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RE:3 RE:3 Remake Thoughts

I've just seen the trailers. I played the demo too. For some reason, my headset doesn't work with this older PS4 I purchased second hand, and I tested it repeatedly to no avail.

I'm intending on getting it next Tuesday. I have no money to get it on the day it's out.
So just gonna put this here:

I've seen the ending of the game and ı was wondering if barry was going to appear...

Unfortunately he doesnt, jill and carlos escape with a chopper and prevent nicholai from escaping. A shame, wish he appeared. Contradicts the future files in the series where it's been told that barry saved jill from raccoon.

The ending is still better than re2 remake's weird ending though. Mainly cause jill is determined about taking down umbrella.
So just gonna put this here:

I've seen the ending of the game and ı was wondering if barry was going to appear...

Unfortunately he doesnt, jill and carlos escape with a chopper and prevent nicholai from escaping. A shame, wish he appeared. Contradicts the future files in the series where it's been told that barry saved jill from raccoon.

The ending is still better than re2 remake's weird ending though. Mainly cause jill is determined about taking down umbrella.

What do I think of that?

I've just seen the trailers. I played the demo too. For some reason, my headset doesn't work with this older PS4 I purchased second hand, and I tested it repeatedly to no avail.

I'm intending on getting it next Tuesday. I have no money to get it on the day it's out.
I didnt see trailers. I didnt play the demo either though ı saw a very small footage of it. Apparently taking down nemesis is very easy, at least when compared to his og appearance. A grenade is all you need to take him down and when he's stunned; he drops a briefcase. You can stun him multiple times and he will drop multiple briefcases on the same spot.

Most likely exclusive to demo, ı highly doubt the actual game would be that easy.

All nemesis boss fights. Let me give my thoughts:

1. You explore jill's apartment more compared to og but ı wished it wasnt a full scripted running away sequence. Being able to explore it more as well fighting monsters would have been nice. That being said, nemesis finds jill much earlier than the og game. Not sure about this change; ı'm ok with it ı guess.

2. The car sequence is ok but ı wished we could fight nemesis before getting in the car then ramming the creature with it.

3. Nemesis drops briefcases when heavily stunned ( pretty easy to do with a grenade. ) and the boss fights are easier compared to og game's boss fights. It feels easier to stun him compared to t-103 in re2 remake which feels weird. Wished the guy fought the monster more during the optional fights and obtained the briefcases though, would like to know what do the briefcases contain.

4. Jill says the iconic " You want stars? I'll give you stars! " line but much earlier. She doesnt say it at the end however. I think she should have said it at the end but ı'm glad the line is kept in.

5. Nemesis' rocket launcher has a laser attachment similar to alfred's and j'avos' sniper rifles. Nice change.

6. The 2nd mutated form from the og game is removed but replaced with a new form. I like the new form, the boss fights look interesting but ı still think they should have kept the og game's 2nd mutated form.

7. It looks like the grenade launcher and mine thrower are combined into a one weapon. Acid and freeze rounds are gone. Not a big fan of this change...

8. Carlos doesnt fight nemesis. ( Other than a one small cutscene at the start. You cant fight him when you play as him unlike the og game. )

9. I dont like nemesis' final form unlike his 2nd form. It's a lame giant wall with weakspots. The og game's final form is much better designed. That being said, being able to control the railgun is an interesting change. Wish jill said the iconic " You want stars? I'll give you stars. " line here though.
Had a lot of fun playing it but overall disappointed..

no spiders, no clock tower, no dead factory. Also, you barely get to explore the city I mean the demo is most of the city honestly pretty disappointing.
Yeah, this game cuts a lot of content just like re2 remake does, maybe even more. It's kinda disappointing in this aspect.

About carlos, ı'm still not a big fan of his new design. He looks like a completely different character. Also the extra costume for him is very lazy. It's the exact same outfit except with a new haircut.

That being said; ı still havent played the game, ı dont think ı'll be able to play this as early as ı did re2 remake but cut content is disappointing.
Fair enough. But they were an odd fit for this game, since it's meant to be a remake. I know they bent some rules in Shinji Mikami's remake, but I think that was better received due to how faithful that game is to the 1996 version. But this new remake, is? Correction: I should refer to it as a "reimagining" of the original. But how many Hunters even appeared? I didn't count many. ?
Fair enough. But they were an odd fit for this game, since it's meant to be a remake. I know they bent some rules in Shinji Mikami's remake, but I think that was better received due to how faithful that game is to the 1996 version. But this new remake, is? Correction: I should refer to it as a "reimagining" of the original. But how many Hunters even appeared? I didn't count many. ?
How were they odd in your opinion? I didnt find them contradicting the lore personally.

Really wished re2 remake also contained new monsters just like this game does. Like for example, the pale heads ( Which are g-virus zombies. ) could have appeared in the main story, becoming the " crimson heads " of re2 remake. That would also connect the game better to re6 since leon says that he encountered g-virus zombies in raccoon even though he doesnt encounter any in re2 or memories of a lost city.
From the characters; the one ı like the most is nicholai. I would say they overall did him justice in this game and ı like his new design. Plus his voice actor does an amazing job.

The one ı like the least is carlos. He feels like a different character when compared to his og appearance. Not to mention the weird design.

All nemesis drops. I dont have a word for this...

A more detailed look at nemesis and his drops. I'm seriously NOT a big fan of this change. He doesnt even drop anything in some of the optional encounters unlike the og game where during the optional fights, he always drops briefcase.

Honestly ı'll wait for a sale before picking this game up. I dont like sounding too negative but this decision for nemesis really baffled me.
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Once again I will look at REmake 3 as a companion piece to the original much like 2. There are some neat ideas scattered throughout the game that either pay tribute to the original, or add something entirely new. For me it was either a hit or miss.

Most the environments and revamped enemies I like better than the original like the new hunter designs. Nemesis’ later forms make him into another monster that jumps and claws at you. Nothing unique or noteworthy. He loses his unique characteristics which is a dissapointment.

No clock tower or the room full of dead UBCS and Tyrant was a real low blow that they should have kept. It really hurt the game for me since they are so iconic. Although the new hospital and NEST 2 are welcome additions. They really expanded in them and were fun to run through.

I am giving it a 3.5/5, they took risks with this game that either payed off or were disappointing.
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