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OT Games Konami has finally announced the return of Silent Hill...

Wednesday will be good to us.

I don't know if you are a fan of Silent Hill, but the showcase from Konami is happening in a matter of hours. :)

I think this will be the best stream ever, if all of these rumours going around turn out to be true.

Thanks, Yama.

They all look very interesting. The last game they showed called 'F' looked to be the most fascinating, following the SH2 remake reveal. And it's set in Japan!

Konami, what did you just do? 😁
They announced like, four games. Holy shit. They did indeed show off the SH2 remake first thing. πŸŽƒ

And they also revealed a third movie and some nice looking merchandise. 😎

Capcom's showcase is set for tomorrow. πŸ™
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