Yes, RE2R's narrative was half assed. At least RE3R had a consistent narrative.Yeah ı know. I dont like the way re engine recreations are called by many fans either. They are reimaginings and not remakes which are different from the one released in 2002. Capcom calls them that way but people forget about it.
That being said, re2 2019 still feels like it's trying to be both remake and reimagining at the same time and ı found the game really messy due to that. While it has some faithful aspects, at the same time, many of og game are changed, especially in terms of characters and story.
If they didnt want to faithfully remake the game and just make the " alternative " take on it more obvious, then they should have fully gone on that route in a more similar fashion to re3 2020. That game is more easier to take as an alternative take for re3 imo while re2 2019 still feels confusing.
Regardless though ı'm still not a big fan of the whole " remake " concept. I'm more fan of sequels that progress the storyline. Not to mention ı dont like remake that much these days either, ı've grown big issues for it after thinking about the game more to the point ı started to warm up for re1 a bit. Though ı like remake retelling of umbrella chronicles as well as darkside chronicles' retellings on re2 and recv. The last 2 ones especially ı find very enjoyable to go through, in some aspects even more than re2 and recv themselves.