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General Hardest and Easiest RE Games

Bringing this back from old biohaze. From the games you played, which one was the hardest and which one was the easiest in your opinion?

From main numbered entries:

( Re1, re2, re3, re4, re5, re6 and re7. Didnt play revillage. )

The hardest one is re1. The easiest is re2.

From spinoffs:

( All re games not included above. )

The hardest are both outbreak games equally. The easiest is darkside chronicles, except krauser's special episodes.
In terms of just playing the game, if you count it as a mainline entry Code Veronica was the hardest one for me. If you don't, then the hardest would be the original. The easiest one was definately 4. In terms of A rank RE3 has been the hardest by far, trying to account for RNG is tough and one powder location or getting Hunters in the park can ruin a run. The easiest A rank was REmake.
Spinoff-wise, I agree. Outbreak (grouping then together) is definately the toughest, and Darkside is pretty easy.
In terms of just playing the game, if you count it as a mainline entry Code Veronica was the hardest one for me. If you don't, then the hardest would be the original. The easiest one was definately 4. In terms of A rank RE3 has been the hardest by far, trying to account for RNG is tough and one powder location or getting Hunters in the park can ruin a run. The easiest A rank was REmake.
Spinoff-wise, I agree. Outbreak (grouping then together) is definately the toughest, and Darkside is pretty easy.
I find re0 tougher than recv. The latter isnt even that difficult for me, especially since ı figured out the easy way to defeat bosses except albinoid which is simply not well designed in any capacity imo. It simply has a lot of backtracking but that's more tedious work than being difficult really.

As for re0; even with infinite ammo, the reason ı still find it challenging is due to mimicry marcuses. They are quite durable, even against fire based weapons despite being weak to them.

I find re6 easier than both re4 and re5 personally. But that might be due to the reason that ı figured out the mechanics and the way game works so it's a piece of cake for me overall.

Re4 and re5 are more difficult, especially re5 in pro difficulty, but not for the right reasons in terms of some of their limitations in regards to gameplay.

I didnt took highest rank obtaining into account. I guess the hardest main numbered entry in regards to that would still be re1 for me. Since in re3, you can use unlockables from mercenaries to make obtaining the highest rank easier. Easiest is re2 again. Especially due to infinite ammo glitch.
The issue I have with the Mimicry Marcus's is that most of them can be avoided. The little action they do when they spot you can give you just enough time to run to the next door. There are only 3 or 4 that I can think of that can really pose a threat (all of which are near the end of the game), and dealing with them can create a bigger problem with their explosion and the resulting leeches. With Code Veronica, the Hunters, Moth, Nosferatu, and the Tyrant are all pains to deal with. Then if you aren't prepared, Steve's section will always kill you unless you run around him a certain way, and no casual player will know to try that. The puzzles in 0 aren't very tough either, though to be fair Code Veronica didn't have any that were extremely difficult from what I remember.

Regarding 2 and 3, I try not to consider unlockables or glitches because those aren't the ideal way to experience the game. Looking at it from the base game is what I like to do because that's what sticked with me more when I played it.
The issue I have with the Mimicry Marcus's is that most of them can be avoided. The little action they do when they spot you can give you just enough time to run to the next door. There are only 3 or 4 that I can think of that can really pose a threat (all of which are near the end of the game), and dealing with them can create a bigger problem with their explosion and the resulting leeches. With Code Veronica, the Hunters, Moth, Nosferatu, and the Tyrant are all pains to deal with. Then if you aren't prepared, Steve's section will always kill you unless you run around him a certain way, and no casual player will know to try that. The puzzles in 0 aren't very tough either, though to be fair Code Veronica didn't have any that were extremely difficult from what I remember.

Regarding 2 and 3, I try not to consider unlockables or glitches because those aren't the ideal way to experience the game. Looking at it from the base game is what I like to do because that's what sticked with me more when I played it.
In regards to mimicry marcuses, ı think ı defeat them all except the one in one of the rooms of training center which leads to bathroom ( Another one will also spawn if you explore this further and this can be avoided too. ) and the area where you obtain mo disc by inserting both microfilms into the projector. The other ones ı usually defeat but ı remember avoiding more in the past as well. I still think they are difficult to even evade. They are meant to be defeated with flame based weapons since this will prevent them from doing the explosion attack due to them burning to death in the process. Only molotovs or grenade launcher loaded with flame rounds can achieve this.

For the game's puzzles, ı find them difficult to the point ı made a guide by myself to solve them easier during my runs. The most difficult one is the one with lighter where you need to burn animal statues in correct order to open a path. The box pushing one is difficult as well.

As for recv;

The hunters arent that difficult since most can be dispatched easily with smgs or shotgun. I think the only difficult hunters are the 2 ones which spawn at the area where gulp worm 1st spawns during claire's story.

Moths are more annoying than being difficult, you're meant to avoid them rather than fighting. In case of poison, there's an infinite blue herb plant in the room.

Nosferatu is difficult so ı agree with that. But there are special ways to defeat it so if your timing is good, it can simply be defeated with the knife which features a special kill animation. I dont find sniper rifle that good since aiming is awkward for it.

T-078 isnt that difficult either since while in plane; it can be dealt quickly with simply 3 bow gas rounds and 2 acid rounds. And the previous fight is even easier.

For steve, you can safely run away from him with enough health items. You only need 2.

For the puzzles, ı dont remember them being that hard in the game.
The hunters arent that difficult since most can be dispatched easily with smgs or shotgun.
I think the ones I had trouble with were called sweepers? They were the ones with the poisonous claws, ended up killing me and forcing me back quite a ways.

Moths are more annoying than being difficult, you're meant to avoid them rather than fighting. In case of poison, there's an infinite blue herb plant in the room.
True, but the type of annoying the moth adds does increase a bit to the difficulty if you aren't prepared or going in blind.

T-078 isnt that difficult either since while in plane; it can be dealt quickly with simply 3 bow gas rounds and 2 acid rounds.
But if you didn't think to bring it then the fight is tougher or you don't have the ammo then the foght is more difficult. If I remember correctly, the boss can also insta-kill you if you get too close to the door, which will happen for any player trying to reposition around the Tyrant.

For steve, you can safely run away from him with enough health items. You only need 2.
Again, not something you can just know while playing. To figure this out (without looking it up) the game requires you to die at least once. And if you only bring one healing item thinking it's enough, then you are forced to die again.

I'm trying to look at this from the perspective of someone playing the game for the first time. That's where the true experience of difficulty lies in my opinion, as someone who has played through it already has both hindsight and experience and thus has an easier time.
I think the ones I had trouble with were called sweepers? They were the ones with the poisonous claws, ended up killing me and forcing me back quite a ways.

True, but the type of annoying the moth adds does increase a bit to the difficulty if you aren't prepared or going in blind.

But if you didn't think to bring it then the fight is tougher or you don't have the ammo then the foght is more difficult. If I remember correctly, the boss can also insta-kill you if you get too close to the door, which will happen for any player trying to reposition around the Tyrant.

Again, not something you can just know while playing. To figure this out (without looking it up) the game requires you to die at least once. And if you only bring one healing item thinking it's enough, then you are forced to die again.

I'm trying to look at this from the perspective of someone playing the game for the first time. That's where the true experience of difficulty lies in my opinion, as someone who has played through it already has both hindsight and experience and thus has an easier time.
While you're right that the game can be difficult for a person playing it for the 1st time, ı still dont see how this type of experience makes re0 easier. It still feels more difficult, even more so due to another reason that resources are more rare compared to recv which has a lot of ammo lying around, especially if you look around and inspect carefully. ( Such as corpses. )
While you're right that the game can be difficult for a person playing it for the 1st time, ı still dont see how this type of experience makes re0 easier. It still feels more difficult, even more so due to another reason that resources are more rare compared to recv which has a lot of ammo lying around, especially if you look around and inspect carefully. ( Such as corpses. )
Eh, with 0 most of the enemies are zombies. With Code Veronica tougher enemies ars much more spread around. The Bandersnatches, Hunters, respawning enemies, and the threat of the gulp worm when trying to move around the outside area pose much more of a threat. In 0 there are only hunters in three or four locations, and even then like they go down in a few shotgun blasts like you said. Other than them, you have plague crawlers which are even easier to deal with, the mimicry Marcus's which can be avoided, and the eliminators, which are dangerous. The only major threat you have to deal with is the Lurkers due to their insta kill grab, but they only appear in the last area in a few places, and are slightly random. Code Veronica also has multiple bosses with an insta kill attack, while 0 does not as far as I remember.
Another thing about 0 is that you have two people together, meaning you have two points of damage hitting an enemy rather than fighting with one character, as well as twelve spaces of inventory.
Eh, with 0 most of the enemies are zombies. With Code Veronica tougher enemies ars much more spread around. The Bandersnatches, Hunters, respawning enemies, and the threat of the gulp worm when trying to move around the outside area pose much more of a threat. In 0 there are only hunters in three or four locations, and even then like they go down in a few shotgun blasts like you said. Other than them, you have plague crawlers which are even easier to deal with, the mimicry Marcus's which can be avoided, and the eliminators, which are dangerous. The only major threat you have to deal with is the Lurkers due to their insta kill grab, but they only appear in the last area in a few places, and are slightly random. Code Veronica also has multiple bosses with an insta kill attack, while 0 does not as far as I remember.
Another thing about 0 is that you have two people together, meaning you have two points of damage hitting an enemy rather than fighting with one character, as well as twelve spaces of inventory.
In recv; most of the enemies are zombies as well. I agree that bandersnatches and hunters are dangerous but the game still gives a lot of ammo to take care of any threat. Not to mention gulp worm can be easily avoided as claire.

Re0 has hunters, mimicry marcuses ( I dont think they are that simple to avoid. ) and eliminators which can stun lock you to death if you arent careful. Even the zombies without the crimson head mechanic from remake feels difficult to defeat since they seem to be more resistant compared to many ones from recv.

For hunters; my previous statement was for the ones in recv, not re0. The ones in re0 seem to be more resistant to damage. I've had experiences where sometimes they dont get affected by shotgun shells while in recv, it feels more easier to stun them.

For bosses, yes recv has more variety but there are still easy tricks to take care of them fast while for re0; the boss variety is lacking but they are more dangerous. I agree that stinger and centurion are simple but the other 3 bosses are no joke. The giant bat is simply ridiculous not to mention grenade launcher isnt effective against it since it can miss easily, t-001 is hard to stun along with a dangerous jumping attack and queen leech is even more dangerous, especially if you try to battle it without grenade launcher loaded with acid / flame rounds or magnum. Even if you know what you're doing; re0 still feels more difficult than recv.

It's definitely not a good idea to battle enemies with both characters all the time since rebecca is really weak and can easily get killed if you arent careful. It's a risky method and it might cause you to waste ammo or health items easier.
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