mode of re village? How does it compare to past mercs modes?

I would like to hear more thoughts about that mode too.
So the cadou is mold in a parasite form?

The Cadou parasite is a nematode that was infected by the Mold.

I believe that this mutated parasite gave the characteristics of different animals through the Mold, as the fungus originated from a centuries-old "library" of genetic information. A similar process is the reason why Marguerite and her bugs were chimeras, since they shared the same habitat, so the fungus crossed their cells.

This is probably how Heisenberg was able to obtain electrical organs, since some fish have such organs, although this could be a consequence of convergent evolution. One of the features of the Mold is also that it can create muscle tissue, the nervous system, brain cells, and so on, if the fungus is combined with other bacteria.

Does the mold come from the giant megamycete or is it just kind of the "heart" of it?

This huge thing in the cave is originally called a mycorrhiza, that is, a symbiote of parasitic organisms and a fungus. All these components exist as a single entity. Well, like any real mycorrhiza in nature.

Yeah, I'm a little late with the answers. But better late than never, ha-ha!
I hope RE9 does round out this apparent trilogy, as I am patiently awaiting the return of the original characters for whatever storylines Capcom may present for them.

Jill, Barry, Rebecca, etc, have not been seen in ages. But I don't mind these first person games as something new. However, some fans are concerned that the survival horror aspects are still being toned down a notch.
I don't think that developers can give horror and old characters at the same time, because it is the focus on these characters that is the root cause of the growth of action and scale, since you need to justify their progression.

If developers want to make horror games all the time, the best way to do this is to make little stories about different people, like the first and seventh games were.
I hope RE9 does round out this apparent trilogy, as I am patiently awaiting the return of the original characters for whatever storylines Capcom may present for them.

Jill, Barry, Rebecca, etc, have not been seen in ages. But I don't mind these first person games as something new. However, some fans are concerned that the survival horror aspects are still being toned down a notch.
It's hard to make survival horror games about the old characters when they've essentially become super heroes at this point. Theres only so many times the characters can go through the same old stuff before they say fuck it like Chris did in Village and went in guns blazing. I agree with russident, the only way for it to really work is to have the story be focused around newer characters who are a lot more inexperienced.
Thanks for clearing up some facts on the game, it’s a shame once again we have to look to supplemental material to get the full story of events and monster creation. I really don’t understand the mold and how it can be as effective as a virus, seems more like magic to me even if this is science fiction. If anything it reminds me of the Cordyceps from Last of Us.
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That epilogue alone has me pumped for playing part 9. I wonder what they're going to name that one.

See you in... 3 more years, Ethan. Or will it be sooner than that? ;)
After completing the game, I had some questions, so I was also waiting for additional material, but I found myself in deep shock when, after returning to the game, I discovered several optional sections, optional enemies, and optional plot elements that are very easy to miss. The game really made me feel like a pioneer. And I don't remember the previous games in the series giving me this great vibe.

For example, I found a cave under the village where one of Chris' men was studying the Mold. You can see how the mycorrhiza has sprouted under the entire village and even continues to increase when Ethan comes there. Apparently, Miranda and the false children initiated the genocide to feed the mycorrhiza before the ceremony.

I also found the dungeon in the stronghold where Miranda was experimenting on Alcina Dimitrescu. I used to think that Alcina is an impostor, as she wrote that Miranda gave her the castle, but it turned out that she is a descendant of the Dimitrescu family, and Miranda found her outside the village.

I also discovered that Heisenberg was aware of the BSAA's arrival.

There's so much information to think about in the game, and I'm not even sure I've found it all.

If anything it reminds me of the Cordyceps from Last of Us.

Yeah, I can see that. They are both parasitic man-eating fungi.

The Mold's ability to mimic the human form also reminded me of the theory that the human nervous system has the same origin as the fungal mycelial network.
I really don’t understand the mold and how it can be as effective as a virus, seems more like magic to me even if this is science fiction.

Well, I don't think the fungus really changes a person's DNA. Rather, it replicates a life form and changes its own DNA based on genetic information.

The Mold is still not as effective as the virus, though. Spencer left Miranda because he needed an exponential infection. For Miranda to take over the world, she had to constantly feed the mycorrhiza to make it grow. We saw it in the game this process. This is a really bad way to implement God syndrome.
I was disappointed that we didn't get to officially see Ethan's face. Not that I expected to once I seen the art work dropping. I also think Chris is a bad friend if he really did set Ethan up to live in that region. Just doesn't seem like that's a nice way to treat a pal, even if it was to get at Miranda. I mean, if it was me, I would never appreciate any soldier putting my family and I in harm's length. He didn't even reveal this to Ethan and he was sleeping with the enemy, no doubt.

That the story didn't make much sense was a let down for me. I didn't think at any moment the game was unenjoyable. I don't particularly care for this direction, but I am still interested about Rosemary's powers and how Chris will be in the future. And I hope RE9 takes place in a city, as it would be interesting to go from a swamp to a village setting, to a quaint little town.
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