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General Melee Thread

I always thought some of the moves in mercenaries for RE 5 were a bit unrealistic.
Jill doing this cartwheel kick with all that gear on for instance.
And the kick itself doing that much damage...


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Can’t have a melee thread without the OG suplex. ?
Remake 2 kind of lacked both the head stomp killing from the original RE 2 and another gameplay mechanic (RE4) of busting doors which would knock down enemies, although things like that would change the game and maybe make things easier but for the next game they could add an unlockable item that could make your foot stronger (like a special boot) and allow the head stomp move and busting open doors with kicks, and make It so you could equip and unequip it at any moment (that way you could still do movements like peek through doors that are halfway opened.
I believe all the RE5 melee moves were mo-capped which gives them some veracity, but some of them were suspect. Take the ladies' way of climbing ledges. The animation is realistic but holy moly the height it covers. Chris uses two arms to lift and the ladies just jump the distance.

I prefer the magnet approach to melee a la RE4/5. Leon's inverted German suplex is interesting but I'd rather not have zombie brains splatting right next to my face.

RE6's freeform melee was fine too. It's going to be really interesting seeing how RE3 uses melee if at all. Jill's dodge is the go ahead in my opinion.
Not sure if I'm in the minority but I absolutely despised the way RE6 handled Melee and hope that if we do ever get melee back in a game (especially if it has multiple characters), it's a lot like RE5. Everybody felt unique in that game. Between Rebecca's flame spray, Wesker's Rhino Charge, Barry's I HAVE THIS, and Excella literally injecting uroboros into enemies to make them explode, everyone just felt like they had way more character given to them rather than just more suplexes and varying styles of kicks.

Captain Redfield

The man who killed Albert Wesker
Not sure if I'm in the minority but I absolutely despised the way RE6 handled Melee and hope that if we do ever get melee back in a game (especially if it has multiple characters), it's a lot like RE5. Everybody felt unique in that game. Between Rebecca's flame spray, Wesker's Rhino Charge, Barry's I HAVE THIS, and Excella literally injecting uroboros into enemies to make them explode, everyone just felt like they had way more character given to them rather than just more suplexes and varying styles of kicks.

I actually enjoyed RE6's melee system, Chris does have some pretty sick knife skills and the introduced stealth mechanics did their job properly. The moves just didn't felt vicious enough and I kind of felt that moves such as kicks or punches didn't impacted enough on enemies.
I do agree, RE5's combat system just felt more unique and vicious and you can literally see the full impact of melee moves like in that video above where you literally feel Chris's fists crushing on Wesker's jaw. RE6's melee system had a ton of variety from straight combat, counter attacks and stealth but I overall prefer the way RE5 handled close quarters combat.
Not sure if I'm in the minority but I absolutely despised the way RE6 handled Melee and hope that if we do ever get melee back in a game (especially if it has multiple characters), it's a lot like RE5. Everybody felt unique in that game. Between Rebecca's flame spray, Wesker's Rhino Charge, Barry's I HAVE THIS, and Excella literally injecting uroboros into enemies to make them explode, everyone just felt like they had way more character given to them rather than just more suplexes and varying styles of kicks.
I disagree; ı think re6's melee system is better than re5's and ı would like to see it come back in a future entry. It's more easier to perform and feels more fluid. They feel unique as well even though some characters' melee attacks ( Helena and ada for example have the same 2 hit melee combo when not equipped with a large weapon. ) are same. I agree that re5's characters' melee attacks feel more unique since characters dont reuse the same melee.

I dont think re6's melee lack impact though. They have good amount of impact too. Take punching simmons for example. It has a lot of impact. I agree that re5's finishers have more impact compared to re6's coup de grace attacks however ı prefer coup de grace attacks cause they are more easier to perform compared to re5's finishers.
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From the mainline re games, ı would say re7 has the worst melee system. It's heavily nerfed in not a hero. I dont get why chris cant punch molded at any time like he can do to j'avos in re6. I mean joe can rapidly punch them and yet chris cant; really weird. You can use the knife for rapid melee but that doesnt stun the monsters most of the time. And the stunning when done with handgun is extremely basic for molded. Get very close next to one, shoot its body ( Or its head for a longer stun. ) and you'll be able to punch them which is instant kill. I wished they were more durable at least; ı know that you can easily stun j'avo by shooting its body too ( Though they can mutate. ) but the melee attack you'll perform wont be an instant kill ( Unless they are heavily wounded. ) immediately. There's a counter system but that feels heavily nerfed too; basically block at the right time to throw your attacker off balance, that's it.

End of zoe is better about melee since you can melee anytime along with the awesome gauntlet at the end but it's quite short like not a hero and the melee still lacks variety.
Also just want to say that ı think the melee attacks in darkside chronicles are underrated. Sure they arent as polished as 4 / 5 / 6 but they are still good.

Might share this 10 / 10 stuff here as well:

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