• We've completed one of the biggest updates to our forums in years and have pushed the update live! New forum structure that's all inclusive, prefix system categorizes topics per game title. More thread options such as articles, questions, deep dives, etc. Read more in the pinned thread!

Website Biohaze Website

I was wondering if anyone had any of their old signatures from the old user interface still saved. They were pretty awesome to look at. Would really appreciate it if they could get uploaded.


@Mr. Rod will be updating the forums tonight, shouldn't be any downtime but just in case. We'll also be working on a way to help registration security to kill the bots.


Recently some of you may have noticed Biohaze.com has been down. This was due to a host (One.com) having a huge malfunction in their systems on 7/23. We were told our site was lost and could not be located. After much work, I was able to secure a backup and restore our site, forums and all content. We are missing roughly 10 days of the latest forum content and posts, though were able to secure everything up until that point. THE SITE IS BACK!

Out of transparency, this is what happened to the original Biohaze and I have always worked tirelessly to make sure everything is retained since (there are still backups of the old Biohaze but the forums can't be integrated sadly, the data is there however).

Lastly, we know the direction of the web has vastly changed since we became a site in 2005. Most discussions are spread across various forms of social media, etc. We however retain a forum for deeper discussion in which you can digest at a slower and more thought out pace. While it may not be the norm, we feel it's important to keep around safely as it's a piece of our Biohazard/Resident Evil communities history. We're only as good as our community and while this is 100% funded solely by myself, I'd love to keep it around forever. I simply ask to hop in once in a while and spark a discussion, throw up a post and help keep a relic in the community alive and well.


We're going to be upgrading the site from it's current PHP version to the latest over the next few days, so expect some downtime. This should help with security and many other things. If there is any downtime don't worry, completely normal. All posts being saved and nothing will ever be lost. Happy Thanksgiving.


Hey everyone, was talking with our developer and we're going to be upgrading next month. The main site and forums will function all the same, don't worry! We'll be upgrading the back end, plugins, adding new feature sets, etc. While at it however, I was thinking of introducing a new optional theme. What type of theme would you all prefer to see? I was thinking since this is a dark theme, perhaps something light like the older site to offset it. After all it's optional. Let me know any suggestions, desires, etc.
Classic lighter theme would be nice, I’d switch back and forth depending on time of day.
I should've posted here... I wasn't sure where to post this, but I'll post here..
@Yama Any plans for a lighter [forum] theme of BioHaze?

It doesn't need to be a custom skin like the one you have here, and could just be a skin at the skin creator of your choice. Most of them are $20, $40, $50, $60 or more.

Some people like dark themes, I do. But there are some people who like light themes.
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