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General Capcom faces a $12m lawsuit after data leak allegedly shows it stole photos for Resident Evil

They've probably got the dough and the lawyers. :(

But I think Capcom is in the wrong here.

Imagine the amount of Capcom defenders there must be on GameFAQs. If anybody spoke ill of Capcom there, the fanboys would be all over our shit. You shan't ever be able to freely state your feelings on those sort of forums.



Actually ı check gamefaqs and the recent entries are criticised most of the time.

I wasnt planning to post there despite lurking but ı made one exception. I decided to post to this.

I wanted to vote for remake which is the most overpraised entry imo but ı couldnt find it so ı voted for re2 2019 instead. But ı agree, if you stated your honest thoughts; chances are you could get into huge arguments really.

But going back to topic, this might be a blessing. The series feels like it ended with re6 anyway. The new direction for the series starting with re7 is boring and there's also the whole thing about capcom doing research on wiki pages for re engine games. Which explains a lot.

If capcom loses their lawsuit, then they wont be able to release more entries anymore and make pointless entries with pointless stories.
Yep. I'm honestly tired of the storyline with Ethan Winters myself.

I get that franchises try to do different things, but they've ruined the Chris Redfield character by now, by making him fall in second place to a faceless guy. Honestly, it's as if he's simply included in these first person shooters devoid of scares because he's an original hero, and he's therefore going to ensure the additional sales of these games.

But there's not a snowball's chance in July of Capcom doing a sequel to RE6. They'll just call it RE9 with the Y-Virus, or make up something, like they have been doing.
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