I was wondering if anyone had any of their old signatures from the old user interface still saved. They were pretty awesome to look at. Would really appreciate it if they could get uploaded.
I should've posted here... I wasn't sure where to post this, but I'll post here..Classic lighter theme would be nice, I’d switch back and forth depending on time of day.
@Yama Any plans for a lighter [forum] theme of BioHaze?
It doesn't need to be a custom skin like the one you have here, and could just be a skin at the skin creator of your choice. Most of them are $20, $40, $50, $60 or more.
Some people like dark themes, I do. But there are some people who like light themes.
I'm going to work on this again shortly, thank you for the bump.I should've posted here... I wasn't sure where to post this, but I'll post here..