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General RE Project Platinum

I agree with what you say in regards to umbrella corps but ı'm still surprised that capcom follows the game's story points despite the game being criticised by practically everyone to the point of being the worst one in terms of reception from all re games.

That makes me believe that ı dont think a game having a very bad reception alone means it will be forgotten completely. Heavenly island, re7 and revillage all follow from the game's story, even if umbrella revival is in background compared to their other story points.

Despite being the black sheep of main numbered entries; re6 received better than umbrella corps but unlike that game, ı dont feel like its story will ever be followed up upon.

To me, there are couple factors for this. The most important being that it got an underwhelming reception compared to previous and later main numbered entries and it didnt sell as much as re5 and it still cant beat its sale numbers. ( Some people downplay its sales even more to the point of calling the game failure or saying that re4, re7 and re2 2019 beat its sales. )

I personally dont care much for sales and reviews since ı would like to form my thoughts by myself as much as ı can but more factors are suga, who wrote re6 as well as 1st 2 cgi films and darkside chronicles, passed away. Unlike sugimura's case, where the plot points he created were followed up well with suga's case after his death, ı dont feel like they will do the same again for the latter. The last reason being that re6 was a big ambitious project whose director was sasaki who directed outbreak games and it missed the sale target back in 2012. Due to outbreak games not receiving well at their time either, ı think this is another reason why re6 will be forgotten just like those games and at best, it will quickly be referenced and get glossed over fast.

So to sum this up;

1. Worst reception from all main numbered entries

2. Not selling as much as re5

3. Suga passing away

4. The game being a very big, expensive and dedicated ambitious project

5. Missing the sale target

6. Sasaki being the director whose previous 2 games he directed werent received well

These factors together, sadly as much as ı dont like to say it, pretty much doom the game's fate.

I think ı said this before but ı wanted to say it again cause it came into my mind.

In regards to umbrella corps, what ı dislike more about it is not the gameplay but the story. I dont like umbrella revival plot at all and ı dislike wesker revival hints even more. Considering how pretty much anything in this franchise is possible as well as the fact that dmc5's story was designed around in a way to bring back vergil, ı guess they might do the same things for wesker too.

I didnt want to mention these again, it's getting really repetitive saying the same things over and over but at this point, ı'm more curious for dmc rather than resident evil really.
The most important thing to take away from UCorps is the many companies that exist that compete in the black market. There’s like 10 or something which I don’t know all the names, but one of them is Shen-Ya. Calling the Umbrella Corps faction canon only to have them featured in an untranslated manga (Heavenly Island) 90% of fans won’t read was extremely underwhelming and stupid.

If they intended for the supplemental material to be important they should of saved it for a much better game. It can’t even be considered canon as a game because all the story was gutted out, the only glimpse of any is in the loading screen text in The Experiment, and it sounds like an 8 year old came up with it. I don’t know what the point of adding depth to the universe of RE is if it will never reach its full potential, all they care about now is one-off self contained stories.

I can’t wait for this game to be over with, but finding reliable boosting partners for this trash is one of the hardest things to pull off.
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UCorps is done… I can’t believe it’s finally done! The grind was real towards the end with 500 matches and Multi-Mission randomness. It seemed like the more you played the more you discovered what you had to do, it took roughly 50+ hours. The U-Trials… whoever decided we had to do ALL of them I hope they are not working at/or with Capcom anymore. It was one of the most grueling and boring experiences I have had in recent memory.

I’ll be taking a break from RE but I will be resuming with Rev2 PS3 and RE8 PS4 when I pick it back up.
We’ll so much for the break, I decided to do RE8 on PS4. After a year of not touching the game and letting the dust settle, I have come to enjoy it a little more. What this game does best is letting the player actually explore for goodies, which no other RE has done to this extent. When I played it once a year ago I didn’t bother looking for everything which I regret, it was the most fun I had with it.

The speedrun was fun to memorize where to go (did it in 2:20:00) but I really dislike how messy the Village feels. It was like they copy pasted buildings together in a day and called it good. I still don’t really care that much for the story, but they all can’t be winners. Will be saving “The Mercenaries” for last since I heard it’s annoying to get through even though it’s more like Raid mode.

For now I will be making mince meat out of VoS mode with my infinite high powered STAKE magnum, it’s too good.
UCorps is done… I can’t believe it’s finally done! The grind was real towards the end with 500 matches and Multi-Mission randomness. It seemed like the more you played the more you discovered what you had to do, it took roughly 50+ hours. The U-Trials… whoever decided we had to do ALL of them I hope they are not working at/or with Capcom anymore. It was one of the most grueling and boring experiences I have had in recent memory.

I’ll be taking a break from RE but I will be resuming with Rev2 PS3 and RE8 PS4 when I pick it back up.
You actually did U Corps? I'm shocked lol!

Outbreak 100% collection would also be a wild one. No GameShark nowadays, those 100%'s would mean something.
You actually did U Corps? I'm shocked lol!

Outbreak 100% collection would also be a wild one. No GameShark nowadays, those 100%'s would mean something.
Haha I actually did those back on PS2! The collectibles in that game were an absolute nightmare. Those were like 200 hours spent on, but sadly I don’t have those saves anymore. Unlocking all the stick figures was very rewarding and you could show them off to other players. Mr. Gold in particular was super broken.
To my horror I fired up Rev2 on Vita and let me tell you all.


I cannot believe how badly this game runs on portable. The FPS dips to single digits at times and the loading rivals that of the Outbreak games, but even those games loaded faster than this! I am baffled this was green lit by Capcom and this is acceptable performance to them!? I don’t know if it runs better in PSTV but I am looking for any advice. I even installed a plug-in to make my system run faster and that did nothing.

Platting this game is going to be an absolute nightmare on Vita.


To my horror I fired up Rev2 on Vita and let me tell you all.


I cannot believe how badly this game runs on portable. The FPS dips to single digits at times and the loading rivals that of the Outbreak games, but even those games loaded faster than this! I am baffled this was green lit by Capcom and this is acceptable performance to them!? I don’t know if it runs better in PSTV but I am looking for any advice. I even installed a plug-in to make my system run faster and that did nothing.

Platting this game is going to be an absolute nightmare on Vita.
That is absolute hell, I couldn't but commend you for it. The most portable that game will ever get for me is Steam Deck. Not a huge fan of it already, but I'll at least say its silky smooth 60fps gameplay was a plus, take that away and its pretty torturous.
Thank you! This has started to become a massive undertaking the further I go into it. This is my progress according to PSNProfiles.com. There are a total of 1,224 trophies across all versions.
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I still dont understand why re4 doesnt have a platinum trophy. Capcom doesnt seem to know how to properly port the game. Ps2 port that ı played on pcsx2 didnt feel comfortable and felt more tedious. And for steam version; ı had to use a patch just to make the game work more properly on my new gaming laptop.

I noticed that recv's ps3 port doesnt have a platinum either.
Speaking of recv; ripvanx, what do you think about recv's ps3 and ps4 ports?

I remember watching game footage from ps3 port and ı actually think it's a very good port. It improves the visual and atmosphere from ps2 port very well imo. It also makes lighter more useful from what ı understood due to increase atmosphere of the environments. It makes recv look like a very modern game to this day and this is yet another reason why ı dont need to see a re engine version of it.

Ps4 port however felt like a very lazy one from what ı've seen. It's pretty much ps2 port just adapted to a different console. The quality drop in terms of visuals and overall feel makes itself very obvious there.

If the game had an infinite ammo unlockable for story rather than it being exclusive to battle game, ı actually would consider getting recv's ps3 version from digital store. But it doesnt and due to that; ı would still stick to pcsx2 emulator since ı managed to find a way to apply infinite ammo cheat there.
Speaking of recv; ripvanx, what do you think about recv's ps3 and ps4 ports?

I remember watching game footage from ps3 port and ı actually think it's a very good port. It improves the visual and atmosphere from ps2 port very well imo. It also makes lighter more useful from what ı understood due to increase atmosphere of the environments. It makes recv look like a very modern game to this day and this is yet another reason why ı dont need to see a re engine version of it.

Ps4 port however felt like a very lazy one from what ı've seen. It's pretty much ps2 port just adapted to a different console. The quality drop in terms of visuals and overall feel makes itself very obvious there.

If the game had an infinite ammo unlockable for story rather than it being exclusive to battle game, ı actually would consider getting recv's ps3 version from digital store. But it doesnt and due to that; ı would still stick to pcsx2 emulator since ı managed to find a way to apply infinite ammo cheat there.
You can unlock infinite ammo for rocket launcher in both versions but you have to beat the game in under 3 hours without continuing or dying, no saves or something like that. Yeah the lighting was much better on PS3, the PS4 version is literally just PS2. The no plat situation for RE4 is definitely stupid, we didn't even have to get all treasures or do Mercenaries.
You can unlock infinite ammo for rocket launcher in both versions but you have to beat the game in under 3 hours without continuing or dying, no saves or something like that. Yeah the lighting was much better on PS3, the PS4 version is literally just PS2. The no plat situation for RE4 is definitely stupid, we didn't even have to get all treasures or do Mercenaries.
You're right about the infinite ammo for rocket launcher which ı managed to get on pcsx2 but ı wanted to refer to other weapons. They have infinite ammo from what ı remember seeing on battle game mode. It's also the only place where gold lugers can be used during gameplay, while playing as steve. In story, steve uses them at a cutscene to save claire before switching over to twin smgs instead. Darkside chronicles allowed to use a luger while playing as steve but it was only one instead of 2 and it wasnt golden.
I'll update my to-do list as I complete the games. I am definitely going to take a couple months off after doing Rev2 on Vita though. Really starting to get burnt out because what's left is either repetitive because I have done before or frustrating to play and simply not that fun. My shovel really started hitting the bottom of the shit bucket with UCraps which I am still recovering from lol. Once the RE8 DLC drops at the end of October, I will most likely kickstart this journey again. IRL is also starting to get in the way and with college starting up next month it will become way too stressful to continue. Thanks for all your inputs and motivation guys!
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