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General Least Favourite Mainline Entry?


Bringing this back from the old biohaze. Which main numbered entry in the series is your least favourite and why?

The games included here are shown in the image. I used to think recv, remake, re0, rerev games and reimaginings count as one but ı dont think so anymore. Apparently they arent mainline.
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My least favourite is re7. I find it a massive step down from re6, which is my all time favourite one, despite the game being black sheep of the series according to public.

Combat, story, characters, voice acting and many more aspects feel like a step down from it. I dont like how the story has nothing to do with re6 either. I still havent played revillage due to overall being designed more similar to re7 so ı cant say if it's better or worse but my pick would be re7.

Imo re6 is way better than re7.
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Bringing this back from the old biohaze. Which main numbered entry in the series is your least favourite and why?

The games included here are shown in the image. I used to think recv, remake, re0, rerev games and reimaginings count as one but ı dont think so anymore. Apparently they arent mainline.
My least favorite by far is Resident Evil 7. It feels nothing like a Resident Evil game and its narrative is awful. Nothing about it appeals to me. The characters are bland, the horror isn't even the best the franchise has to offer, and it feels so disconnected from the rest of the games story-wise. And the first-person POV doesn't help either.
RE8 remains my least favorite because it feels the least RE to me. At least RE7 had the Baker Estate and Bayou area which were big nods to RE1. Most of the Bakers were great as well. RE8 to me feels like the biggest clusterfuck of ideas which none stick the landing for me at all. It tried real hard to copy RE4 and be more action packed but it just didn’t do it for me.

When Lady D died I was disappointed as I thought she was going to be a big part of the game.. but then the rest of the game happened. So to me the disappointing part was my favorite part lol. House Beneviento was cool for a one time experience but after that it’s boring and has no replay value at all, it’s more a P.T. Easter egg than being RE.

I don’t know why people like Ethan, I guess if I ever have a daughter one day I might resonate with him more. He was the worst part of RE7 to me and trying to give him Isaac Clark treatment made his dialogue feel forced. Most of voice acting is cringy to me as well. The Duke was my favorite really but I thought we were going to get an explanation for the RE4 merchant, but that’s cast to the side like every idea in this game.

The fact they are now reusing more voice actors between games makes it even worse. We have Carlos-Chris, Jill-Daniela, and Nicholai-Heisenberg. They didn’t do terribly but you can simply hear the REmake 3 characters through their voices which took me out of the game almost immediately. They are definitely not at same level as Troy Baker.
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RE8 remains my least favorite because it feels the least RE to me. At least RE7 had the Baker Estate and Bayou area which were big nods to RE1. Most of the Bakers were great as well. RE8 to me feels like the biggest clusterfuck of ideas which none stick the landing for me at all. It tried real hard to copy RE4 and be more action packed but it just didn’t do it for me.

When Lady D died I was disappointed as I thought she was going to be a big pet of the game.. but then the rest of the game happened. So to me the disappointing part was my favorite part lol.

I don’t know why people like Ethan, I guess if I ever have a daughter one day I might resonate with him more. He was the worst part of RE7 to me and trying to give him Isaac Clark treatment made his dialogue feel forced. Most of voice acting is cringy to me as well. The Duke was my favorite really.

The fact they are now reusing more voice actors between games makes it even worse. We have Carlos-Chris, Jill-Daniela, and Nicholai-Heisenberg. They didn’t do terribly but you can simply hear the REmake 3 characters through their voices which took me out of the game almost immediately. They are definitely not at same level as Troy Baker.
You make good points. Yeah lady dimitrescu is incredibly annoying and overpraised. Seeing her defeated early on is really disappointing. I dont see bakers that great either though; ı agree about jack, joe and zoe but the others not so much.

From revillage; ı would say my favourite character is heisenberg.

I dont mind reusing voice actors that much since chris and helena were voiced by roger craig smith and laura bailey again after curtis and angela previously but ı felt that they were improved from past. I still like heisenberg but ı agree with others, especially chris who feels like carlos. And ı didnt like carlos that much in re3 2020.
House Beneviento was cool for a one time experience but after that it’s boring and has no replay value at all, it’s more a P.T. Easter egg than being RE.
I dont like that section that much either. It seems to be a forced horror section where you need to evade the giant baby monster without any of your weapons which are somehow taken away from the player. Then you get them back somehow.

I wished the baby monster could be defeated with weapons in future playthroughs.
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Bringing this back from the old biohaze. Which main numbered entry in the series is your least favourite and why?

The games included here are shown in the image. I used to think recv, remake, re0, rerev games and reimaginings count as one but ı dont think so anymore. Apparently they arent mainline.
Least favorite of the OG trilogy: RE3
Least favourite of the action trilogy: RE4.
Least favourite of the first person RE: RE8
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