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RE6 Gears of War is kind of like Resident Evil 6...

I've never played it, but it looks fun.

I do notice a lot of similarities, like the buildings, and the team based missions.

I think GOW inspired RE6, while RE4 and 5 gave Microsoft the inspiration for their franchise.

I dont think re6 was inspired by gears of war or at least much less than other shooters. How is having buildings and team based missions a gears of war inspiration when this existed in the storyline starting from the 1st game way before gears of war franchise started? Re6 feels more like culmination of a change that started with re2 to me instead. In my opinion it's still one of the most if not the absolute most unique shooter ı've ever played. I dont even like playing shooters that much but whenever ı visit re6, either on pc, ps3 or ps4, ı naturally enjoy it. I think both re4 and re6 are masterpieces for their own reasons and ı still cant believe many re4 fans dislike re6. No wonder re engine direction is so uncreative where it's a direct re4 porting direction with much more downgraded content.
I'm surprised to know Dillon in the Details hasn't played this game. At least according to something I overheard him saying.

I guess people gave it a hard pass because of the unfair criticism. But if people like 4 and 5, I think 6 improved the controls, and considering the enemies are kind of the same in each game, it's really not that bad. The addition of zombies also gave it more ties to older entries.
I'm surprised to know Dillon in the Details hasn't played this game. At least according to something I overheard him saying.

I guess people gave it a hard pass because of the unfair criticism. But if people like 4 and 5, I think 6 improved the controls, and considering the enemies are kind of the same in each game, it's really not that bad. The addition of zombies also gave it more ties to older entries.
Re6 isnt a parasitic story though. It's a full virus story with intelligent mutants. It's not even only due to the zombies that it's more tied to past but much more. And ı think ı saw that channel where they seem to state about not liking the game, at least ı got that impression cause during a ranking of the games, it was put at a lower spot.
And it makes complete sense. Even Fabiano talked about the franchise as a series of trilogies.

Take Biohazard 4, for example. The game has intelligent enemies with two phases and a couple of covers.

The next game, BIO5, uses more covers and gives intelligent enemies with two phases firearms.

And Biohazard 6 has a full-fledged cover system and intelligent enemies with firearms.

And this is just one example that these games have a common mindset and a noticeable line of evolution. Classic games did not have such a game design. Games like BIO7, which Mert forcibly likes to call an "adaptation of BIO4", do not have such a philosophy either. Because 7 is a different and distinct direction that can be grouped separately.
Name other horror franchises that have fixed camera angles, third person, first person, on rails, and more. You can't. :)

RE will always be unique. Give the devil his due. They've certainly been successful over there at Capcom.

Now Konami? Amateurs in comparison.

OK. That's a little unfair. But they don't feel the same without Team Silent. If you're talking about creepier games overall, then Konami is way more competent at it today than Capcom. Their one and only downside is that their series is classified as niche.
All of the trailers were way too vague. So I honestly don't know what to expect in terms of the gameplay.

It could even be in first person for all anyone knows.
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