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Movies Leon and Ada have had sex?

This interview with the late Shōtarō Suga seems to confirm that Leon and Ada have been together. The subtitles say that, but I was wondering if anyone understood enough Japanese to verify this or have any other source that I may be able to reference?

Putting the finishing touches on my Everything Wrong With Dartigan's Resident Evil 6 and this is among the final counter points I want to submit.

Thanks everyone!!

View attachment redditsave.com_re_damnation_writer_explains_that_night_with_leon-1nn5c2eq51s71.mp4
Yeah they spent a night together after the events of re4. It comes from that interview. I dont think there's any other source for it though.

Here's the full version.
Thanks pal, I did see this on YouTube, but unfortunately I need to build on my Asian studies before I understand this fully. Let me see if translator helps. Thanks!
Thanks pal, I did see this on YouTube, but unfortunately I need to build on my Asian studies before I understand this fully. Let me see if translator helps. Thanks!
The video has an english subtitle option. It translates fine ı think. Idk japanese but ı doubt the interview says otherwise. Glad it helps regardless.
I wished they brought back leon and ada together in a new story. Personally ı enjoy their chemistry immensely and re6 was the time when their romance was showcased the most as well as the last story that featured them together. Leon keeps appearing in the movies but they dont feature ada. I remember being underwhelmed by the way he was handled in vendetta and infinite darkness wasnt much better. I wouldnt mind ada appearing in a new story without leon but ı still miss them together.
After the RE2 and RE4 remake I feel like Capcom's official line has become Ada is only using Leon. Particularly in the latter, it's all way more frosty than before. Did anything happen in Damnation? I forgot that even existed, and how off-model Ada was in that.
After the RE2 and RE4 remake I feel like Capcom's official line has become Ada is only using Leon. Particularly in the latter, it's all way more frosty than before. Did anything happen in Damnation? I forgot that even existed, and how off-model Ada was in that.
That was always the case though. Ada would manipulate from leon while also helping him at the same time. If she wanted, she could have left him alone but she still helps him. Their relationship looks strange as ever but ı still enjoy them from re2 to re6.

As for damnation, they spent a special night together before the events of the movie but it's not deeply explained. It's left speculative what happened there.
I wished they hired bingo morihashi to work on re series. He came back to his role for dmc5 after dmc4, ı wished he worked on re series too.
" Leon, please escape! "

" No! We're a team! I cant just... leave you behind... "

" I'm... just a woman... who fell in love with you... nothing more... "


" Ada... no... ADAAAAAAAA! "

" The self destruct sequence has been activated repeat the self destruct sequence has been activated this sequence cannot be aborted all employees proceed to the emergency car at the bottom platform "

" I will always remember you... goodbye ada... "
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