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General PSN RE Titles Ranked

Here is the ranking for RE games based on number of game owners on PSNProfiles, I added up all versions across PS3/4/5/Vita. This only includes the titles with trophy support.

1) RE5 = 885,964
2) RE6 = 562,167
3) RE7 = 363,005
4) REmake = 343,953
5) Rev2 = 315,466
6) RE4 = 269,256
7) RE:2 = 225,335
8) ORC = 212,986
9) Rev = 144,894
10) RE:3 = 97,378
11) RE0 = 95,159
12) CVX = 86,951
13) RE8 = 78,590 <--lmao!
14) UC = 58,481
15) DC = 55,830
16) Resistance = 42,075
17) UCorps = 34,119

Source: https://psnprofiles.com/
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Where did you get these numbers? Are these said somewhere? Like a page or something? I would like to see that if it's possible.

But anyway, cool numbers. Re5 and re6 being at the top makes me feel relieved since those are usually criticised with statements like " too much action " , " not enough horror " and many more. And in the case of the latter, it receives a lot of " bad game " comments. So for a " bad game " , the numbers of re6 are really impressive.

I agree with the low numbers for revillage being confusing. How is re7 high but revillage that low? Do people simply decide to not buy any more re games or something?

I'm also surprised that re4 is lower than re7, remake and rerev2 since re4 is considered by many as one of the best if not the best. I guess people prefer other platforms?

Reorc's numbers are also really impressive. It's one of most hated spinoffs and despite that, it's not at the bottom with umbrella corps.

I'm kinda disappointed by the numbers of chronicles games as well as re0 and recv to some extent. If ı had to guess, ı think people prefer emulating when it comes to them rather than buying the actual copies?
1) RE5 = 885,964
2) RE6 = 562,167
3) RE7 = 363,005
4) REmake = 343,953
5) Rev2 = 315,466
6) RE4 = 269,256
These make sense due to both popularity and ease of access when it comes to these games, though I figured 4 would have been higher. That may be more because of the PS2 not being included, but oh well.

7) RE:2 = 225,335
8) ORC = 212,986
9) Rev = 144,894
10) RE:3 = 97,378
These have me scratching my head a bit, especially since I don't know if 2 and 3 refer to the original, the reimaginings, or both. Revelations makes sense because it was first released on the 3DS, but ORC being so high confuses me a bit.

11) RE0 = 95,159
12) CVX = 86,951
13) RE8 = 78,590 <--lmao!
Zero isn't very popular, so that makes sense. For CVX and 8 it's likely that most people are enjoying them on other consoles. For example, I own a copy of CVX on the PS2, meaning I won't show up as a sale because I don't have a PSN profile. 8 is probably most popular on PC, especially since it's reported to have sold over 5 million copies.

14) UC = 58,481
15) DC = 55,830
16) Resistance = 42,075
17) UCorps = 34,119
The first two make sense due to their relative obscurity and likely being better suited for the Wii, and the latter two make sense because they pretty much suck.

If ı had to guess, ı think people prefer emulating when it comes to them rather than buying the actual copies?
You're close, and this almost answers your question regarding 8. Emulation is pretty much the go to when it comes to older games if they aren't available on a console's eshop, especially regarding retro games like Code Veronica. There is also the extremely high popularity of gaming on PCs, so if they aren't emulating older games, they are buying the newer games from Steam or other online stores.
But how can revillage be emulated? Other than pc, it's available on ps4, ps5, xbox one and xbox series x. I dont think emulating games that are only on those consoles is possible.
I said you were close because emulation is typically done on PCs, which is likely the most popular way to play Village. The common denominator here is the fact that they are being played on a computer. I probably should have been more clear.
I said you were close because emulation is typically done on PCs, which is likely the most popular way to play Village. The common denominator here is the fact that they are being played on a computer. I probably should have been more clear.
Oh sorry about that. I misunderstood.

Though revillage seems to have denuvo, something that seems to be disliked from what ı've seen. I've seen people criticising re7 and re engine reimaginings for that on steam forums but for those games, that seems to be removed while revillage still has it.

So due to that, ı dont think many bought it on pc either. I think it's bought more on consoles while on pc, ı would say it's pirated more. I even saw some stating that the game runs better through pirating rather than buying it on steam which apparently lowers fps.
@merit20004 I added the link so if you search the games you can see where it will say game owners when you select them. I simply added up all the numbers across all the versions available on PlayStation with trophy support.

@Ouroboros If you see a ‘:’ between the letter and number for RE2 and 3 it is referring to the reimaginings. So if someone writes RE2 and RE3 that’s the OG’s, while writing RE:2 and RE:3 is the reimaginings. The reason for this is because in Japan they are called Biohazard RE:2 and Biohazard RE:3 and not called Resident Evil 2 or Resident Evil 3 on the cover.

The numbers are definitely not reflective of all sales since games like Elden Ring only have like 60,000 owners registered. Like it was said before, many people must be playing on PC now given how hard and expensive it is to get a PS5 or Series X.
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