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OT Anime

Recently I got back into watching Anime movies. Yesterday, I watched my Ghost In The Shell 4K that I bought for my birthday earlier this month and I was blown away by the restoration and Atmos sound. I can't wait until the end of the year when Akira is released in the USA in 4K. I hear it will have the 1988 original English version, which is my favorite version.

Anyway, what sort of Anime does Bio Haze enjoy watching?
I'm into the following:
Akira - 1988 VHS English
Ghost In the Shell
Blue Seed 1-26
Ninja Scroll
Ninja Scroll TV series
Ogre Slayer
Crying Freeman 1-6
Mad Bull 34
Wicked City
Big Wars
Gunsmith Cats
Grappler Baki
Pokémon Seasons 1, 2 only
Cardcaptor Sakura was popular in the UK, under a shortened name, but it was a heavily edited version that wasn't aired in the correct order. But I recall my sister was a big fan of that show.
I recently saw the Anime Street Fighter II and the series Street Fighter II V and it was better than I expected. I learned something about the characters I didn't know. Like I didn't know that Ken and Ryu are longtime friends, but it makes sense, because their fighting moves are the same.

Like I said before, I can't wait to get Akira in 4K this Christmas as long as it has the original English dubbing because it was my favorite version; not the new script with new voice actors.

Ghost in the Shell looked and sounded great in 4K. It's the kind of Anime I would watch again and again just for the sake of being involved in Anime.

I want all of my anime movies to be upgraded to 4K at some point.
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