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RE0 About RE0.

I recently had a huge session with Zero again, played through it roughly five times on PC. I have to say it's odd, it's a game that never really lands in my top spots but when I break it down, it has almost every element from a golden era of Biohazard that I love. It's quite literally REmake engine wise, visually, artistically and general gameplay. It had some oddities to it, but I feel like I was tougher on it back then because of the standards the series set. Looking at it now, it really has so many elements that make me fall in love with a Biohazard title. Great music to boot. I'd say how disjointed it felt from REmake despite being a prequel is what rubs me the wrong way still, but I'm willing to look passed that given how many other aspects it lands.
You make good points. I still prefer the game over remake cause remake's art style is quite dull. All remake has is lisa trevor which ı wished appeared in re0 instead of remake. I dont mind it not being connected to remake since remake when compared to re0 and re4, seems to be a lot less serious release due to mikami directing it without iwao being in charge unlike re0 which he didnt direct and re4 had all those messy prototype builds which seem to have different directors before mikami was chosen for the final one. Though re0 still gets hurted by gamecube deal more than remake and re4 imo which seem to be more popular releases.

For gameplay; ı like it more than remake, even more so with the unlockables, my favourite being magnum revolver with infinite ammo unlockable. That thing is quite fun to use imo. Remake doesnt have interesting unlockables compared to re1's many ports and re0. I also find the burning corpse mechanic boring while ı like killing mimicry marcuses with fire.

I would say my favourite aspects about re0 are rebecca and billy teaming up, wesker and birkin cameos, marcus and his leeches, t-001, queen leech fights at the end as well as unlockables. Worst aspects imo are inventory management, hookshot which takes 2 spaces along with multiple usage as well as that giant bat which feels awkwardly designed.
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Honestly ı dont understand why this game seem to be described as " jumping the shark " along with recv. I dont find that term interesting but if ı have to pick a spot for that; it would be after re1. Mainly due to iwao not working in the company. Basically the series " jumped the shark " starting with re2 due to sugimura's fantastical writing however ı dont think this is a bad thing since ı find it entertaining along with part of the charm and fun. Remake feels a lot more out of place storywise compared to sugimura's and suga's scripts which ı think follow from iwao's script well while expanding from it. Though ı still wished iwao didnt leave the company and continued to work on the series. As it stands re6 feels like an end point for the series and ı dont care for umbrella corps / re engine simulation direction at all due to them feeling like blatant re4 imitations.
RE0 is one of those titles that keeps getting worse for me every time I go back to it. Like Yama said, all the ingredients are there but something is off. It’s definitely the slowest mainline entry and is not newcomer friendly. It feels like a chore to play and I wish there was some way to mod in item boxes.

I am pretty much done with what-if’s, as that will make me hate even titles I like/love. As an example; RE0 could of expanded on Bravo team but it didn’t really. Rebecca was unable to fend off a single Hunter in REmake but can wield a magnum bigger than her head to kill a Tyrant. (Maybe she ran out of ammo at the time I guess). Not to mention how broken the geography is where an elevator somehow transports our characters from Birkins underground lab and back to the underground at the Training Facility.

Marcus’ white robe looks really weird and does not fit the theme of the game. At least with RE4/8 the attire they wore fit the themes of those games more. He looks like a medieval wizard wandering around a North American forest. The science fiction in this seems pretty shallow and makes no effort to explain how a leech can mimic someone.

I honestly wish that RE0 released on the N64 back in the day to see how different it may have turned out. I liked how RE2 N64 had files referencing that cancelled version.
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RE0 is one of those titles that keeps getting worse for me every time I go back to it. Like Yama said, all the ingredients are there but something is off. It’s definitely the slowest mainline entry and is not newcomer friendly. It feels like a chore to play and I wish there was some way to mod in item boxes.
Did you replay it using unlockables? Leech hunter is quite difficult but the rewards are quite satisfying. I believe ı used a guide and even a trainer to help me go through it. With unlockables; it's more enjoyable to me.

I am pretty much done with what-if’s, as that will make me hate even titles I like/love. As an example; RE0 could of expanded on Bravo team but it didn’t really. Rebecca was unable to fend off a single Hunter in REmake but can wield a magnum bigger than her head to kill a Tyrant. (Maybe she ran out of ammo at the time I guess). Not to mention how broken the geography is where an elevator somehow transports our characters from Birkins underground lab and back to the underground at the Training Facility.
I find what-if scenarios part of the charm and fun. Capcom's storytelling always had missed potential but this doesnt negate my enjoyment with the entries. Starting from re1 up to re6 anyway. I would rather dismiss umbrella corps and re engine ( simulation ) direction since it doesnt serve any purpose.

Marcus’ white robe looks really weird and does not fit the theme of the game. At least with RE4/8 the attire they wore fit the themes of those games more. He looks like a medieval wizard wandering around a North American forest. The science fiction in this seems pretty shallow and makes no effort to explain how a leech can mimic someone.
I believe his mutation is meant to show his younger self as well as his sickening obsession with his research, including experimenting on his own students. I dont think it's out of place for progenitor to recreate his corpse as his younger self. I find queen leech more interesting than morpheus' mutations. I find dead aim far more wasted than every other entry sugimura worked on as a writer. It seems to be one of re3,5 versions and this is why it feels a lot more lacking. I would have preferred if mikami didnt ditch sugimura and still let him do his work for the final version of re4's script, including giving sugimura the permission to develop a proper ada scenario like how suga did for re6 later on.

I honestly wish that RE0 released on the N64 back in the day to see how different it may have turned out. I liked how RE2 N64 had files referencing that cancelled version.
That would be neat but ı still like the final product for what it is. I just wished that it wasnt connected to re1 and became its own thing entirely without a prequel tie-in. It would also be much more centered around lisa trevor. I think iwao's script works better as a confined accident without unnecessary expansions. I find remake, re0 and re engine 1 unnecessary due to this.

For re2 n64 files; ı find them kinda weird. They seem to be centered around scenario system but ı dont like that since ı would have preferred to obtain all of them in 1 scenario. I dont like that they are exclusive to that version either. They are still fun to read on project umbrella but as far as file system goes; ı still find re6's files the best, even more so with re net which is a free site that expanded the files there without any paid microtransactions.
Just to clarify RE Engine 1 (RE:1) wasn’t made yet but I assume you mean RE7?

I have 100% RE0 twice on GC and PS4 but I don’t usually go through the games with infinite ammo. They become boring when the survival aspect is ripped out of them, but RE0 really makes it tempting just to speed things along. There is also the new Wesker mode which was more fun to play through.

The what-if stuff really stings and makes me bitter. Stuff like 1.5, 3.5, 4.5, File #3, etc. is like reopening a wound that I wish Capcom mended. This is common in other franchises as well like Silent Hills. It can be fun to speculate but by the end it always leaves a sour taste in my mouth and makes me less appreciative of what we got. Who knows, we may not even be here today if Mikami never made those poor decisions with exclusivity deals.

Dead Aim I feel bad for as it had the beginnings of a great game. I liked the different tyrant types and Bruce/Fong Ling dynamic was entertaining. T+G is another virus that will never be expanded upon; C-Virus came the closest since Enhanced C had some of its attributes. Viruses being combined should be explored more often.

RE has alot of phenomenons that are unexplained, but I guess that’s half the fun of it. RE really needs to maintain its science fiction themes though and not delve into too much fantasy.
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Just to clarify RE Engine 1 (RE:1) wasn’t made yet but I assume you mean RE7?
Yeah ı mean the re engine entry released in 2017. It doesnt even feel like a bio entry just like other re engine entries due to going overboard with the simulation aspect followed from umbrella corps. The game is called as " resident evil biohazard " during both covers and the way it's numbered doesnt sound so smart just like other reach for the moon entries. It has the most generic name from all entries in the series and the title screen doesnt even announce its name or its number. It feels quite inspired from re1 and ı find that incredibly cheap rather than something creative due to capcom trying to please those pessimistic re6 critics who overpraise the worthless re engine while downplaying re6 for their selfish reasons. I also feel this way about mikami's 2002 game but that wasnt even a serious release unlike re0 and re4 so ı still think it's more easier to excuse. Personally ı think recv's x version is the worst game in the series due to that drunken kato altering sugimura's script in the most forced way imaginable.

I have 100% RE0 twice on GC and PS4 but I don’t usually go through the games with infinite ammo. They become boring when the survival aspect is ripped out of them, but RE0 really makes it tempting just to speed things along. There is also the new Wesker mode which was more fun to play through.
I understand. I played them with limited resources a good while but these days ı find myself using cheats to replay the entries through different means. Infinite ammo cheat is part of the charm and fun. I'm still disappointed that capcom didnt make that infinite ammo cheat for re2 as an unlockable for re engine 2. It's only on ghost survivors and ı find that even more unnecessary.

The what-if stuff really stings and makes me bitter. Stuff like 1.5, 3.5, 4.5, File #3, etc. is like reopening a wound that I wish Capcom mended. This is common in other franchises as well like Silent Hills. It can be fun to speculate but by the end it always leaves a sour taste in my mouth and makes me less appreciative of what we got. Who knows, we may not even be here today if Mikami never made those poor decisions with exclusivity deals.
Yeah those too. I personally prefer the final versions of re2 and re4. However ı would have preferred file 3 to be released and ı also wished re5 was quite inspired by re4,5. That would have made re6 follow much more from re5. As it stands ı cant disagree with suga when it comes to him following more from sugimura's scripts for re6 while showcasing his potential much more. Re6 has the heart and soul of a flagship title imo.

As for mikami; if he didnt work on the series after re1, ı think the story development would have gone through so much better. It would benefit re4 quite well since it wouldnt need to save the series. Re6 could have also happened much more earlier and the series could have reached to its satisfying conclusion even better. I still think iwao leaving the company along with his credit taken by mikami is the biggest mistake in the series rather than picking a single entry and blaming that as the downfall for the series.

Dead Aim I feel bad for as it had the beginnings of a great game. I liked the different tyrant types and Bruce/Fong Ling dynamic was entertaining. T+G is another virus that will never be expanded upon; C-Virus came the closest since Enhanced C had some of its attributes. Viruses being combined should be explored more often.
I wished the game explored t+g virus much more instead of giving an unnecessary overexposure to t-virus. That would have made that more possible to come back later. C-virus feels inspired by it in some aspects to the point ı wonder if t+g virus could have replaced it and ı also wonder how re6's story would have happened if simmons decided to alter his gender to become " ada " instead of going overboard with a sickening project where victims tragically die due to his twisted ambition. Personally ı enjoy irons' and ashford twins' backstories much more than morpheus' so suga taking inspiration from re2 and recv more than dead aim is something ı wouldnt disagree in regards to his writing style. Leon and ada appearing in dead aim also could have made bruce and fong ling's appearances in re6 more possible.

RE has alot of phenomenons that are unexplained, but I guess that’s half the fun of it. RE really needs to maintain its science fiction themes though and not delve into too much fantasy.
I think " science fiction " only really applies to t-virus. It doesnt make sense for me to apply this logic to indirect results of progenitor that arent part of its family. Mold and cadou seem to be portrayed more " grounded / realistic " compared to c-virus and that's one of the many reasons why ı find them immensely lacking along with their incredibly low variety. When it comes to other viruses that are more progenitor based; it makes more sense for them to go more fantastical. Re6 brings back both g and t-veronica while developing both well so that's one of the many reasons why the game's dramatic horror aspect is part of the charm and fun rather than something that drags the game to dirt as a " bloated " sense like how ı've seen its pessimistic critics say constantly.

I still dont disagree with your points for re0 due to the game being a prequel though.
I forgot to say this but ı dont like wesker's mode at all. I find that completely cringe. Wesker doesnt play the way he should along with his model not fitting to the game just like re5 lin outfits for chris / jill not fitting to remake's hd remaster and ı dislike rebecca becoming his slave even more. As if kato's drunken fanfiction with x scenes wasnt enough.

I also think outbreak games are the only entries that feel like " survival " games since from " survival horror " ones; they feel like the most difficult ones imo. I would consider " original trilogy " and " action trilogy " as adventure / action games respectively. Returning to " adventure " design after " action " still feels off putting for me.

I still cant stand to that " survival horror " term. It was just a generic buzzword mikami created instead of iwao. The series' actual genre is action-adventure and that was announced as marketing for the 1st game, ı even created a thread elsewhere about it. I think arcade-adventure was also announced as another genre for the 1st game. Not that ı care much about these so called " genres " ; ı'm more fan of the franchises rather than these " genres " .

" KA: I believe that survival horror is only possible if the player’s humanity is reflected in the game. My ideal survival horror game would have a different experience for each gamer who plays it, as they try to survive their frightening experience. If the key survival actions and story are the same for all gamers, then it's just a generic horror game. In one word, the emotion I want players to have is ‘sadness’. To explain further, I want gamers to feel sorrowful, melancholy, and tense emotions. "

" Resident Evil 1-3 are all adventure games, while Resident Evil 4-6 are more action focused games. They’re different types of games. I don't think they can be compared because they have different ways of evolution and different directions. "

I agree with these comments.
I feel that there's also a disconnect between re4 leon portion and its separate ways portion just like between remake and re0. Separate ways feels like its own game entirely to the point ı wonder if it's even possible to create an entry centered purely around ada and wesker. I wished wesker received his actual defeat by ada after getting backstabbed by her once and for all. No chris or leon of course.

I decided to mention this cause both remake and re4 leon portion had no separate writers hired; it's just mikami writing barebones scripts but the games he directed still turn out fine for what they are due to kobayashi producing them. Separate ways has a writer hired where murata previously worked on outbreak games. But it has a new director and producer. It seems to be kawata's 1st entry as far as producing goes but ı dont find his producing as good as kobayashi. It carries into re5 for me as well which ı find all over the place as a sequel. I find re6 far more focused and infinitely improved sequel than past entries. Ada's campaign feels very well connected to other campaigns as well which feels greatly improved from separate ways.
I've seen people on other sites asking about a remake.

I highly doubt that will happen. Although we did get a reimagining of it once, with The Umbrella Chronicles.

If anything, they're bound to attempt to remake RE again, in the traditional third person perspective.
I recently had a huge session with Zero again, played through it roughly five times on PC. I have to say it's odd, it's a game that never really lands in my top spots but when I break it down, it has almost every element from a golden era of Biohazard that I love. It's quite literally REmake engine wise, visually, artistically and general gameplay. It had some oddities to it, but I feel like I was tougher on it back then because of the standards the series set. Looking at it now, it really has so many elements that make me fall in love with a Biohazard title. Great music to boot. I'd say how disjointed it felt from REmake despite being a prequel is what rubs me the wrong way still, but I'm willing to look passed that given how many other aspects it lands.
It really feels like just a lessor version of RE1 remake for me unfortunately and after the amazing Train sequence it just feels like a boring dark mansion. I do like the story especially Marcus but overall it just wasn't as good as the phenomenal Remake of the first game.
This was technically the very last RE game to use them. November 12th was when it released. 20 years ago as of today!
I think outbreak games also count. Sure they have dynamic angles like recv but there are still static camera angles. They feel like a nice sendoff to survival style before re4's transition to action direction ı would say. The change of camera perspective feels like a transition to action for example. I wished they did this sendoff to entire series with re6 by expanding from it with a file 2 like expansion pack but ı guess they prefer to make wesker happy by making him " write for this world " through his umbrella technology starting with umbrella corps and reach for the moon.
Zero is a mainline RE game. An example of a spin-off/fan fiction would be the non-canon games like Gaiden, Survivor and every single Resident Evil title that was shat out between 4 and 7.
Zero is a mainline RE game.
Do you have a source for that? I dont see why it would be a mainline. It's numbered for sure but it still feels like a spinoff due to being a prequel. If recv would be considered as a spinoff as told by an interview; then ı fail to see why re0 wouldnt be considered as a spinoff either. Sugimura worked on both as a writer after re2 which was his only mainline title.

" I was relieved to know that Code Veronica was a spin-off, not an official numbered title. "
I'm pretty sure that CV and 0 are supposed to be mainline games, but they aren't quite categorised as such. When RE8 came out, they called it the 8th game, I think. So I think CV and 0 could very well be getting overlooked.

Either way, CV deserves a remake, because it's a highly important entry in the franchise involving Wesker and the Redfield family. But changing it to third person with janky controls wouldn't feel right. This is why 2 and 3 didn't have the atmosphere of the originals. But 2 was still a great remake. Provided you don't make a lot of comparisons to the original, of course.

I think it's funny though when 3 is heavily criticized for having removed content and stuff, yet the reimagining of 2 also has a plethora of cut content.
I'm pretty sure that CV and 0 are supposed to be mainline games, but they aren't quite categorised as such. When RE8 came out, they called it the 8th game, I think. So I think CV and 0 could very well be getting overlooked.

Either way, CV deserves a remake, because it's a highly important entry in the franchise involving Wesker and the Redfield family. But changing it to third person with janky controls wouldn't feel right. This is why 2 and 3 didn't have the atmosphere of the originals. But 2 was still a great remake. Provided you don't make a lot of comparisons to the original, of course.

I think it's funny though when 3 is heavily criticized for having removed content and stuff, yet the reimagining of 2 also has a plethora of cut content.
Recv was a re2 port before it became its own thing entirely. It should be looked that way. With re0; n64 version was planned but it seems to be ditched before gamecube port started production instead. I wouldnt have minded if n64 version was released since the gamecube deal hurts the game very badly.

With re engine village; ı remember capcom saying that they didnt want to consider it numbered just like re engine 1. I would group re engine fantasy experiments together and tie them to umbrella corps as umbrella's simulations since it's just wesker tacking on his fanfiction to them. They are nothing more than re4 ports since capcom cant stop producing the game.

Regardless being a spinoff doesnt mean it's less important storywise, they still matter. In the end capcom takes inspiration from anything and that includes past entries that arent even part of prime universe. I dont care much for canon either since the way it works doesnt make much sense.
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