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RE:2 Even Capcom refers to RE2R as a reimagining and not a remake.

I saw this post on RE Facebook page.

Where are the fans who get mad about it being called a reimagining now?


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From what I understand, a reimagining is when they changed the original to a large extent, while a remake is kept mostly the same, with a few changes here and there. I believe this makes the games (including re3 2020 in here) reimaginings, not remakes. However, it is easier to call the games 2make and 3make, so I will just refer to them this way as a misnomer. Didnt like the two of them because of the plot changes, but the gameplay was pretty good for 2make, and way too short for 3make.
Yeah ı know. I dont like the way re engine recreations are called by many fans either. They are reimaginings and not remakes which are different from the one released in 2002. Capcom calls them that way but people forget about it.

That being said, re2 2019 still feels like it's trying to be both remake and reimagining at the same time and ı found the game really messy due to that. While it has some faithful aspects, at the same time, many of og game are changed, especially in terms of characters and story.

If they didnt want to faithfully remake the game and just make the " alternative " take on it more obvious, then they should have fully gone on that route in a more similar fashion to re3 2020. That game is more easier to take as an alternative take for re3 imo while re2 2019 still feels confusing.

Regardless though ı'm still not a big fan of the whole " remake " concept. I'm more fan of sequels that progress the storyline. Not to mention ı dont like remake that much these days either, ı've grown big issues for it after thinking about the game more to the point ı started to warm up for re1 a bit. Though ı like remake retelling of umbrella chronicles as well as darkside chronicles' retellings on re2 and recv. The last 2 ones especially ı find very enjoyable to go through, in some aspects even more than re2 and recv themselves.
Yes, RE2R's narrative was half assed. At least RE3R had a consistent narrative.
I’m about clocked out on the storytelling of RE since the RE Engine games took the reigns. It’s like Capcom cannot for the life of them make a good zapping system anymore. A good example is in Last of Us 2 when you play as Ellie and knock over a bottle on a table later in the game; that same bottle will be broken when you run through as Abby hours later. The attention to detail in the RE environments has been stellar but there seems to be a disconnect between the story writers and the people who design the games.

It’s like a nice looking cake but once your knife cuts through the middle it’s uncooked and raw. They need to stop rushing RE games out so fast and take more time to make sure everything feels coherent.
I gave up talking about the series. I think Capcom wrecked the franchise. But in general, it's the lack of active users today.

These days, I feel fed up. In fact, I rarely even donate to Michael Does Life, for his all too samey Great Outdoors gigs anymore. 🐻

I think my age and depression just made me lose interest in video games. Plus, YouTube ended up a money making site anyway, where it wasn't like this originally.

Shills go there. Most of the members on YouTube are paid to upload videos, and not to be all that honest. Some don't even speak the truth. But simple vlog type videos are not appealing to most folk, it seems. They prefer the 1080p fancy content.
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The last thing I wanted to say, is that I don't play the modern remakes anymore. If I wanted to do a full run of the series, I would only play the mainline games, maybe a few of the half decent spin offs, or I could include both of the Revelations games. But I see absolutely no point in playing games that will just bring ya some displeasure, huh?
The game is an utter waste. I wish instead we had gotten a game entirely from Ada and Wesker's perspectives from the time he joined Umbrella's rival to the time she infiltrated Umbrella and escaped Raccoon, a sort of Death's Door expansion like mert said.
Now, Capcom could do that, but they are too busy looking at what games come out, that they can copy from. The remakes were just so disappointing, and the most frequent of the long running list of things that let people down. But I know everyone is like, "But RE2 is..." over and over again, as if 2 and 3 are not as bad for missing out things.
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