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Outbreak Outbreak Replacements?

What are some of your Outbreak replacements? Both current and older since the series has been gone for a while now.

Obscured on the Wii was one of mine, wish it had online. I also really liked L4D. People seem to think its casual but harder difficulties requires as much teamwork as any hardcore game I've ever played.

Sorry if this is OT, but I feel the overall theme of the topic is still RE related. Feel free to move if not. : )
Re6 since it has eiichiro sasaki returning from outbreak games to direct it and it also has a writer as well as 2 producers returning. I wished it didnt get its reputation ruined back in 2012 cause it would have been more possible for the game to get a file 2 treatment as a way to conclude the series by tripling up its premise. I dislike corps and moon direction with a passion, they have no redeeming qualities in my eyes.

Before getting into the series in 2013, ı remember sticking to l4d2 since ı found it quite enjoyable at that time. It's been a while since ı played that but without it, ı wouldnt have learned the existence of re6 nor other entries. It was promoted through the addons and ı relied on some cause ı really liked the character designs.
What are some of your Outbreak replacements? Both current and older since the series has been gone for a while now.

Obscured on the Wii was one of mine, wish it had online. I also really liked L4D. People seem to think its casual but harder difficulties requires as much teamwork as any hardcore game I've ever played.

Sorry if this is OT, but I feel the overall theme of the topic is still RE related. Feel free to move if not. : )
This is a good opportunity to write that some folks from the Russian community are making a map of the entire Arklay County region for Project Zomboid. Here are some screenshots:




It's not just about a town with a police station and a zoo, but the outskirts too, including obscure ones like the village of Stone-Ville. They literally want to recreate everything.

Needless to say, even without this map, Project Zomboid is still the best cooperative zombie apocalypse game for me. This is something I can call a "replacement" in this thread for sure. But in fact it is much more than many representatives of the genre can ever be.

The game has countless variations, thanks to which my friends and I had memorable adventures with a bunch of completely non-scripted, but no less cinematic situations. And I'm already looking forward to which of the houses in Raccoon City to occupy and rebuild for myself, when and if the map is completed. Maybe it will be Kendo's shop.

Also, the main theme is just the chef's kiss:

And some funny video about this game, haha:



Outside of the obvious no answer because there really is nothing quite like it, there have been games to give me a bit of the fix.

Left4Dead's custom RE scenarios
Back4Blood on No Hope difficulty requires a lot of teamwork and coordination
The co-op Biohazard titles obviously fit somewhat, but not the same
I wish Obscure had online, I'd have loved to try that more
Resistance had its moments, but not the same kind of tension or methodical gameplay

I've been playing and loving B4B lately, prob my most recent pick.
So far, maybe only Obscure. I seldomly ever see horror games that are multiplayer, but not just shooters. Which is why Obscure is so good.

It's like everything with co-op today, has to be a type of repetitive shooter. It just feels wrong. Meh. :D
Outside of the obvious no answer because there really is nothing quite like it, there have been games to give me a bit of the fix.

Left4Dead's custom RE scenarios
Back4Blood on No Hope difficulty requires a lot of teamwork and coordination
The co-op Biohazard titles obviously fit somewhat, but not the same
I wish Obscure had online, I'd have loved to try that more
Resistance had its moments, but not the same kind of tension or methodical gameplay

I've been playing and loving B4B lately, prob my most recent pick.
Now that you mentioned Resistance, that was actually the closest for me. Highly underrated.


Now that you mentioned Resistance, that was actually the closest for me. Highly underrated.
I dearly miss this game for what it was. It's sad when a game dies because of outside decisions that have nothing to do with the core game itself. Capcom demolished this game with poor external factors. Imo we're still playing Resistance today if the following happened:

- Release standalone option as well on release. 4v1 is a genre people are interested in outside of RE fans, streamers would have picked the game up on release if they didn't feel the value was terrible being packed with a single player game they had no interest in.
- Crossplay. Goes without saying.
- Anti-cheat on PC. Again, goes without saying.
- Way to obtain or chase unlocks you actually desire. The RNG became hideous and unfulfilling. At the very least make items available for a ludicrous amount of credits, at least then you could grind hard for something you actually want. If not that, break it up into more categories.

I firmly believe if any three of the four things above had happened, the game would still be played today. I sorely miss it.
Well, The Day Before is in a lot of trouble. ;)

A pity, really. It looked like it was gonna be one of the only co-op zombie games I may be interested in playing.



The more rumors that come out about TLOU Online, it may have a co-op focus in addition to the PvP we expected. Could fit the bill in some ways. I of course feel it'll be top tier in its own way, but that tidbit did make me think of OB.
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