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RE:4 Lily Gao is being targeted for abuse on her Instagram!

People are f**d in the head. I am not the biggest fan of her voice either but taking it to IRL and berating her like that is nuts. VA’s have little to no power at all during projects. Fans chasing after her on social media will not fix anything. Criticisms should be addressed directly at Capcom and why they are actively avoiding hiring union VA’s.
I'm pretty much with you guys. The voice actor's work in this game however good or bad you find it is no excuse for this type of behavior. Avan Jogia (live action Leon S. Kennedy in WTRC) was also subject of intense harassment as was Hannah John-Kamen (live action Jill Valentine in the same film, though not so intense I believe in her case). There's plenty of ways to criticize and those criticisms can and should be labeled elsewhere. I feel bad for Lily.
While I don't favor a blanket ban on Instagram, I do favor a ban on Instagram from being used with US federal government devices. It's honestly unfair that Donald Trump got his Instagram account reinstated whereas Lily Gao was harassed into a corner on Instagram.
Looks like Lily Gao added fuel to the fire by claiming it was white gamers’ fault for ruining Ada and “white privilege.” This only made her look bad and made her look like an entitled person. It’s true there were nasty comments in her instagram but some were simply giving her feedback and saying she needs to improve. But nope people these days don’t know how to take criticism and play the victim all the time. So instead of taking in the constructive criticisms she looked at everyone under the same light.

What an annoying situation that could of been avoided entirely if Capcom actually put more effort into characterization and not being cheap with VA’s. Especially with a AAA game that they KNEW would sell like hot cakes.
Looks like Lily Gao added fuel to the fire by claiming it was white gamers’ fault for ruining Ada and “white privilege.” This only made her look bad and made her look like an entitled person. It’s true there were nasty comments in her instagram but some were simply giving her feedback and saying she needs to improve. But nope people these days don’t know how to take criticism and play the victim all the time. So instead of taking in the constructive criticisms she looked at everyone under the same light.

What an annoying situation that could of been avoided entirely if Capcom actually put more effort into characterization and not being cheap with VA’s. Especially with a AAA game that they KNEW would sell like hot cakes.

Yes, Lily Gao did make a post about white privilege but even that post made no REference to BioHazard 4 REmake.

You do realize that Donald Trump carried out a federal insurrection 2 months even before the 25th Anniversary of BioHazard: RE, don't you? A federal insurrection would have been even worse if it were carried out by a hypothetical President Brian Irons. Instagram is a ****hole that reinstated Donald Trump's account even after a federal government insurrection and I would much prefer Instagram banned from federal government devices at this point.

In 2023, Mark Zuckerberg never had the accountability of a Congressional hearing whereas the TikTok CEO at least putted up with one. Mark Zuckerberg is laughing his way to the bank even as we type about Lily Gao in connection to BioHazard 4 REmake!🧠:rolleyes::LOL:
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