We've uploaded our translation of the first series drama album written by FLAGSHIP and released a month after BIOHAZARD 2 in Japan. It takes place in August 1998 in the midst of increasing monster sightings around Raccoon City (as alluded to in Chris' Diary) and shows how the city's water supply became contaminated with the t-Virus, featuring locations not visited in the games such as Raccoon City High School and Arklay Dam, as well as the exploded ruins of the Spencer Mansion.
The other two will be released on the 10th and 17th. With them, all of the drama albums will finally be available in English (Little Runaway Sherry and Female Spy Ada Lives are also on PU, Machova Tragedy can be found on CHE).
Special Thanks to RELive.ru. English translation by BSAArklay.
The other two will be released on the 10th and 17th. With them, all of the drama albums will finally be available in English (Little Runaway Sherry and Female Spy Ada Lives are also on PU, Machova Tragedy can be found on CHE).
Special Thanks to RELive.ru. English translation by BSAArklay.