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RE6 Leon and Ada: The No Damage Duo

Another well made re6 edit ı found. And this one showcases both leon and ada. Still one of the best boss fights in the entire franchise...
11 years with no Leon and Ada. Just rehashes of old storylines now. 🌆

Sometimes, I wish Raccoon City hadn't been created. There's really no need to keep rehashing that time period in every new game or film, that isn't a new game. 😅
11 years with no Leon and Ada. Just rehashes of old storylines now. 🌆

Sometimes, I wish Raccoon City hadn't been created. There's really no need to keep rehashing that time period in every new game or film, that isn't a new game. 😅
I miss them together too. Leon still appears in cgi movies but they dont feature ada. She still didnt appear in a new story after re6. Leon also didnt appear in a new game story after re6, he appears in re engine makes.
I wish Capcom would stick to one storyline, as all of the games now feel like they have to add in more silly plot points that in turn just create more holes that no-one can understand.

After RE7, I was hoping we were going to learn if Chris was being shafted by the BSAA, or blue Umbrella, or whoever they're supposed to be. Then they decided that RE9 was the game for that instead.

I wished matthew mercer continued to voice leon more in the new games. So far he still only voiced leon in one game just like paul haddad who also voiced the character in only one game :( Paul mercier voiced leon in 2 games by comparison and ı feel that he developed leon with his impression more than those examples did. Not including cgi movies here cause as much as ı enjoy them, they arent given the same care as the games.
Yeah. I am not keen on most of the current casting decisions. I guess it's because they are getting old in the current timeline, so they are probably going to infect all the men now going forward, or just do prequel storylines.

LOL. 🦠
just do prequel storylines.
I wouldnt mind if they did this for leon as a game. Damnation feels like a prequel to re6 and it features the same va who voice leon and ada in re6. I would have liked to see an aeon game story that's prequel to both with the same va from those 2 but ı dont think it will happen. They still keep their japanese va the same from re6 for re2-4r but english voice acting is less consistent by comparison.
Once they run out of remakes, they'll have no choice but to take this franchise forward. But I don't like the thought of seeing a modern Leon if that's what Chris looks like. He looks old, and I think they are desperate by making it the women don't age. This is their way of ensuring the cash cow can get milked even further with these characters, because Capcom knows having an all-new cast won't work. So they know if they reach a certain age normally, they'd have to realistically retire or be killed off somehow.

It's like The Walking Dead. The longer it goes on, the less interested you feel when it goes way over the top.
Re6 was released today 11 years ago. Happy birthday re6! My number 1 favourite game in the series and ı still think it has the best story, characters, gameplay, acting and animation in the entire series. Thank you for making me a fan back in 2013. I'm very happy that capcom made re4r as re6 inspired as possible as well.
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