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OT Random Thoughts

My mum has to go to hospital to receive dialysis every week. Sometimes she struggles to stay for the full duration. You could arrive at 2 in the afternoon and wait a while to begin the treatment. That typically lasts 3 hours, and you are supposed to receive it at least 3 times a week to clean out your blood, because of your kidneys no longer functioning.

Oh, my mum also has emphysema and an aortic aneurysm. It cannot be operated on because of her age.

I am planning on moving in the future. But you just have to keep putting in bids for properties. 'Chasing it up' does nothing. There's probably a huge backlog for houses nowadays, due to student housing being built all over Edinburgh, and this Cost of Living issue.
My mum has to go to hospital to receive dialysis every week. Sometimes she struggles to stay for the full duration. You could arrive at 2 in the afternoon and wait a while to begin the treatment. That typically lasts 3 hours, and you are supposed to receive it at least 3 times a week to clean out your blood, because of your kidneys no longer functioning.

Oh, my mum also has emphysema and an aortic aneurysm. It cannot be operated on because of her age.

I am planning on moving in the future. But you just have to keep putting in bids for properties. 'Chasing it up' does nothing. There's probably a huge backlog for houses nowadays, due to student housing being built all over Edinburgh, and this Cost of Living issue.
Sorry to hear that. Hope things will become better for your mum.
I finished playing hitman absolution couple days ago. It's been a while since ı played it. I still really like and enjoy the game. I didnt play other hitman games but ı like absolution a lot. Disappointed that contracts mode for it is shut down however...

I have 346 hours on it and ı even unlocked all achievements, one of the few times where ı unlock all achievements for a game on steam.
Been playing dishonored during the past couple days. I recently bought the 2nd game as well and while ı like it, it's not as good as the 1st game imo. Emily doesnt feel as satisfying to play as corvo. Still ı will finish it and ı might even rely on cheats for later playthroughs to get infinite gold and runes so that ı would acquire all upgrades. Except shadow kill cause ı dont like that one.
Imo if they wanted to make ethan a stand in for the player, then they should have made him deadly quiet with no lines whatsoever. This is what makes corvo such an iconic character during the 1st game in my eyes. He only " speaks " during the choices offered to the player but no lines are heard. I still find it strange that he talks in the 2nd game, it just doesnt fit to corvo imo. Cant say ı like outsider's new voice either, it just sounds like try hard rather than natural through the way it felt in the 1st game.
It won't be too long now until the grass season starts. It's a very awful time of the year if you suffer from hay fever.

This is gonna be a big issue until at least the end of July. Normally, the discomfort lasts at least 2 months. But some people get rhinitis all year round, if they're allergic to a certain type of tree pollen.


🌷 🌹 🌻 🌾 💐 🐝

Yesterday ı acquired a ps4 from my cousin. He was selling it online and rather than buying it from internet, ı acquired it directly from him. He made a sale but now ı have 2 consoles, ps3 and ps4. I bought god of war 3 and re6 on playstation store for ps4, now ı have re6 at 3 platforms. I tried re6 briefly but the controls arent as good as ps3 version, regardless ı still liked it. I'll mix my enjoyment by switching between platforms.
Finished gow3 on ps4 after a long while of not being able to play it on ps3. I'll finally be able to continue my god of war timeline marathons. Once ı would finish re6 during my timeline marathon through leon-chris-jake-ada, ı'll come back to god of war greek era again.
I've been feeling very bored lately in my life. Not having anything to do besides watching movies or being on forums makes me feel low. My mother doesn't come up to see me much, as she's not really able to travel much because of her health.

Of course, I could go out and meet people as there's no rule that I cannot do so, but my anxiety has been a problem for years. I get agoraphobic a lot as well. I can't even go cycling, as my tyre needs repairing.

Anyway, I won't be bothering with other forums anymore. There's usually nobody on them these days, and I felt as if they were pointless to contribute threads on. The select few that are still receiving posts like GameFAQs are a complete waste of time because of obvious reasons.

But I think it's time to start meeting people offline, due to my age. There's not even any new games to play, and reiterating the same points about Resident Evil has become a drag.
I'm gonna delete my discord account. I've been considering this and ı did this once before reverting it back. When ı checked it this morning though, for some reason, someone else used my account to share nitro comments to my friends. I've also found myself being part of a server ı never ever joined before. Probably one of the bots did this. I still have no idea how it happened.

The sole purpose behind creating that was to discuss resident evil series while also trying to take part at servers with their existence dedicated to discussing the said series. I suppose ı will stop it cause ı dont see much purpose, especially after what happened recently.
I bought hitman blood money. I started it yesterday and did 2 missions. In many ways, ı think it's better than absolution but there are still aspects ı miss from the latter. Like being able to subdue with free hands, seeing through walls with instinct, better gunplay and smoother mechanics are things ı miss for it. Though ı'm still glad the disguise system is different, ı disliked it in absolution, it's so much better and less annoying here.
Distracting enemies feels difficult with the coin. After getting used to the way distractions worked in absolution, going back to limited coin route doesnt feel that satisfying. During the tutorial, ı tried to distract the 2 guards with the coin but ı still get spotted. It's a good thing you can disarm enemies though, ı miss its absence in absolution. Rather than going through a long cinematic qte, you instantly disarm and take down targets instead.
Absolution had some terrible ideas all round, but these days it is tough to go back to Blood Money which was once the top tier instalment. But not as bad as going back to Hitman 2: Silent Assassin which is often riddled with glitches.... Luckily the gameplay balance was solved in the World of Assassination Trilogy which is amazing. If only the music was as good as Jesper Kyd's OSTs. I may be back on the the 3rd game soon to finish my Silent Assassin Suit Only run.
Absolution had some terrible ideas all round, but these days it is tough to go back to Blood Money which was once the top tier instalment. But not as bad as going back to Hitman 2: Silent Assassin which is often riddled with glitches.... Luckily the gameplay balance was solved in the World of Assassination Trilogy which is amazing. If only the music was as good as Jesper Kyd's OSTs. I may be back on the the 3rd game soon to finish my Silent Assassin Suit Only run.
Did you play all the games? What do you think about c47 and contracts? Did you play absolution's contracts mode too? It was shut down a long time ago but ı only noticed its deactivation after a long while, ı wished it was online cause it added more replay value.

As for woa, it seems to adapt absolution's play style while mixing it with blood money's. However from what ı've seen, the kill animations still dont look as satisfying as absolution's.
Never played the OG and many retrospectives I've seen about it put me off, though it seems to have its charms. Personally Hitman 2:SS doesn't hold up well because of those issues I mention as the disguise/stealth system is broken, this is still true in the PS3 HD version, though I have fond memories of it back on Gamecube years ago. Contracts was technically the better game because it fixes these issues even if I wasn't a big fan of the edgelord tonal shift and the lack of cinematics.

Blood Money at the time was the peak, impossible to top, and only looked better when Absolution came out. Didn't bother with the added modes for that. Hated the visual style, the story, the Mark and Shoot mechanic, the linearity, the disguise system. The latest ones are games I've put many hours into, only the live service 'always online' garbage holds them back. Final train mission sucks, but they gave some good free content recently.
I still find it weird. Before buying blood money, ı thought ı wasnt going to enjoy it compared to absolution but despite thinking that way, ı tried it and found it better than absolution in many ways. It's different from what ı feel with re games ı played after re6. I didnt enjoy them as much as re6 if ı remember correctly, re5 particularly felt strange with that pc patch thing until gold edition finally became available on pc and even then ı finished jill's dlcs once and didnt feel as much need to go back to them unless going through marathon plans ı created so that ı would get the most full experience from the series. It looks like re6 is still the only hated game ı defend so much, ı just cant find myself showing that much amount of favoritism when it comes to entries from other series.
Both RE6 and Absolution come from that dark time when 'widening the net' was all anyone cared about. See also 'DmC' reboot or failed attempts to do Legacy of Kain as a free-to-play online title, Syndicate as an shooter (wtf). How much you think it damaged the end product is personal taste of course and not all games are made equal. Most of these were either restored in newer games or cancelled forever and are now dead IPs.

In terms of Hitman they seemed desperate for that new Gears of War audience (see the IOI fall and rise video) and were not even going have assassinations or use David Bateson as the voice of 47. Weird bad times all around, especially for Stealth and Horror, but RE6 was at least a continuation that a lot of people still play for fun. I get why not all people are into RE7 and VII.
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